Biographical Sketch of Israel Currier

Israel Currier, from Corrinth, Vt., came to Wolcott about 1836, and located upon the farm he now occupies, on road 30. He built his present dwelling in 1851. His father, David, was a ship carpenter of Salisbury, Mass., and served in the Revolutionary war.

Biographical Sketch of Richard R. Waite

Richard R. Waite, a native of Windsor, Vt., came to Stowe August 15, 1842, and located upon the farm now owned by Luke Town. April 12, 1862, he removed ‘to the farm he now occupies, on road 40. Mr. Waite held the office of constable and deputy sheriff in 1857-’58 , was selectman in 1871 , chairman of the board of selectmen in 1879, ’80, and ’81 , and represented the town in 1878-’79. He has also been president of the Lamoille Valley Fair Ground Company six years, taught school ten winters, and led the choirs in the Methodist and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Merrill Andrus

Merrill Andrus, from Orange county, Vt., came to Wolcott in 1839, and located on road 13, where his son, T. O. Andrus, now resides. He married Maria Lawrence, by whom he had eight children, three of whom, T. O. Andrus, Mrs. R. F. Parker, and Mrs. Eli Drury, are living. Mr. Andrus died in August, 1881, aged seventy-four years.

Biographical Sketch of Alva Judson

Alva Judson, father of O. L. Judson of this town, was born and lived all his life, in Huntington, Vt., dying there at the age of sixty-five years. He married Phoebe Williams, who died in Hyde Park, aged seventy years. Three of their four children are now living, one, O. L., being a resident of this town.

Biographical Sketch of Levi Hodge

Levi Hodge, a native of Warwick, Mass., came to Stowe and located where his son, Russell C., now resides, and where he died in 1862, aged about seventy-five years. Russell C. is superintendent of the town poor farm, which is owned in union by the towns of Stowe, Morristown, and Johnson.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Davis

Thomas Davis, a Connecticut sea captain, came to Wolcott at an early date, and purchased fifty-five acres of land on road 24, which is now owned by his grandson, Pardon Davis. A year or two after his settlement Mr. Davis erected a house of planks, the outside being lathed and plastered, the walls being decorated with pebble stones, arranged in fantastical figures in the plaster before it hardened. This house is still remembered by some of the inhabitants, because of its oddity. Mr. Davis also planted an orchard when he first came here, bringing the trees from Connecticut, some of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sr. Perley Hutchins

Perley Hutchins, Sr., a native of Massachusetts, came to Wolcott about the year 1813, where he resided until his death. His son, Perley, Jr., served in the war of 1812, and in 1815, married Polly Whitney, daughter of Hezekiah Whitney, one of the early settlers. Mrs. Whitney still resides here with her son, in the old tavern where her husband kept a hotel for more than twenty years. She is eighty-four years of age.

Biographical Sketch of Barnabas Peck

Barnabas Peck came to Wolcott in 1811, and located upon the farm now owned by C. C. Twiss. The first saw and grist-mill built in the town then stood on this farm. Mr. Peck reared a family of eleven children, and died in 1832, aged seventy-three years. Jera Peck now occupies the old homestead, aged seventy-one years. The Peck family trace their pedigree back through six generations to Joseph Peck, who came to America in 1638, and whose descendants in the United States are now estimated to number about 11,000.

Biographical Sketch of Moody Parker

Moody Parker, a native of Lyman, N. H., born in 1785, came to Wolcott in 1821, where he resided until his death, in 1869, aged eighty-four years. Mr. Parker was at the battle of Plattsburgh, and held the office of sergeant. After the war he returned to Lyman and married Millicent Moulton, who is still living. This union was blessed with seven children, five of whom are living. S. R. Parker, who now resides on road 12, was three years of age when his father came to the town.

Biographical Sketch of Levi Parker

Levi Parker, from Lyman, N. H., came to Wolcott in June, 1821, and purchased fifty acres of land on road i 1, where E. P. Dexter now resides. Here Mr. Parker resided until his death, in 1862, aged seventy-two years.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph C. Bailey

Joseph C. Bailey, a native of Berlin, Vt., married Miss Sally Gurley, of that place, and removed to Elmore in 1823, where he built a log house near the present residence of Philo Darling. About the year 1852, Mr. Bailey sold his farm to his sons, C. N. and Frank, and removed to Middlesex, where he resided until his death. Chester N. Bailey now occupies a part of the original homestead of 500 acres, on road 43, just on the line of Wolcott.

