Biography of Rev. A. C. Leard

Last Updated on July 31, 2012 by Dennis

A. C. Leard was born in Randolph County, Illinois, February 15, 1813; His parents were James and Margaret Leard, nee Adams. His father was. a native of South Carolina, and his mother of Georgia. During the War of 1812 his father was what was then known as a ranger, engaged in guarding the frontier from the Indians. During the time his mother was in Hill’s block-house fort in Randolph County, as most of the settlers were compelled to seek refuge there. He was educated there in St. Clair County, in a. to house where one entire end was a fire-place and the floors and seats of puncheons. He lived in St. Clair County till 1851, then immigrated to Missouri and located in Daviess County. He first joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1840 and was connected with that church till 1863, then in 1865 became a member of the Church of God, commonly known as the Advent Church. In one year after joining the same he was ordained to, preach and has continued to labor in that church ever since.

He was married, January 1, 1835, to Miss Rebecca Huggins, in Illinois, January 21, 1816. His wife died December 14, 1836. March 15, 1837, he married Miss Martha Browning, who was born in Tennessee, August 19, 1819. Eight children were born of this union, six of whom are living; . viz., James G., born November 27,1839; Robert J., born February 20, 1842; Mary M., born December 9, 1844; Phoebe A., born January 6, 1848; John H., born April 29, 1850; Willis A., born August 22, 1859; Maria J., born February. 2, 1838, and died February 20, 1870; Martha E., born February 22, 1853, died August 11, 1857. Mr. Leard began life for himself by borrowing $50 to enter forty acres of land, and front that small beginning has kept increasing till lie now owns a fine farm. He served as a member of the First Missouri State Militia during the Civil War. He has been a notary public for eight years and justice of peace four years, and is known as one of our most public spirited men.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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