Wisconsin Gold Star List – Fond Du Lac County

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

See abbreviations on main Wisconsin’s Gold Star List page.


Anderson, Nils, 23, Hamilton; pvt 101inf; 2Marne, St. Mihiel, Belleau Wood; kia Oct 25, ’18. Cited for bravery by Gen. G. P. Edwards.

Baber, Fred G., 23, Fond du Lac ; pvt 309inf ; Meuse-Argonne, defsec ; German prison; dw Dec 16, ’18.

Backhaus, Rudie M., 25, Oakfleld; pvt 333mgbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 28, ’18.

Badke, Arthur, 25, Ripon; sgt 128inf; near Verdun; dw Oct 10,’18.

Balthazor, Waldo, 19, Fond du Lac; pvt 1cl 150mgbn; on all fronts with Rainbow Div; dw Oct 26,’18.

Berndt, Alvin C., 23, m, Oakfield; pvt 353inf; St. Mihiel offnsve; dw Sept 14, ’18.

Bilkae, Henry W., 31, Fairwater; pvt 53inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Dec 25, ’18.

Blair, Lawrence Henry, 24, Fond du Lac; sgt 18mgtngco, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 18,’18.

Blank, Charles, 28, South Byron; pvt 121mgbn; overseas; dd (diph) Aug 3, ’18.

Bohan, John E., 32, Fond du Lac; pvt 353inf; Argonne, Meuse offnsve; kia Nov 3, ’18.

Bohlnan, Alvin,,21, Fond du Lac; mec 150mgbn; defsec; dw Mch 28, ’18.

Boyle, John P., Fond du Lac; 2Lt AS SigC, Selfridge Field; k (airplane accident), U. S., June 26, ’18.

Bristol, Fern W., 21, Oakfield; pvt 128inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Mch 9, ’18.

Brown, Frank H., 26, Fond du Lac; Reg Army; Mex Bdr; pvt 16inf ; dw June 1, ’18.

Brown, Pearson L., Campbellsport; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; dd (acidosis, after being gassed) Mch 29, ’18.

Carberry, Myron Louis, 21, Fond du Lac; pvt 28engnrs; overseas; dd (septicemia) Mch 18,’19.

Chapel, James M., Jr., Ripon; pvt 32co 81m; d Oct 10,’18.

Cramp, Tony, 35, Fond du Lac; pvt 150mgbn; kia Jy 28,’18.

Crocos, Angel, 24, Fond du Lac; WNG; pvt 121mgbn; Alsace; kia June 13, ’18.

Daane, John, 29, Brandon; pvt 337bn tkco; d (suicide) Feb 3, ’19.

Dodge, Lucius C., 23, Ripon; pvt EH32 MD; overseas; dd (typh) Jan 5, ’18.

Dreier, Albert C., 28, North Fond du Lac; WNG; Mex Bdr; sgt 150mgbn; Argonne; kia Oct 15, ’18.

Eldred, Roy F., 23, Fond du Lac; sgt 26prvnlradiodet, Camp Know; overseas; dd (pneu) Feb 20,’19.

Fisher, Lawrence C., 22, Fond du Lac; pvt 503engnrs servhn; overseas; dd (pneu) Jan 23, ’18.

Floyd, Archie Morris, 22, Fond du Lac ; pvt tngdept mgtngc ; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7, ’18.

Fritz, Herman C., 22, Van Dyne; pvt mgtngc, Camp Hancock; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 20,’18.

Gebert, Joseph, 30, Ripon; sgt 128inf ; Dravegny, Juvigny; kia Aug 30,’18.

Getchel, Dan Ernest, 19, Waupun ; corp 128inf ; kia Aug 31, ’18.

Grabinski, Elmer C., 29, Fond du Lac; pvt 150mgbn; kia Jy 28,’18. Posthumously decorated for distinguished service.

Gratton, Henry, 32, Fond du Lac ; pvt 150mgbn ; overseas; dd (pneu after being gassed) Apr 1, ’18.

Grebe, Oscar William, 22, Fond du Lac; pvt SATC, Kansas City; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3,’18.