Biographical Sketch of J. C. Bailey

J. C. Bailey was extensively engaged in the dairy business at one time, having sixty head of cattle. Joseph represented the town of Elmore in the legislature in 1847-’48.

Biographical Sketch of Calvin Holton

Calvin Holton, a native of Chester, Vt., born March 3, 1809, came to Wolcott in November, 1831, and located upon the farm now owned by John Wells, near road 16. Here Mr. Holton erected a log house on his 100 acre farm, for which he had paid $200.00, there being then no wagon road within a distance of three miles. His family lived in this log house eighteen years, when he built a frame dwelling, the same now occupied by Mr. Wells. Mr. Holton is now a resident of Milton county, D. T., having become a pioneer for the second … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rufus Bruce

Rufus Bruce, a native of Chester, Vt., and son of Rev. Rufus Bruce, came to Wolcott on horseback during the summer of 1831, and bought 100 acres of land on road 22 corner 17. paying therefor $200.00. He then hired a man to slash five acres of the heavy timbered land, and returned to Chester, where he soon after, December 14, married Mary Hovey. In January, 1832, he hired a man to bring them and their household effects to Wolcott, where, for the first six months, they resided in the house with John Phelps, on road 17. In August, 1832, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Davenport

Jesse Davenport, born in Salem, Mass., March 25, 1797, came to Wolcott from Berlin, Vt., in 1832, and located on road 11, where he resided until his death, October 9, 1880. Mr. Davenport held many of the town trusts, and enjoyed the respect and confidence of his townsmen to a remarkable degree.

Biographical Sketch of Beverly Titus

Beverly Titus, a native of Tunbridge, Vt., came to Wolcott from Vershire, Vt., in 1832, and located upon the farm now owned by C. G. Moulton, on road 26. Mr. Titus reared a family of twelve children, several of whom are living, viz.: William C., in Oakland, Cal. , John H., and Mrs. Celia Titus Baxter, in Monticello, Wis. , Beverly J., still resides in Wolcott, and Daniel lives in Charlestown, Mass.

Biographical Sketch of Edward Walsh

Edward Walsh, a native of Ireland, came to America when nine years of age, and located, with his parents, in Quebec, where he was apprenticed to a tobacconist. After completing the term of his indenture he went to Williamstown, Vt., where he married Mrs. Sarah Smith, a widow with three children, and, in 1834, came to this town and located on road 43, where he died, April 13, 1882, aged seventy-three years. Mrs. Walsh, at the age of eighty-one years, still resides on the old homestead. Their family of seven children are all living. Mr. Walsh was a man universally … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leonard Thompson

Leonard Thompson, born in 1812, came to Wolcott from Tunbridge, Vt., about forty-five years ago, and located on road 22. In February, 1862, he enlisted in Co. E, 8th Regt. Vt. Vols., was taken prisoner, and died at New Orleans in June, 1863.

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Brown

Timothy Brown and wife, Meredeth Ward, were the first settlers in the town, coming from Westmoreland, N. H., in the year 1797. He bought 450 acres of land on West hill, embracing the Stephen Leach farm and adjoining lands. Here he lived until 1829, when he removed to Ohio, where he passed the remainder of a long life. Four children survived him, Timothy, Bartlett, Rhoda, the wife of Thomas Potter, and Asenath, the wife of Stephen Leach, all of whom attained a ripe old age. The first two died in Ohio, the last two, in Waterville. The year before Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Zephaniah Leach

The Leache are the descendants of a McLeach family, of Scotland. Three brothers McLeach came to this country. from the Highlands of Scotland about 250 years ago, and settled at Cold Run, Mass. They afterwards removed to Westmoreland, N. H., where, nearly 125 years since, the name was changed, on petition to Parliament, from McLeach to Leach. One of these brothers, Josiah McLeach, whose wife was Sarah Brittain, of Wales, was the grandfather of Zephaniah Leach, the early settler of Waterville.