C- Mississippi Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Cabea Hoola. Given by Romans as a former Choctaw village on the headwaters of Chickasawhay cr., probably in Lauderdale co., Miss.

Cabusto (possibly from oka ‘water’, ish-to ‘great’. Halbert). A town, probably of the Chickasaw, in N. E. Mississippi, visited by De Soto in 1540; situated between Taliepatava and Chicaça, and 5 days march from the latter, near a great river, possibly the Tombigbee. Gentleman of Elvas (1557) in French, Hist. Coll. La., II, 160, 1850; Halbert in Trans. Ala. Hist. Soc., in, 67, 1899.

Capinans. A. small tribe or band noted by Iberville, in 1699, together with the Biloxi and Pascagoula, in Mississippi. The three tribes then numbered 100 families. Judging by the association of names, the Capinans may be identical with the Moctobi, q. v.

Chatelaw (said to mean copper town ). A former Chickasaw town in N. Mississippi. Romans, Fla., 63, 1775.

Chicaça. A chief town of the Chickasaw, situated, according to Halbert (Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 452, 1902), 1 m. N. w. of Redland, in Pontotoc co., Miss., in the 16th century. This settlement was visited by the army of De Soto, who made it his headquarters during the winter of 1540-41, and whose chroniclers describe it as situated on a hill and consisting of thatch-roofed houses. In the following spring the Indians, after repeated attacks, succeeded in setting fire to the town, and, al though finally repulsed, killed a number of Spaniards and horses. The day following this disaster the Spaniards moved to a spot a league away, where they built a temporary village which they called Chicacilla, i. e., Little Chicaça.

Chinakbi. A former Choctaw town on the site of the present Garlandsville, Jasper co., Miss. It was one of the villages constituting the so-called Sixtowns, and gave its name to a small district along the N. side of Sooenlovie cr., partly in Newton co. and partly in Jasper co. Halbert in Publ. Ala. Hist, Soc., Misc. Coll., i, 381-382, 1901.

Chishafoka (among the post oaks). A former Choctaw town on the site of the present city of Jackson, Miss. Brown in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., iv, 445, 1902.

Chiskelikbatcha. A former Choctaw town belonging to the Sixtowns district, near Chicasawhay r., probably in Jasper co., Miss. (West Fla. map, ca. 1775).

Choctaw Capitals. On a French map of 1777 this name appears on an affluent of Pascagoula r.. Miss., E. of Yowani and Chicasawhay. On Philippeaux’s map of the English colonies in 1781 it is located w. of Yowani. Possibly identifiable with Inkillis, q. v.

Chomontokali (shomo-takali, hanging moss ) . A former town of the Oypatukla or northeastern division of the Choctaw, consisting of 8 hamlets, with garden patches intervening, extending E. ^ and w. about 2 m. and about ½ m. in width; situated between two head-streams of Black Water cr., in Kemper co., Miss. In 1830 the residence of Nita Homma, ‘Red Bear’, was in the third hamlet from the w., and about 1,200 yds. s. of the site of his house is a mound about 12 ft. high. The town was on the trail that extended E. and w. from Imongolasha to Haankaulla. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 418, 1902.

Chonque. Probably a Choctaw band oil Yazoo r., Miss., below the Tioux, in the 17th century. See Chuukey.

Chooca Hoola (chúka ‘house’, ‘lodge’, hullo ‘beloved’) . A former Choctaw settlement on the N. side of Sukenatcha cr., between the mouths of Running Tiger and Straight crs. , in the N. part of Kemper Co., Miss. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 425, 1902.

Chucalissa (great town) . One of the former Chickasaw; settlements in N. Mississippi, probably in Pontotoc or Dallas co.

Chukafalaya (Chukafalaya, long town). A former Chickasaw settlement, covering a district 4 m. long and a mile wide, in 1720, and forming one of the geographic divisions of the tribe. Adair states that it had more people in 1775 than the whole Chickasaw Nation in 1740. Several villages composed this settlement, which probably was in Pontotoc or Dallas co., Miss. (A. S. G).

Chukkilissa. One of five hamlets composing the former Choctaw town of Imongalasha, in the present Neshoba co., Miss. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 432, 1902.

