Biography of William G. Pumphrey

WILLIAM G. PUMPHREY. This prominent citizen and retired farmer and stockraiser of Sugar Loaf Township, Boone County, Arkansas, was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1824. His grandfather, Larkin Pumphrey, was probably born in North Carolina, but at an early date moved to Kentucky, and from there to Tennessee, dying in Rutherford County, of the latter State, where he had followed farming. It is thought that he was a Revolutionary soldier. His marriage resulted in the birth of six sons and three daughters, of whom our subject’s father, Lewis Pumphrey, was one. The latter was born in North Carolina, but … Read more

Biography of William C. Darrow

WILLIAM C. DARROW. A noble class of men have built up the agricultural interests of Douglas County, and among those who have been active and efficient in the work is he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. Mr. Darrow now resides about three miles from Arno and five miles from Ava, and is classed among the successful and prominent farmers of the county. He came originally from Nashville, Tennessee, his birth occurring September 7, 1849. His parents, Joseph and Lavina (Morris) Darrow, were natives of Tennessee, as was also the grandfather, Christopher Darrow, who was a soldier … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Henson

FRANCIS M. HENSON, who lives on the old homestead of the Henson family on Flat Creek, about a mile from the Barry County line, is a native of Stone County, Missouri, and the seventh in order of birth of twelve children born to Zachariah and Armala (Williams) Henson, both natives of Tennessee. Grandfather Thomas Henson and family came to Stone County, Missouri, in 1835, when there were very few settlers, and located on land now owned by our subject. The Williams family came here at the same time and on the way the father of our subject, who was then … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henderson Massie

HON. HENDERSON MASSIE, whose fine farm in Pike Creek Valley, Carter County, is an object of admiration to the section, came originally from the Buckeye State, his birth occurring in Jackson County in 1833. His parents, Lewis and Sarah (Mackley) Massie, were natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively, the father born in 1797, and the mother in 1807. Mr. Massie came to Ohio when a young man, married there, and there made his home for many years. Late in life he moved to Carter County, Missouri, and here his wife died in 1875, and he in 1888 when about ninety … Read more

Biography of Arren Bray

ARREN BRAY. Among the families who have been residents of Christian County since 1840 we are pleased to name the one represented by our subject. Mark Bray, the father of our subject, brought his family to this county from North Carolina in 1840 and became one of the wealthy and influential citizens of the county. Arren Braly was born in the Old North State November 15, 1835, and was fifth in order of birth of nine children. He was but five years of age when his parents came to Missouri and he attended the first school in this part of … Read more

Biography of Joseph Voohers

JOSEPH VOOHERS. In reviewing the leading industries of the town of Willow Springs, the mercantile interests claim special attention. Mr. Joseph Voohers, one of the leading merchants of the place, is esteemed on all sides for his enterprise and just methods, and has many warm friends. He is a native of Missouri, born January 24, 1853. The son of Dr. James B. Voohers, who was an early pioneer of Missouri. The Doctor was born in the Buckeye State, and practiced his profession many years in Springfield, Illinois, Booneville, Missouri, and St. Louis. His death occurred in 1855. Our subject received … Read more

Biography of S. G. Ramsey

Our subject is a man whose business career is a decidedly interesting one, showing the shrewdness, executive ability and competency which can be attained when one is so determined. Among all the industries that are carried on in the flourishing city of West Plains none succeeded so well as the ones that are conducted by practical men. An instance in mind is the success attained to by S. G. Ramsey, one of the prominent and influential citizens of that city. Mr. Ramsey was born in Franklin County, Missouri, October 20, 1836, and his father, J. A. Ramsey, who was a … Read more

Biography of J. P. Pigg

J. P. PIGG. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch possesses those qualities of industry and energy so necessary to success in any calling, and as a tiller of the soil he is ranked among the most successful in the county. He owes his nativity to Warren County, Tennessee, where he was born November 25, 1844, a son of John and Melvina (Newby) Pigg, the former of whom came to this county about 1851 or 1852, but was a resident of Marshall, Webster County, Missouri, at the time of his death, his wife having passed from life in Tennessee. To … Read more

Biography of Anselm C. Bralley

ANSELM C. BRALLEY. This gentleman has been a useful citizen of Douglas County, Missouri, since 1865, but was born in Greene County, Missouri, October 7, 1839, a son of Jonathan and Margaret (Bogel) Bralley and grandson of James Bralley, who came to this country from Ireland. They took up their residence in Virginia, and there Jonathan Bralley was born, reared, and moved to Missouri, in 1839, after which he moved to Greene County, Missouri, and settled on the James River near Galloway. Later he removed to Webster County and there died in the spring of 1866. He was a Democrat … Read more

Biography of William T. Lamkin

WILLIAM T. LAMKIN. The bar of Christian County is given much force and power by the membership of William T. Lamkin, who has made his way to the front in the profession of law and is a prominent and useful citizen. He is a sincere, direct, positive man, a true man in the best and highest sense, and his standing at the bar is deservedly high. Mr. Lamkin is a product of this State, born in Linn County, June 15, 1848. He is a son of R. H. and Sarah H. (Hurt) Lamkin, natives of Kentucky and Missouri, respectively. The … Read more

Biography of John McCoy

JOHN MCCOY (deceased). All people of true sensibility, who have a just regard for the memory of those who have departed this life, cherish the details of the history of men, whose careers have been marked by uprightness and truth and whose lives have been filled up with acts of usefulness. It is, therefore, with gratification that we present to our readers a sketch of John McCoy, whose life in this county has been such as to make his memory justly respected. He was a native of that grand old Mother of States, Virginia, his birth occurring in 1799. When … Read more

Biography of George F. Elam, M. D.

