Biography of Judge W. W. Luna

JUDGE W. W. LUNA. Ozark County, Missouri, is an Eden of fine farms and agricultural tracts. There are comparatively few very small tracts, and each farmer tries to outdo his neighbor in the cultivation and improvement of his land. Of the many fine, attractive places none are more conspicuous than that belonging to Judge W. W. Luna, comprising 280 acres of fine bottom land, of which he has been the owner since 1883. The place is well improved, is principally river bottom land, and everything about his estate indicates to the beholder that a thorough and experienced hand is at … Read more

Biography of Elbert H. Butler

ELBERT H. BUTLER. Neely Butler, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of North Carolina, where he grew to mature years and married Miss Amy Osier, also a native of that State, where he lived for several years until he moved to Tennessee, from where he came West with his family, locating in Stone County, Missouri, some years prior to the Civil War. Subsequently he moved to Carroll County, Arkansas, where he remained until the secession of the State from the Union. Being substantially in favor of the Union of States it became necessary for the protection of his … Read more

Biography of Reuben S. Branson

REUBEN S. BRANSON. This gentleman, who is the ex-county clerk and recorder of Taney County, occupies a conspicuous place among those who have achieved eminence solely by excellence of character, without any of the modern appliances by which unworthy persons gain undeserved and transient popularity. He is a native of Missouri, born in Gasconade County in 1853, and the son of Valentine and Alpha M. (Sherrill) Branson, natives of Bledsoe County, Tennessee, the former born in 1810 and the latter in 1819. The parents were married in that county, and soon after removed to Gasconade County, Missouri This was about … Read more

Biography of M. M. Pease

M. M. PEASE. This resident and prominent citizen of West Plains, Missouri, came originally from the Granite State, his birth occurring January 15, 1855. At an early date he came with his father to Missouri, and in this State he has since made his home. In the year 1877 he started out in business for himself and engaged in saw milling in Douglas County. This business he has followed for the most part ever since. He is also doing business at Dora, Ozark County, where he is a member of the Pease Milling Company. The members of this firm are: … Read more

Biography of Hon. Clarence A. Barnes

Hon. Clarence A. Barnes, commissioner of the St. Louis court of appeals, was born in Mexico, Missouri, February 10, 1876, and is a son of A. C. Barnes, a native of Ohio and of English descent. The father was reared and educated in the Buckeye state and in 1865 became a resident of Mexico, Missouri, where he has since made his home, successfully conducting a real estate business. During the Civil war be joined the army and was with General Thomas in active service during the last year of hostilities, being at that time between seventeen and eighteen years of … Read more

Biography of Henry Alexander Hamilton

Henry Alexander Hamilton, now serving as first associate city counselor of St. Louis, has been an active and successful representative of the legal fraternity here during the past twenty-three years and since 1907 has practiced his profession in association with his brother under the firm style of H. A. & C. R. Hamilton. A native son of St. Louis, he was here born on the 1st of February, 1877, his parents being Alexander and Mary (Wiegand) Hamilton. His early education was obtained in the public schools, of St. Louis and in January, 1895, he was graduated from the Central high … Read more

Biography of James H. Hoskins

James H. Hoskins, dealer in high grade investment securities, is also well known in the business circles of St. Louis as the president of the Al Fresco Advertising Company. He belongs to that class of enterprising, energetic and farsighted business men upon whose activity the development and prosperity of the city has been built through the past quarter of a century or more. Mr. Hoskins was born in Auburn, New York, December 21, 1859, a son of James H. Hoskins, who was a native of New York and a descendant of John Hoskins, who came from England to the new … Read more

Biography of J. Harvey O’Connell

J. Harvey O’Connell, manager since 1918 with the firm Haskins & Sells, certified public accountants of St. Louis, was born in this city, October 27, 1883, his parents being Patrick and Kathleen (Royce) O’Connell. The father, a native of Ireland, came to the United States when quite young, settling in this city, where for many years he was recognized as a prominent attorney. J. Harvey O’Connell was the seventh in order of birth in a family of eight children. He pursued a public school education in St. Louis and was graduated in 1910 from the City College of Law and … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Neumann

Charles A. Neumann, A. M., L. L. M., attorney and counselor at law, was born at St. Louis, Missouri, October 25, 1884. His father, the late Bernard Neumann, a native of Bavaria, Germany, came to America in 1841. He established his residence in St. Louis and devoted his life to educational work and music. He held the position of organist and choirmaster at St. Mary’s church for forty-nine years. He organized the first school picnic in St. Louis in 1868. In 1874 he married Amelia Ochs, daughter of Carl Ochs, one of the early residents of St. Louis. Bernard Neumann … Read more

Biography of Joseph S. Homan, M.D.

Dr. Joseph S. Homan, an alumnus of the St. Louis University in which he won his professional degree, has throughout the intervening period successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis. He was born in Buchanan county, Missouri, January -, 1882, and is a son of Henry Homan, a native of Maryland, who represented one of the old families of that state of German lineage, founded in America prior to the Revolutionary war. On leaving Maryland Henry Homan came to Missouri in 1870. He was a Civil war veteran, acting as a bridge builder with the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leonard M. Rice

Leonard M. Rice is a lawyer of Jefferson City, where his birth occurred February 9, 1887, his parents being Jefferson D. and Zara (McKenzie) Rice, both of whom were natives of Cole county, Missouri, as were their parents, their respective families having been represented in this state for many years. Leonard M. Rice was graduated front the high school of Jefferson City 1n 1904. He went to Chicago in 1909 and took up the study of law in the John Marshall Law school, from which he was graduated in 1912 with the LL.B. degree. He returned to Jefferson City and … Read more

Biography of Allan Arthur Gilbert, M.D.