Chula (fox). A former Yazoo tribe, confederated with the Chickasaw, on or near the headwaters of Yazoo r., Miss. A village called Tchula is now in Holmes co., Miss.

Chunkey. A former Choctaw town on the site of the modern village of Union, Newton co., Miss. Brown in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 443, 1902.

Chunkey Chitto (big Chunkey, so called to distinguish it from Chunkey). A former Choctaw town on the w. bank of Chunky cr. , about m. below its confluence with Talasha cr., in Newton co., Miss. It was the southernmost town visited by Tecumseh in the fall of 1811. Brown in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 443-444, 1902; Halbert and Ball, Creek War, 46, 1895.

Coatraw. A former Choctaw town which probably stood about 4 m. w. of Newton, Newton co., Miss., where are several broad low mounds. The name is evidently greatly corrupted and can not be interpreted. See Romans, Florida, map, 1775; Brown in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 444, 1902.

Coila. (Koi-ai-vla, panther comes there). A former Indian town on a creek of the same name in Carroll co., Miss. This region may originally have been occupied by some of the Yazoo r. tribes, but in 1830, when Coila is referred to, it was probably occupied by Choctaw. See Halbert in Trans. Ala. Hist. Soc., in, 72, 1899.

Concha (shortened from Kunshak-bolukta, ’round reed-brake’). A former important Choctaw town, named from its situation on the side of a circular reed-brake in the s. w. corner of Kemper co., Miss. It was at the junction of the lines which separated the three primary Choctaw divisions, although belonging itself to the N. E. division. Halbert in Ala. Hist. Soc. Publ., i, 376, 1901; Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., iii, 370, 1900.

Conchachitou (Kunshak-chitto, ‘big reed-brake’). A former Choctaw town in Neshoba co., Miss., which extended from about 2 m. w. of Yazoo town almost to the vicinity of Schekaha. Often called West Congeto and West Cooncheto to distinguish it from another town of the same or a similar name. See Couechitou, and consult Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 427, 1902.

Conchatikpi (Kunshak-tikpi, ‘reed-brake knob’). A former Choctaw town on a creek of the same name, popularly called Coonshark, in the s. part of Neshoba co., Miss. It derived its name from the creek, which in turn was called after a prominent bluff near a reed-brake. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 430, 1902.

Conshaconsapa (corruption of Kushakosapa, ‘reed-brake field’). A former Choctaw town E. of Imongalasha, Neshoba co., Miss.; exact location not known. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ, vi, 431, 1902.

Coosha (kushak, or kusha, ‘reed, or reed-brake’). A former important Choctaw town on the N. side of a w. branch of Lost Horse cr., an affluent of Ponta cr., in Lauderdale co., Miss. (Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 416, 1902) . Romans has transposed the location of this town and Panthe, q. v.

Couechitou. A former important Choctaw town destroyed in the Choctaw civil war of 1764. Its location is in doubt, but it was traditionally placed in the neighborhood of Moscow, Kemper co., Miss. ( Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 424, 1902). This name appears on Danville’s map, ca. 1732, in which it seems to be translated “village of the great chief”. In later times it was known by the same name as Conchachitou (q.v. ), usually in the contracted form Congeto, or Cooncheto, and to distinguish it it was called East Congeto. Halbert assumes that the original name was Conchachitou and interprets it as big reed-brake, like the other; but if such were indeed the case it is surprising that Danville, who locates and translates Conchachitou correctly, should have erred regarding this. (J. R. S.)

Cushtusha (Kashtih-asha, ‘fleas are there’) . A former Choctaw town on the s. side of Cushtusha cr., about 3 m. s. w. of the old town of Yazoo, Neshoba co., Miss. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 431, 1902.

Cutha Aimethaw. A former Choctaw village placed by Romans (Florida, map, 1775) in the present Kemper co., Miss., on the headwaters of an affluent of Sukinatcha cr.

Cuthi Uckehaca (possibly a corruption of Kati Oka-hikia, ‘thorn-bush standing in water’). A former Choctaw town which seems to have been near the mouth of Parker cr., which flows into Petickfa cr., Kemper co., Miss. Halbert in Miss. Hist. Soc. Publ., vi, 426, 1902.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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