Biography of Charles Leavitt Holman

There are few business enterprises that so closely touch the comfort and welfare as that which has to do with the lighting of homes and business houses, and the man who is active in control of public utilities must be one of broad vision, of thorough understanding of needs and conditions and of marked enterprise that he may keep in touch with the changing times. Possessing all these requisites, Charles Leavitt Holman has steadily advanced since he became connected with the Laclede Gas Light Company of St. Louis in April, 1903. He was advanced through various positions to tile presidency … Read more

Biography of Gray C. Briggs, M.D.

Dr. Gray C. Briggs, a well known Roentgenologist, was born in Burlington, Iowa. June 30, 1882, a son of Dr. Waldo Briggs, who became a noted surgeon of St. Louis. He was born at Bowling Green, Kentucky, July 3, 1856, his parents being William Thompson and Anna (Stubbins) Briggs. He won his professional degree on the completion of a course in the medical department of the University of Nashville, at Nashville, Tennessee, and in 1877 began practice in St. Louis. From 1895 until 1898 he was professor of surgery in Beaumont Medical College and in the latter year accepted the … Read more

Biography of Frank Eugene Williams

Frank Eugene Williams, an active member of the St. Louis bar, who is keenly interested in questions of civic betterment and whose efforts in that direction are far-reaching and resultant, was born in Saginaw county, Michigan, July 6, 1892. His father, George Gordon Williams, is a native of Flushing, Michigan, and through his active business life followed the occupation of farming but is now living retired, making his home in St. Louis. He is prominent in Masonic circles. He married Anna E. Irland, of Genesee county, Michigan, who passed away leaving two children: Frank E., of this review; and Cecil … Read more

Biography of Herman A. Hanser, M.D.

Dr. Herman A. Hanser, a St. Louis surgeon who has practiced continuously 1n this city since 1898, was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 22, 1877. His father, the late Rev. C. J. Otto Hanser, D. D., was a native of Bavaria and came to America in 1848, being forced to leave his native country on account of his political activity in opposition to monarchial rule he was a highly educated man, a graduate of one of the leading German universities and until he took up the study of theology had quite an adventurous life, being obliged to leave Bavaria … Read more

Biography of Eli T. Brand, M.D.

Dr. Eli T. Brand, president of the Lindell Hospital at 3766 Lindell boulevard in St. Louis, was born in Bonne Terre, Missouri, December 12. 1883, his parents being George W. and Mattie (Boyd) Brand. The mother died in Bonne Terre in 1913, and the father is still living in that city. For many years he was engaged in stock raising but is now living retired. Both he and his wife were native Missourians. Dr. Brand was one of a family of five sons and four daughters. He attended the schools of his native town and in 1904, having determined upon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sieg Harzfeld

In the history of commercial development in Kansas City, Sieg Harzfeld deserves mention, nor is his reputation in this connection of a local nature. On the contrary his name is widely known in the great trade centers of the country and extensive and important business concerns owe their success in large measure to his capable management and sound business sagacity. Mr. Harzfeld is a native of Buffalo, New York, and a son of Colonel Albert Harzfeld, who volunteered for service in the Civil war and won the rank of colonel ere the cessation of hostilities. Both he and his wife … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Romulus E. Culver

Romulus E. Culver, attorney at law of St. Joseph, Missouri, was born in Plattsburg, this state, on the 12th of January, 1865, his parents being William L. and Augusta V. (McMichael) Culver. He acquired his education, after completing his public school course, in Central College at Fayette, Missouri, where he won his Bachelor of Philosophy degree in 1885, and in Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tennessee, where the LL. B. degree was conferred upon him in 1887. Through the intervening period, covering more than a third of a century, he has continuously engaged in the practice of law and has won … Read more

Biography of Edwin Schiele

Edwin Schiele is secretary and treasurer of the Schiele Advertising Company of St. Louis, which has developed an extensive business of this character and was established in 1913. He was born July 9, 1862, in the city which is still his home, his parents being Sigmund and Fannie (Shulman) Schiele, both of whom were natives of Germany and became early settlers of St. Louis, where the father engaged in the wholesale liquor business, a trade of large and gratifying proportions, winning a substantial measure of success. He died in St. Louis in 1882 at the age of fifty-six years. Edwin … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Hermann, M.D

Dr. Henry W. Hermann, who has attained prominence in the field of neurology, was born on the 9th of June, 1855, at Hermansburg, Washington county, Arkansas, and is a son of Charles F. and Lena D. (Wilhelmi) Hermann. According to a genealogical record printed by C. F. Hermann, the first date mentioned in connection with the family in America is 1650. In a volume entitled Founders of Harman’s Station, Kentucky, it appears that one Heinrich Hermann from the same family reached America about the year 1700, penetrated as far west as the Mississippi river, and was celebrated as an Indian … Read more

Biography of Benjamin E. Bradley

Benjamin E. Bradley, general manager of the Star of St. Louis and widely known in newspaper circles throughout the country, was born in Lafayette county, Missouri, October 13, 1869, and is a son of Benjamin A. and Martha R. (Briggs) Bradley. The father died August 30, 1919, at the venerable age of eighty-seven years, being then the oldest living native-born resident of Johnson county, Missouri. The family has been represented on American soil through many generations and the forebears of Benjamin E. Bradley have fought in all the different wars from the Revolution, while his son Philip was a soldier … Read more

