Gates, Price – Obituary

Price Gates, 67, died Tuesday morning in the St. Elizabeth hospital following a weeks illness. Mr. Gates lived in Union county for a number of years and was well known throughout eastern Oregon, especially as a trainer of race horses. Mr. Gates was born in St. Clair county, Missouri, January 16, 1861and crossed the plains in 1879. He is survived by a son, W.E. Gates of Elkton, Nevada, a daughter, Alverta of Portland, a brother, S.O. Gates of Union, three sisters, Mrs. Hattie Buchanan of Crane, Mrs. Alma Buchanan of Forest Grove, Mrs. M.A. Ward of Wilmington, California and seven … Read more

Godsey, Stephen T. – Obituary

The funeral of Stephen T, Godsey took place from the undertaking parlors Saturday morning, February 18, and was attended by a large number of his old friends and neighbors. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Cook of the M. E. Church. Stephen Taylor Godsey was the fifth son of Abram and Margaret Godsey, and was born in Putnam County, Missouri, in 1860. When four years of age he moved with his parents to Mills county, Iowa, where he resided for thirty-eight years, coming to Union in 1905, and has resided on Catherine Creek until the time of his death. … Read more

Gardner, Nelson A. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon After an illness extending over a period of six months, Nelson A. Gardner passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. John Simonis 1534 Second street, in Baker, last Tuesday morning. Mr. Nelson’s death marks the passing of another one of the pioneers of Eastern Oregon. The deceased was born August 15, 1858, at Mt. Vernon, Vernon County, Missouri, and came to Oregon in September, 1862, making North Powder his home for the last ten years. He belonged to the Modern Woodmen Lodge for twenty years. He leaves a wife and daughter, two brothers … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Childers

One of the representative citizens of Nowata county is Charles W. Childers, who is residing on the old family homestead eight miles southeast of Lenapah. He was born in Henry county, Missouri, on the 18th of May, 1867, a son of Benjamin F. and Mary Susan (Webster) Childers, the former a native of Henry county and the latter of North Carolina. In the acquirement of his education Charles W. Childers attended the schools of El Dorado, Kansas, and came to Indian Territory with his parents in 1884. They located at Coodys Bluff in Nowata county, where they lived for one … Read more

Glenn, Sarah M. (Meyers) Mrs. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Mrs. T. T. Glenn died Wednesday morning. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made, as the family is awaiting the arrival of her daughter from California. La Grande Evening Observer Thursday, August 15, 1918 Page 3 Mrs. Sarah M. (Meyers) Glenn Died, near Summerville, August 14, 1918, Mrs. Sarah Myres Glenn, wife of the late T. T. Glenn, was born in Memphis, Mo., March 8, 1849, crossed the plains with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Myers, settled in Grande Ronde Valley, near Summerville, Oregon, was married to Talbert T. Glenn, September 20, 1868, where … Read more

Biography of Clarence Graves

Since 1914 Clarence Graves has been engaged in the conduct of a mercantile business in Talala and is readily conceded to be one of the leading merchants of the community. A native of Kansas, he was born in Wyandotte County, on the 30th of September, 1864, a son of Charles and Albora (Gutherie) Graves. His parents came to Indian Territory in 1875 and located on a farm on Russell creek. The father was born in Maryland but upon the outbreak of the Civil war, his sympathies being with the south, he enlisted in the Confederate army, serving throughout that conflict … Read more

Biography of Hiram Rufus McBee

Hiram Rufus McBee, a member of one of the pioneer families of Ottawa County, has been identified with mining activities since he was eighteen years of age and has long been a contributor to the development of the mineral resources of Oklahoma. He is now residing in Miami and is the owner of one of the finest homes in the County. He was born in Belleville, a small mining town in Missouri, on the 10th of March, 1885, his parents being Samuel and Susan McBee, the latter of whom passed away in 1893. The father followed agricultural pursuits and also … Read more

Biography of John Caleb Storr

John Caleb Storr, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the oldest families of the state, has resided in Vinita for the past twenty-three years and has become well known as an attorney, farmer, stock raiser and oil operator, being a man of versatile talents whose efforts are resultant factors in whatever he undertakes. He was born in the Flint district of the Cherokee Nation, near Stilwell, Indian Territory, October 15, 1870, and his parents were James and Emma Jane (Rider) Storr, the former born in Tennessee in 1832, while the latter was a native of … Read more

Biography of Arthur Leslie Gregory, M. D.

Dr. Arthur Leslie Gregory, engaged in the general practice of medicine at Muskogee but largely specializing in surgery, was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1877, his parents being Benjamin and Amy (Muehler) Gregory. The father was a merchant and gave to his son excellent educational opportunities. The latter attended the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893. He afterward determined upon the practice of medicine as a life work and entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, Missouri, in which he completed a course with the class … Read more

Biography of J. M. Bird

Agricultural development in Washington County is stimulated through the intelligently directed efforts and enterprising spirit of J. M. Bird, who is the owner of a very desirable farm property on Fish creek and is also interested in oil and gas production, being very capable in the management of his business interests. He was born in Barren County, Kentucky, November 13, 1866, his parents being James and Susan (Monroe) Bird, who were also natives of the Blue Grass state. There the mother passed away and the father removed from northern Missouri to Indian Territory in February, 1901, his death occurring in … Read more