Greenlaw, Carl R., 21, Fond du Lac ; pvt 148inf ; Heurne ; dw Oct 31, ’18.

Gross, Guy R., 24, Fond du Lac; WNG; core 150mgbn; Luneville sec, Baccarat, Esperance, Champagne, Marne, St. Mihiel, Argonne-Meuse; kia Oct 15,’18.

Halash, Charles, 23, Ripon; WNG; sgt 131inf; Mallard Wood; kia Aug 9, ’18.

Halfman, Anthony N., 25, Fond du Lac; WNG; sgt 150mgbn; Toul, Champagne, Ourcq, Villiers sur Fere; kia Jy 28, ’18. Posthumously decorated for distinguished service.

Hamilton. George W. E., 23, m, Fond du Lac; mec 131inf ; Gressaire Wood, Bois de Chamne, Forges Wood; kia Oct 9, ’18.

Hanger, Fred L., 25, Waupun; 2Lt 127inf; Meuse-Argonne; kia Oct 15, ’18.

Hazen, Chester H., 21, Waupun; rct 17rctco genservinf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Mch 10, ’18.

Hecht, Paul Richard, 22, Fond du Lac; pvt ambco127; overseas; dd (pneu) Mch 25, ’18.

Heideman, Charles, 19, Waupun ; pvt 308inf ; kia Oct 4, ’18.

Hohensee, Albert C., 24, Lamartine; pvt 1cl 355inf; dw Aug 10,’18.

Jelinski, Edward James, 19, North Fond du Lac; pvt 28engnrs; d (automobile accident) Apr 28,’19.

Krueger, Rudolph Henry, 21, Fond du Lac ; pvt 161depbrig, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (mening) Oct 13, ’18.

Lange, Albert 0., 25, Fond du Lac; WNG; Mex Bdr; pvt 150rngbn served on all fronts with 42div; w Mch 22; kia Oct 15,’18.

Lange, Otto, 30, Oakfield; corp 59inf; Allied offnsve, Aisne-Marne. Argonne; kia Sept 29,’18.

Lee, Roy F., 27, Fond du Lac; sgt hqco 10fa; 2Marne, St. Mihiel, Meuse; dd (pneu) Feb 11,’19.

Leibel, Francis Albert, 30, Campbellsport; pvt 355inf; dw Aug 10, ’18. Posthumously decorated by the French, for bravery.

Liedke, Albert, 30, Fond du Lac ; pvt 121mgbn ; Hagenbach sec, Alsace; dw Jy 13, ’18.

Lowe, Howell, 21, Ripon; pvt 16inf ; kia Jy 19, ’18.

Mangan, James M., 27, Fond du Lac; sgt 150mgbn; Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdun; dw Oct 15, ’18.

Mattox, Harley H., 21, Brandon; WNG; pvt 16inf; kia June 3,’18.

Meidl, Joseph, Jr., 28, Fond du Lac ; pvt 128inf ; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 22, ’18.

Meyer, George Robert, 21, m, Fond du Lac; pvt 63depbrig; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 13, ’18.

Morris, Joseph A., 25, Fond du Lac; pvt supco 18inf; drowned Nov 13, ’17.

Neuendorf, Otto, 31, Fond du Lac; pvt 150mgbn; served on all fronts with 42div till death; kia Jy 28,’18.

Novitzke, Walter, 23, Ripon; pvt 128inf; Dravegny, Juvigny; kia Sept 3, ’18.

Page, George A., 25, Fond du Lac; WNG; pvt 121mgbn; overseas; dd (pneu) Sept 27, ’18.

Peterman, John R., 23, Campbellsport; pvt 354inf; St. Mihiel, Verdun; kia Nov 2,’18.

Radovich, John Budeslav, 27, Fond du Lie; sgt 121mgbn; d (gunshot wound, accidental) June 13, ’18.

Raulf, Glenway W., 23, m, Fond du Lac ; pvt 56inf ; kia Nov 1, ’18.

Rockenfeller, Vernon H., 22, Fond du Lac; WNG; rct 127inf; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan 11,’18.