The physician is a man who inspires confidence because he is worthy of it. His humanity is expressed and his interest in his patients is intensified by reason of the concern he has for them, as well as for the experience he may gain that may be for the benefit of future sufferers. A student who loves knowledge and a physician devoted to his profession, he is a careful investigator, and gives all the time he can find in his busy life to books and periodicals devoted to medicine and surgery. Such a man cannot fail to grow steadily in … Read more

Biography of S. J. Holt

S. J. HOLT. S. J. Holt, manager of the West Plains Electric Light Company, of which Holt & Fallett are the proprietors, is one of the most successful and prominent business men in the city. The above mentioned business was established in 1889. This company is running the city lights and is doing a milling business, in all about $20,000 per year. Mr. Holt is a native of Grand Rapids, Mich., and his father being a prominent saw mill man, our subject grew up in that business. He became interested in a saw mill at that place, but left there … Read more

Biography of William W. Kimberling

WILLIAM W. KIMBERLING. It is owing to the enterprise and push of such men as Mr. Kimberling that Stone County, Missouri, owes much of its prosperity, for he has been one of its thrifty, industrious and intelligent agriculturists for many years, and is at the present time the proprietor of a fine and well-improved farm of 110 acres on the south side of White River. He was born in Franklin County, Arkansas, April 16, 1840, a son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Birchfield) Kimberling, native Tennesseans. The father became a resident of Stone County a few years after the disposal of … Read more

Biography of A. T. Yoachum

A. T. YOACHUM. Many minds labor under the misapprehension that real patriotism is peculiar to men of high genius or the favorites of fortune. The true patriot is one who, from love of country, does, or tries to do, in the proper sphere, all that appears necessary to promote her honor, prosperity and peace. The substantial elements of this precious virtue which underlies the welfare of every nation, and especially of one professing to be free, like our own, are furnished by men in every walk of life, who step out of the realm of mere self-love, and seek to … Read more

Biography of Judge W. G. Mathes

JUDGE W. G. MATHES. Reynolds County, Missouri, has the distinction of being the place where, on September 4, 1839, Judge W. G. Mathes came into this world to make a record for integrity and uprightness which will be remembered as long as Stone County lasts. For over fifty years he has resided in this county, is a representative citizen of the same, and perhaps has done as much for its advancement as any other man. His parents, David and Elizabeth (Allen) Mathes, were natives of Warren County, Tennessee The father was reared in that State, and in 1843 came to … Read more

Biography of Thomas H. Smith

THOMAS H. SMITH. The prosperity of any locality depends almost solely upon the character of the people who inhabit it, and if the citizens are pushing, energetic and intelligent the country will prosper accordingly. Tennessee has given to Missouri many of her most progressive and prosperous citizens, prominent among whom is Thomas H. Smith, who is a product of Marion County, where he was born on August 7, 1850, a son of Ransom and Mary (Hendricks) Smith, the former of whom was born in Campbell County, April 7, 1820, and the latter in Marion County April 14, 1826, both of … Read more

Biography of G. B. Thomas

G. B. THOMAS is manager of the large establishment of S. H. Henry & Co., dealers in sash, doors, blinds and lumber. This company was established in 1882 by S. H. Henry, and two years later B. T. Henry, son of S. H., entered the business. The elder Henry is the pioneer lumber dealer of this city. He came here in 1857 from Tennessee where his birth occurred, and first branched out as a carpenter when a young man. Mr. Henry has taken a prominent part in city improvements, is interested in many of the prominent business enterprises, and is … Read more

Biography of George W. Adams

GEORGE W. ADAMS. One of the prominent and well-to-do agriculturists and stockraisers of Marion Township, Christian County, Missouri, was born in Letcher County, Kentucky, in 1841, to the union of George and Sarah (Frazier) Adams, both natives of Kentucky, it is thought. This worthy couple married in Letcher County, Kentucky, and made their home there until 1854, when they came, by wagon, to Taney, now Christian County, Missouri, being two months on the road. Locating on a small farm, they at once began making improvements, and as the years passed by became the owners of an excellent farm. For one … Read more

Biography of O. W. Anderson

O. W. ANDERSON. Among all the industries that are carried on in any community, none succeed so well as the ones that are conducted by practical men. An instance in mind is the success attained by O. W. Anderson, who is a member of the firm of Anderson & Keightley, practical blacksmiths, of Billings, Missouri. He was born in Erie County, Penn., November 18, 1850, was reared and educated in Crawford County of that state, and there also learned his trade. His parents were Robert and Harriet (Yates) Anderson, the former of whom was born in the State of New … Read more