Dr. Allan Arthur Gilbert, an internist of St. Louis, who in his practice has gained high professional standing, was born in Burrton, Kansas, May 26, 1890, a son of the Rev. H. M. Gilbert, who was born in South Carolina, but was descended from one of the old families of Connecticut of English lineage. The progenitor of the family in the new world was Mathew Gilbert, who came across the Atlantic on the historic Mayflower and was the first deputy governor of Connecticut under King George. Among the ancestors of Dr. Gilbert was also Colonel Ethan Allen, who commanded the … Read more

Biography of Cortez F. Enloe, M.D.

Dr. Cortez F. Enloe, a man of strong personality who has been a leader in the public life of Jefferson City for many years and who is numbered among the substantial citizens as well as among the successful physicians of this part of the state, was born in Clarksburg, Missouri, January 28, 1881, his parents being James and Mary (Ryan) Enloe, who were also natives of Missouri. The father was a school teacher in early life but afterward became a merchant and at all times took a deep interest in public affairs, especially in the welfare and improvement o1 the … Read more

Biography of Henry E. Grone

Henry E. Grone, secretary of the Grone Soda Water Company of St. Louis, is native of this city, his birth having here occurred on the 23d of April, 1899. His father, Herman Crone, was also born in St. Louis and was formerly a prominent brewer of the city. He married Adelaide Damhorst, a native of St. Louis and a daughter of C. M. Damhorst, one of the oldest and best known soda water manufacturers in the city. The death of Herman Grone occurred March 24, 1916. In the public schools of St. Louis Henry E. Crone of this review began … Read more

Biography of William A. Dillon, M.D.

Dr. William A. Dillon, physician and surgeon of St. Louis, his native city, was born August 3, 1879, a son of Judge Daniel and Mary Jane (Fox) Dillon. The father was a native of Missouri, born at High Ridge and was a son of the late Philip Dillon, a native of County Clare, Ireland, who coming to America in early life, settled in Missouri and here devoted his attention to agriculture and stock raising. His son, Judge Dillon, was graduated from the Washington University in 1869 as a member of the first class to complete the law course. Before his … Read more

Biography of Henry Heier

Henry Heier, engaged in the undertaking business in St. Louis, was born in California, Missouri, March 20, 1871. His parents died in his infancy and he was reared in a German Protestant orphan’s home on St. Charles Rock road in St. Louis county, there remaining until he reached the age of sixteen and a half years, when he started out to provide for his own support, securing a position with a wholesale glass and queens ware company of St. Louis. His capability and trustworthiness were so manifest that he remained with the firm for eight and a half years, working … Read more

Biography of Herman Hecht

Herman Hecht is the secretary and treasurer of Korrekt Klothes, Inc., of St. Louis. The company engages in the manufacture of men’s and young men’s clothing at No. 1633 to 1641 Washington avenue. Mr. Hecht was born in Coblentz, Germany, June 7, 1866, a son of Simon and Henrietta (David) Hecht, the father a well known capitalist of Coblentz. The mother, following the death of her husband, came to America in 1875, settling in Louisville, Kentucky, whence she afterward removed to Paducah, that state, her death there occurring in 1881 when she was sixty years of age. She was the … Read more

Biography of Clement Richardson

Clement Richardson, of Jefferson City, president of the Lincoln Institute, deserves mention as an eminent educator, for his professional work has been not merely instilling knowledge into the minds of pupils but has been broad in its scope, thoughtful in its purposes and human in its tendency. lie has studied the individual and his requirement, has met the needs of the school and has made valuable contributions to literature that has to do with his profession. Mr. Richardson was born June 23. 1878, in Halifax county, Virginia, a son of Leonard and Louise (Barksdale) Richardson. In his youthful days he … Read more

Biography of Albert Joseph Davis

Albert Joseph Davis is successfully engaged in the investment business lit St. Louis as the head of the firm of A. J. Davis & Company, which he organized in 1911 and which deals in corporation and municipal bonds. He is a native son of St. Louis, his birth having occurred on the 25th of June, 1883, his parents being Thomas D. and Martha (Littler) Davis, the former born in Cardiff. Wales, and the latter in Newbigging, Musselburgh, Parish of Imberesk, County of Edinburgh, Scotland. His education was obtained in the graded and high schools of St. Louis and in 1901, … Read more

Biography of Leon Harrison

To say that Leon Harrison of St. Louis is a rabbi indicates to many merely the actual work of the church as a preacher and teacher, but his interpretation of the term is much broader. It means service to mankind in every possible way in which it can be rendered, and those who know Leon Harrison bear testimony to the fact that he seems to have lost no opportunity to do good to his fellowmen. Born in Liverpool, England, August 13, 1866, he is a son of Gustave and Louisa (Nelson) Harrison. Brought to America in his youthful days he … Read more