Roehl, Charles L., 34, Fond du Lac; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; U. S.; dd (pneu) Apr 3, ’18.

Rogers, Harvey, 25, Fond du Lac ; 5prvnlengnrs MP; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 7,’18.

Rosenthal, Carl P., 25, Fond du Lac; farpldrft, Camp Zachary Taylor; dd (pneu) Oct 6,’18.

Rottman, Edwin L., 28, m, Fond du Lac ; pvt dvlpmtbn No. 1 prvnlengnrs, Ft. Benjamin Harrison; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 14, ’18.

Sawley, Ernest F., 24, Brandon; pvt 119mgbn; U. S.; dd (pneu) Jan .5,’18.

Schmidt, Walter F., 28, Fond du Lac; WNG; sgt 128inf; Dravegny, Juvigny; kia Aug 31, ’18.

Schmoldt, Herman Charles, 22, Rosendale; Auto Tng Schl, Kansas City; dd (pneu) Oct 10,’18.

Schroeder, Fred E., 25, Fond du Lac ; pvt hqdet 23engnrs ; U. S.; dd (mening) Jan 14, ’18.

Sisco, William, Fond du Lac; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; kia Oct 1,’18.

Sonn, Edward Henry, 25, Oakfield ; corp 128inf ; Juvigny ; dw Aug 31, ’18.

Steeves, Raymond Eugene, 23, Fond du Lac; corp 128inf; Juvigny, Montfaucon; kia Oct 14,’18.

Tew, Leon N., 22, Oakfield; pvt 102inf; kia Jy 23,’18.

Thill, Robert, 20, Oakfield; WNG; pvt 150mgbn; dd (pneu, after being gassed) Mch 29, ’18.

Trier, Adolph Michael, 43, m, Fond du Lac; WNG; Sp-Am War; maj 127inf; Aisne-Marne; kia Jy 30,’18.

Vanderbosch, Barnard J., 23, Waupun; pvt 311engnrs; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 11,’18.

Visser, John, 27, Waupun; pvt 1cl 343inf; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 1, ’18.

Wachoski, Jake P., 26, Ripon; pvt 38inf; St. Mihiel; kia Oct 9,’18. Washbush, John C., 22, Fond du Lac; core 150mgbn; Luneville, Baccarat, Esperance, Champagne, Marne, St. Mihiel; kia Jy 29, ’18.

Watson, Roy W., 36, Fond du Lac; corp 150mgbn; dw Jy 22,’18.

Weiss, Raymond C., Fond du Lac; mec 150mgbn; served on all fronts but Toul sec with 42div; kia Nov 5,’18.

Welling, Albert, 27, Fond du Lac ; clk 150mgbn ; Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, Verdun, Ardennes; dw Oct 16, ’18.

Westhuis, Andrew, 23, Waupun; pvt 58inf; dw Aug 14, ’18.

Wilson, Robert E., 27, Fond du Lac; pvt dvlpmtbn, Camp Grant; U. S.; dd (pneu) Oct 3,’18.

Wunder, John P. J., 21, Campbellsport; rct, Camp Shelby; U. S.; dd (pneu) Nov 8,’18.


Dana, Donald Roman, 21, Fond du Lac; hosp app lcl; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Jan 17, ’19.

Soule, Howard Palmer, 21, Ripon; yeoman 3cl; d USS Los. Angeles at sea, Sept 28, ’18.

Trever, George Arthur, 33, m, Waupun; dw (multiple injuries extreme) Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct 14,’18. Awarded Navy Cross for distinguished and heroic naval action as commanding officer of the USS 05, engaged in the important duty of protecting convoys of troops and supplies.

Walgrenbach, Leo Mathew, 24, Fond du Lac; 1dsm for mach mate av; d Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 21, ’18.


Gregory, John G., Wisconsin’s Gold Star List : Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Nurses from the Badger State Who Died in the Federal Service During the World War, Madison : State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1925.

Fond du Lac County WI,

Gregory, John Goadby. Wisconsin's gold star list; soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses from the Badger state who died in the federal service during the world war. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 1925.

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