Biographical Sketch of A. M. Covington

This gentleman was born in North Carolina, March 17, 1807. His parents moved to Tennessee when lie was but six months old, and resided there two years. From there they moved to Christian County, Kentucky, and still later, moved to Hopkins County, where our subject grew to manhood. He began farming there, and continued till 1811, when he came to Daviess County, and entered the land on which he now resides, the place being located in Liberty township, and containing 250 acres of splendid land, which he long ago improved into a good and comfortable home. At the time of his coming, there were but few families in the township, and they were widely scattered. He built him a small log cabin and began cheerfully to improve the place which was to be the future home of his family. At that primitive day, Mr. Covington had to go as far as Trenton, a distance of twenty-five miles, to get breadstuffs for his family, it sometimes taking two days for him to make the trip.

He was married, in Hopkins County, Kentucky, January 29, 1835, to Miss M. T. B. Wilson. Eleven children were born of this union, of whom seven are still living: Eliza, Emeline, John H., Elizabeth, Philip E., Margaret 0., and Mary still survive; while Narcissa A., William N., James and Georgiana are dead.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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