Biography of Judge B. B. Hudgins

JUDGE B. B. HUDGINS. The present circuit judge of the Fourteenth District of Arkansas is Judge B. B. Hudgins, who was born in Taney County, Missouri, August 15, 1854, the eldest child born to Dr. John W. and Malinda (Byrne) Hudgins, who were born in Jackson County, Ala., and Marion County, Tennessee, respectively. The paternal grandparents were Benjamin and Martha (Ellis) Hudgins, and were born and reared on the Atlantic coast, and Benjamin was a young man when he came West. He was descended from one of three brothers who came to this country from England. Dr. John W. Hudgins … Read more

Biography of John R. Gaulding

JOHN R. GAULDING. As a dealer in stock and a successful tiller of the soil, Ozark County, Missouri, is well represented by John R. Gaulding, who is the owner of an exceptionally fine farm of 300 acres situated on Barren Fork, it constituting one of the best-improved and most valuable farms in the county. He is a native of Davidson County, Tennessee, where he was born in 1834, a son of John and Polly Gaulding, Virginians, who were reared in the State of their birth, and there also married. They eventually removed to Davidson County, Tennessee, where the mother died … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Stone

HENRY H. STONE. If industry, hard work and ceaseless activity, united with a strong and determined pers everance can accomplish anything in this world, then Mr. Stone is bound to succeed, for in him are to be found all the characteristics mentioned, and indeed he is deserving of more than ordinary credit for his career thus far in life. He is a product of the Sucker State, born in Johnson County February 12, 1845. He is the son of Thomas and Esther (May) Stone, both natives of Kentucky. The grandfather, Reuben Stone, was born in North Carolina, but at an … Read more

Biography of Marcus E. Benson

MARCUS E. BENSON, manufacturer and lumber dealer of West Plains, Missouri, like many of the prominent and successful business men of the town, was reared to farm life and there learned habits of industry and energy that have remained with him thus far through life. He was born September 15, 1856, and his parents,J. R. and Julia (Jones) Benson, were natives, respectively, of Vermont and New York. Grandfather Benson was in the battle of Lundy’s Lane. The father of our subject moved to Michigan at an early date, but in 1865 came to this State, and settled in Monroe County, … Read more

Biography of Elias Keesee

ELIAS KEESEE. This gentleman is one of the leading agriculturists of Franklin Township, Marion County, Arkansas, and has followed this calling from his earliest boyhood, being initiated into its mysteries by his worthy sire. He was born about fifteen miles from his present place of abode in 1824. His parents, Payton and Nancy (Graham) Keesee, were born in Virginia in 1800, and in Kentucky in 1797, respectively. While in their youth they became residents of the Territory of Arkansas, and in 1818 were married in what is now Marion County, but very shortly afterward removed to what is now Ozark … Read more

Biography of Henry Oswalt

HENRY OSWALT. This gentleman, who resides on section 1, William Township, owns a fine farm, which attests by its value and productiveness the excellent qualities of thoroughness and system which mark the owner. The prudent ways and careful methods of the Teutonic farmer are conspicuous in this county, where so many representatives of the German race have settled and Henry Oswalt is no exception to the rule. His great-grand-parents on the paternal side were natives of Germany, and came to this country at an early date, settling with many others of that nationality in the Keystone State. Our subject was … Read more

Biography of Willis F. Miles

WILLIS F. MILES. Petty difficulties of Young Township, Boone County, Arkansas, wend their way to the office of our subject and find in him an arbiter that as a rule sends the respective parties away in better humor with themselves and with the world in general than on coming to him, for he is a gentleman who, although having an extended knowledge of the prosaic aspects of life, is prone to see the humorous side, and gild the baser metal with the brightness of wit. Willis F. Miles was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1831, and is a son … Read more

Biography of Guy T. Harrison

GUY T. HARRISON. The protection afforded by the laws of a country are inestimable. When the people overturn the jurisdictions of their nation, a chaos prevails in which the good is lost sight of in the terrible mobs and riots of the liberty-drunken citizens, as exemplified in the bloody revolution in the city of Paris. A wise people is that which abides by the edicts of its head, and employs agents to explain the methods of that body. Prominent in the ranks of the intelligent and successful lawyers of Ozark County, Missouri, is Guy T. Harrison, who has a most … Read more

Biography of M. V. Gideon

M. V. GIDEON. The gentleman whose name is given above is the popular and efficient circuit clerk and recorder of deeds, and one of the representative men of this county. Integrity, intelligence and system are the characteristics which tend to the prosperity to which all aspire, and such are some of the traits of Mr. Gideon, who is well and favorably known throughout the county, his birth having occurred here February 22, 1860. His father, William C. Gideon, who was an early pioneer of Missouri and a man whose uprightness and honesty were well known, was killed by the bushwhackers … Read more

Biography of Francis Marion Youngblood

FRANCIS MARION YOUNGBLOOD. There is something essentially American in the life and character of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch. The United States has given rare opportunities to men with courage, honesty of purpose, integrity and energy to secure success. Francis Marion Youngblood has all the above characteristics, and his success as an agriculturist and citizen has come as his devotion to right and his tenacity of purpose. Mr. Youngblood was born in DeKalb County, Missouri, about 1838, son of Ambrose and Martha (Fanning) Youngblood, who resided for many years in Tennessee. From that State they moved … Read more