Biography of Justin E. Joy

Justin E. Joy, a prominent lumberman of Missouri, who always deserves mention in a history of the state as the one who was practically the builder of Webster Groves, was born at Oquaqua Junction, Iowa, June 17, 1844, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joy, who removed to Burlington, Iowa, during the infancy of their son. There the father operated a sash and door factory for many years, or until 1874, when he removed with his family to St. Louis and in subsequent years was employed as superintendent of building by his son Justin. The latter was educated in … Read more

Biography of Thomas Murray Pierce

Thomas Murray Pierce, a man of splendid professional qualifications and of high social standing in St. Louis, is practicing at the bar as a member of the firm of Jourdan, Rassieur & Pierce and is also vice president and general counsel of the Terminal Railway Association, of which at one time he served as president. He was born in Union City, Tennessee, July 18, 1877. His father, Rice A. Pierce. also a native of that state, is a representative of an old Tennessee family of Welsh lineage that was founded in America by Rice Pierce, who came to the new … Read more

Biography of John F. Willman

John F. Willman, sheriff of St. Louis county, Missouri, and prominent worker in republican ranks in St. Louis county, was born in this county, April 20, 1877, his parents being John and Mary (Reichart) Willman. The father was a native of Germany an came to the United States with an older brother when twelve years of age. The mother was born in Bonhomme. St. Louis county, a daughter of Joseph Reichart, who one of the early settlers of St. Louis county, coming from Germany in his youthful day. He died in Baldwin, St. Louis county, at the age of eighty-three … Read more

Biography of Roderick H. Tait

Roderick H. Tait, president of the Tait & Nordmeyer Engineering Company of St. Louis, was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 31, 1866, and is a son of George and Cynthia A. (Tupper) Tait. The father, now deceased, was a native of Scotland and a cabinet-maker by trade. During the last twenty years of his life he was a resident of Halifax. His wife, a native of Canada, was born in Nova Scotia, and is still living. Their family numbered nine children, five sons and four daughters, of whom Roderick H. was the third In order of birth. In the … Read more

Biography of A. A. Speer

A. A. Speer, president of the First National Bank of Jefferson City, has been at the head of this strong financial Institution since July, 1916, giving his attention to administrative direction with the result that the resources and business of the bank have doubled within five years. He has also figured quite prominently in connection with public interests that have not a little to do with shaping the welfare and progress of the state and is today one of the well known and honored residents of Missouri. His birth occurred in Carroll county, Indiana, in October, 1858, his parents being … Read more

Biography of Arthur F. C. Blasé

St. Louis has always been distinguished for the high rank of her bench and bar, and among those who in more recent years have chosen to put forth their efforts as representatives of the legal profession in this city is Arthur F. C. Blase, who has his office in the Arcade building and who is enjoying a clientage that is growing year by year. He was born in St. Louis, May 10, 1890, and is a son of August F. Blase, who was born in this city and is of German descent, the family having been founded in America by … Read more

Biography of Paul Helmer Young

Paul Helmer Young, representative of the bond department of the National Bank of Commerce at St. Louis and president of the St. Louis Junior Chamber of Commerce, is one of the most alert, wide-awake and progressive of the young business men of the city. He was born in Lander, Wyoming, July 26, 1896. He is therefore a western man by birth, training and experience and has always been possessed by the spirit of western enterprise and progress which has been the dominant element in the upbuilding of the great empire beyond the Mississippi. His father, the Rev. Benjamin Young, is … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Pope, M.D.

Dr. Charles H. Pope, a physician and surgeon of St. Louis, was born in Sydenham Place, Quebec, Canada, August 10, 1876. He is descended from English ancestry and the family was originally founded in America soon after the Revolutionary war, the first of the name settling in eastern Vermont. His father, George L. Pope, was a native of Canada and became a successful farmer. He died in Quebec, where his widow still resides. She bore the maiden name of Elsie A. Blake and is of English lineage, tracing her ancestry back to the Pilgrims who came over in the Mayflower. … Read more

Biography of William Henry Luedde, M.D

Not only has Dr. William Henry Luedde gained prominence in his profession, medicine and surgery, in St. Louis, but has also made valuable contribution to many projects based upon the needs of the community and the opportunity for civic betterment and progress. His life story had its beginning August 13, 1876, at Warsaw, Illinois, within one mile of the northeast corner of Missouri, the state in which he has since found his field of service. His grandfather, Peter Luedde, arrived at Alexandria, Missouri, in the spring of 1854, after a precarious voyage in a sailing vessel from Bremen, Germany, to … Read more

Biography of David Stainrook Booth, M.D.

Dr. David Stainrook Booth, medical practitioner, educator and author of St. Louis, was born April 6, 1863, on his father’s plantation near Enterprise, McDonald county, Missouri. He is a son of Dr. David Stainrook Booth, Sr., and a grandson of Dr. John Jefferson Booth, of Philadelphia. That the family of Booth is of great antiquity is evidenced by the following from a history of the family: “At the time of the conquest, in 1066, we find the de-la-Booths accompanying William the Conqueror to England. Evidences also, there are, that go to show that when William the Conqueror was distributing the … Read more