Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Corman

Charles A. Corman was born in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, March 20, 1849. He is the son of Dennis V. and Louisa Reynolds Corman, natives of New York. He was educated at Manitowoc and grew to manhood in his native State. He began life on his own account as a lumberman, and pursued that business during four years. In January, 1874, he came to Missouri and located at Jamesport, where he entered the dry goods and grocery business, which he continued for five years. He then established his present drug and book store, and has ever since done a thriving trade. His stock is one of the most complete in town and his patrons are treated with fairness and politeness.

Mr. Corman was married in his native county, November 16, 1873, to Miss Isabella, daughter of John and Elizabeth Spencer, natives of England. Mrs. Corman was born in the same county as her husband, on the 14th day of August, 1852. The issue of this union has been three children: Charles W., born July 16, 1874; Lulu Mabel, born August 9, 1876; and Lee, born March 16, 1879.

Mr. Corman is a member of Jamesport Lodge No, 339; I. O. O. F.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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