Biography of Joseph Lebow

JOSEPH LEBOW. The original of this notice is a Tennesseean by birth and has inculcated into him the sterling principles of the better class of citizens of that State. He was born in Hawkins County in 1833, and is the son of Isaac and Sarah (Gray) Lebow, both natives of Tennessee. The father born in Grainger and the mother in Washington County. Both parents received limited educational advantages and after marriage located in Hawkins County, where the mother passed away in 1865 and the father in 1882. Both were worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Isaac Adams

ISAAC ADAMS. Among the prominent business men of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of Isaac Adams, who is a practical, experienced man thoroughly conversant with merchandising in all its branches and a most reliable one with whom to enter into commercial relations. He was born in Letcher County, Kentucky, in 1850, the youngest in order of birth of five children born to George and Sarah (Frazier) Adams. He was but four years of age when he was brought by his parents to Taney, now Christian County, Missouri, but owing to the breaking out of the Civil War his educational … Read more

Biography of Hon. Andrew J. McCollum

HON. ANDREW J. MCCOLLUM. The State of Missouri is well represented by the native Tennesseean, among whom are found many prominent and influential citizens, our subject not being classed among the least. He is now the most efficient circuit clerk of Ripley County and a man thoroughly posted and informed in the duties of his office as well as all other matters of moment. He was born in Hickman County, Tennessee, September 23, 1842, and the son of John and Susan (Caruthers) McCollum, natives of middle Tennessee. The father resided in Tennessee all his life and spent his days engaged … Read more

Biography of S. H. Henry

S. H. HENRY, a pioneer of this section and the man who established the first planing mill business in West Plains, came originally from Coffee County, Tennessee, his birth occurring there December 9, 1836. His father, John Henry, who was also born and reared in Coffee County, Tennessee, came to Howell County, Missouri, in the year 1857. He was a son of Samuel Henry, who was a native of South Carolina and an early pioneer in Tennessee. The Henry family is of Irish origin. The grandfather was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was with Gen. Jackson at … Read more

Biography of John Malloy

JOHN MALLOY. It would be hard, indeed, to find a man better fitted to successfully fill the office of county clerk than John Malloy, and this fact the citizens of Douglas County, Missouri, most thoroughly realize. He is conscientious in his work, capable, accurate and faithful, and is courteous and accommodating to all with whom he comes in contact. He is a Kentuckian by birth and bringing up and first saw the light of day June 19, 1867. His father, P. A. Malloy, was born on the Isle of Erin, and when about six years old was brought by his … Read more

Biography of Wiand Tunnell

WIAND TUNNELL. Among the prominent business men of Linden none stand higher in the community than Wiand Tunnell, who is manager and one of the proprietors of Linden Roller Mills. This mill is owned by Mr. Tunnell, B. A. Stone and T. J. Stapp, and was built about the year 1840, being probably the first mill erected in the county. It was put up by John Hoover and operated by that gentleman until 1886, when the present owners took possession. The firm is known as Tunnell, Stone & Stapp, as William Park owned an interest up to 1892, and in … Read more

Biography of J. C. Woody

J. C. WOODY. The bustling towns, thriving villages and cultivated farms of Christian County, Missouri, have so long been common objects to our sight, that it seems almost beyond belief that we have in our midst an honored citizen, one of those hardy pioneers who saw this county when the settlers were few and far between. J. C. Woody was born in east Tennessee, November 26, 1834, and was only six years of age when he came with his parents, Abraham and Anna (Vaughan) Woody, to this county. The father and mother were born in Tennessee, married there, and about … Read more

Biography of Henry G. Parsons

HENRY G. PARSONS. Among the representative agriculturists and stock-raisers of Pierce Township, Stone County, Missouri, we are pleased to present a sketch of the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this paragraph, and whose pleasant home and excellent farm are to be found on Crane Creek. He claims Alabama as his native State, his birth occurring near Tuscumbia in November, 1853. He is a son of Hiram and Martha (Goode) Parsons, natives respectively of Tennessee and Mississippi. The parents were married in the latter State and removed thence to Alabama. Later, or in 1854, they settled in Jefferson … Read more

Biography of M. A. McMonigle

M. A. MCMONIGLE. Although not one of the old settlers of Stone County, Missouri, Mr. M. A. McMonigle has been here for ten years, or since he purchased the farm where he now lives. He is thoroughgoing and progressive, and is classed among the wealthy and influential men of this section. During the short time he has resided here he has made a record for uprightness and honesty, and won the confidence of all. He is not only a prominent farmer of the county, but one of the leading stockmen as well, and his fine farm of 231 acres on … Read more

Biography of Prof. Thomas A. Kay

PROF. THOMAS A. KAY. This gentleman is one of the oldest and most successful educators of Douglas County, and is well known over a large territory. He is a Georgian by birth, his natal county being De Kalb, where he first saw the light December 12, 1853. The son of William T. and Lucretia (Cardar) Kay, the former of whom was a native of South Carolina and a son of Alexander Kay, who was a Virginian by birth and a farmer by occupation. William T. Kay was married in South Carolina and in 1850 took up his residence in Georgia, … Read more