Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Martha Burnett

MRS. MARTHA BURNETT.- The subject of this biography was born September 28, 1838, in Franklin county, Missouri, and is the fourth child and oldest daughter of Roland and Elizabeth Hinton. Her parents emigrated to Oregon in 1846, and located their Donation claim in the southern part of Benton county, near Monroe. In her twenty-first year, 1859, she was married, on June 12th, to Honorable John Burnett. They took up their residence in Corvallis, where Judge Burnett entered into the practice of law, and prospered in the practice of his profession.

There is a vast difference in the Oregon of 1846 and the Oregon of 1889; and Mrs. Burnett has experienced all the rigors of pioneer life from the time she was a child of tender age until the march of civilization westward took its way. She is now in her fifty-first year, and is surrounded by her family of fine children, and all the comforts which a beautiful home with peace and prosperity can give. She has reached the palm trees and wells of sweet water after a brave and uncomplaining journey through the arid sands of the desert. She has been blessed with seven children, five of whom are living. They are Alice, Ida, Mattie, Brady and Bruce.


Biography, Women,

History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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