Kiddle, E. E. – Obituary

Island City, Union County, Oregon E. E. Kiddle Died Tuesday Morning State highway commissioner Edward E. Kiddle died suddenly at his home in Island City at 4:30 o’clock Tuesday morning of this week. Death was due to acute indigestion and neuralgia of the heart. Mr. Kiddle was one of the best known men in Oregon, having represented Union and Wallowa counties in the state senate and since the death of highway commissioner Burgess, he has served by appointment of Governor Olcott as a member of the state highway commission. He had returned from the national capital where he had been … Read more

Humphrey, Lee Mrs. – Obituary

Island City, Union County, Oregon Funeral Set For Thursday Body Of Late Pioneer Buried Tomorrow Island City Church and Cemetery Is Place of Services The Rebekah lodge of this city is preparing to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Lee Humphrey of Island City, in a body tomorrow afternoon. The noble grand, Mrs. Clapp, has issued a call to all members to be present at the hall at 1 o’clock tomorrow at which time conveyances will be supplied to take them to the funeral. The funeral services will be held at the church in Island City tomorrow at 2 … Read more

Hall, John – Obituary

His Eternal Rest The Eldorado county (Cal:) Republican of September 27th, contains the following notice of the death of Mr. John Hall, a gentleman who was known by many here, and father of the Hall brothers of Union: “The death of this old and well known resident occurred at his residence in Placerville last Thursday after a long and very severe illness arising from heart disease. A large crowd of his old friends attended the funeral, the interment being in City Cemetery where children of the deceased were entombed years ago. Mr. Hall was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in … Read more

Halley, Sarah C. Mrs. – Obituary

Island City, Union County, Oregon The death of Mrs. Sarah C. Halley occurred at her home in Island City Wednesday, February 8, 1905. Death was due from paralysis. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. Gillilan, were held in the Island City church Friday and were attended by a large concourse of friends. Sarah C. Halley was born at Laplata, Macon County, Mo., October 4, 1857, aged 47 years, 4 months and 8 days. She was converted at the age of 12 years and became a member of the Protestant Methodist church and led a consistent life and during her illness … Read more

Hamilton, C. W. – Obituary

C. W. Hamilton, Of Lower Cove, Called by Death Charles W. Hamilton was born in Scioto, county, Ohio, May 2, 1845 where he lived until 1869. At the age of 18 he enlisted in the Union army. From May 2, to Sept. 3, 1864, he served as corporal in Company I of the 140th regiment. In this long and terrible struggle he offered his life daily for his country standing where only the bravest can stand. Sept. 13th, 1864 at Platsmouth [sic – Portsmouth], Ohio, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah F. Bridwell and to this union were … Read more

Millering, Della (Kindred) – Obituary

Della Millering, La Grande, died Wednesday at Valley View Manor. She was 90. Mrs. Millering was born Dec. 2, 1892, in Perry, Mo., the daughter of James and Damietta (Long) Kindred. She came to the Grande Ronde Valley in 1905. She married Frank Earl Millering on May 31, 1914, in La Grande. She was preceded in death by her husband in 1930 and a son, Avery Millering in 1975. Mrs. Millering was a member of the First Christian Church. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Vincent (Darlene) Gibson, and a daughter-in-law, Cinda Millering, both of La Grande, five grandchildren and six … Read more

Millering, Katherine Ann – Obituary

Services Tomorrow For Mrs. Millering Katherine Ann Millering died at 11:40 p.m. Tuesday night at her home, 1810 Adams ave., after a short illness. Mrs. Millering was born April 12, 1865, in Jersey County, Ill., and was 73 years, 4 months and 11 days old. She had resided in Grande Ronde valley the past 51 years. She was married to John Henry Millering, May 1, 1883, in Vernon Co., Missouri. Her husband died Aug. 27, 1921. There were nine children of which four boys, Charles, Frank, Jay and Roy, have preceded her in death. The following children survive her: Bessie … Read more

Biography of Floyd Ray Hill

Floyd Ray Hill, Secretary and manager of the Muskogee Home Building Company, was born in Barton County, Missouri, March 11, 1888. He obtained a public school education and in his youth was employed in connection with horse racing. He was afterward with an importer of horses for a period of years and sold fine stock. In 1914 he engaged in the life insurance business in California, organizing the California State Life Company, which he represented as a salesman for a year and a half. He was afterward engaged in the insurance business in Arizona and in 1917 he came to … Read more

Biography of Jesse McKnight

For thirty-nine years Jesse McKnight has resided in this community, having come to Indian Territory with the early pioneers. Left an orphan at the age of ten years, he soon afterward entered the business world to earn his living, and as the result of intelligently directed efforts, laudable ambition and unflagging courage has won substantial success. A native of Missouri, he was born on the 4th of February, 1866. Jesse McKnight acquired but a limited education in the schools of his native state and at the age of seventeen years made his way to Indian Territory. Locating at Muskogee, he … Read more

Biography of Dee Lee Connell, M. D.

The profession as well as the public accords Dr. Dee Lee Connell a prominent position among the medical practitioners of Ottawa County and during the five years in which he has been located in Picher he has fully demonstrated his ability as a physician and surgeon. He was born in Jefferson City, Missouri, May 3, 1872, his parents being James and Sarah (Ware) Connell, both of whom were natives of Ohio. In 1845 the father started for the mines of California, traveling with ox teams over the Santa Fe trail. He was very successful in his search for the precious … Read more