Biography of Lucius Briggs

Lucius Briggs was born in Coventry, R. I., December 21st, 1825. He is the son of Wanton and Mary Tift Briggs, of Coventry, R. I. Wanton Briggs was the son of Jonathan Briggs, also of Coventry, who served in the revolutionary army from the beginning to the end of the war, taking part in many important, hard fought battles, and received an honorable discharge signed by General Washington himself. Mary Tift Briggs was the daughter of Solomon Tift, of Groton, Conn. He served the cause of his country during the revolutionary period on the ocean. He was taken prisoner and … Read more

Biography of James W. and Elisha S. Converse

The descent of the Converse family, of Thompson, from Roger de Coigneries, one of the trusted chieftains of William the Conqueror, has been elsewhere given in this volume, and need not be repeated here.. The first member of the family to emigrate from England to America was Deacon Edward Convers, who settled in Woburn, Mass. His grandson, Samuel Convers, in 1710 removed to, Thompson parish, then Killingly, and became the progenitor of all branches of the family who bear the name, in Thompson. In the line of descent was Edward Convers, whose son Jonathan was the father of Deacon Jonathan … Read more

Biography of Henry Elliott

The progenitor of the Elliott family in Thompson was Francis Elliott, a mariner, who settled in Salem, Mass., in 1686, and the same year married Abigail, daughter of John Nichols. Their son Thomas, who early in life resided at Middletown, in the same state, in 1723 married Lucy Flint. With his son Joseph he came to Thompson parish in 1749. Joseph Elliott was a revolutionary soldier, and commanded a company at the battle of Bunker Hill. He married Jesusha Bury, whose son Thomas was born in 1759 and died in 1843. He married Chloe, daughter of Issacher Bates, and had … Read more

Biography of Doctor William Grosvenor

The subject of this biography, was a descendant in the fifth generation from the original purchaser of the Mashamoquet tract. He was the son of Doctor Robert Grosvenor, and was born in Killingly, Conn., April 30th, 1810. He attended the best academies of his native state, and his father, needing his early assistance in the practice of his profession, sent him first to the Chemical Laboratory of Yale College, and afterward to Philadelphia, where, for three years, he had special advantages in connection with the hospitals of the city, and attended the lectures of the Jefferson Medical School, at which … Read more

Biography of Frank M. Messenger

Samuel Messenger, the grandfather of Frank M. Messenger, married Lavina Blake, of Wrentham, Massachusetts. Their children were five sons and five daughters, of whom Silas was born in Stoddard, New Hampshire, and during his active life was both a farmer and a house carpenter in his native place. He married Arvilla, daughter of Isaac Copeland, of the same town. Their children were: Mary, Alma, Erskine, Addison, Edson Winslow, Henry E., George B., Alice C., Frank M. and Helen A., of whom three are deceased-Addison, whose death occurred while a soldier in the late war; George B., who died in childhood, … Read more

Biography of George Taft Murdock

Elisha Murdock, the grandfather of George Taft Murdock, was a prosperous farmer in the town of Uxbridge, Mass. His wife, a Miss Chapin, became the mother of several children, of whom Fuller Murdock, one of their sons, spent his life in Uxbridge, his native town. He married Esther, daughter of James Taft, of Uxbridge. The children of this union were: Philina, born in 1807; Abbie Eliza, in 1808; Moses Taft, in 1810; John, in 1812; Charles, in 1815; Caleb, in 1817; George Taft, March 18th, 1819; Harriet, in 1821; Chapin, in 1823, and Mary Ann, in 1825. The fifth son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Thurston Murdock

The only son of George Taft and Abbie A. Murdock, who was born July 4th, 1846, in Uxbridge, Mass., at the age of twelve years removed with his parents to Millbury, and later to Worcester in the same state. His education was received at the Worcester and Wilbraham Academies, after which he entered the finishing room of the mills in the former place, and thus became familiar with the first principles of manufacturing. Coming later to New Boston, he filled the position of accountant until 1866, and then assumed the superintendence of the mills. Two years later he succeeded to … Read more

Biography of Franklin Nichols

One of the well-known business men and leading bankers in Connecticut, Franklin Nichols was born in Thompson, Conn., August 11th, 1805. His boyhood was passed in his native town, sharing the advantages of the schools of those days. At an early age he commenced business for himself, in the improvement of extensive farming lands inherited from his father, which honorable vocation he continued with an older brother until May, 1840, when he removed to Norwich and became a member of the firm of Nichols & Eddy, wholesale grocers. The firm subsequently changed to Nichols & Evans, and later to Nichols, … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Phipps

Deacon Jason Phipps was at an early day an extensive landholder and farmer in Thompson parish, as also a justice of the peace, who exercised his prerogative with an inflexible hand. His son Jason, a soldier of the revolution, married Mary Healy, of Dudley, Mass., whose children were: Peyton Randolph, Salem T., Jason, Polly, Hannah, Mary Ann, Rebecca and Persis. Mr. Phipps resided in Thompson, where he became the owner of much valuable land. His son, Captain Peyton Randolph, was born July 29th, 1789, in the same town, and spent his life as a farmer. He also bore an active … Read more

Biography of Charles D. Thayer

John and Dacy Thayer were the grandparents of the subject of this biography. Their son John married Ruth Mowery and settled in East Douglas. The children of this marriage were: Mowery, born April 27th, 1811; Charles D., December 26th, 1813; Arrilla, August 9th, 1815. Charles D., the second son, is a native of Douglas, Massachusetts, where he enjoyed the advantages of the public schools, and afterward continued his studies at the Oxford and Uxbridge high schools. He then taught for several terms, and afterward began his business career as a clerk, first at Oxford and then at New Boston. This … Read more

Biography of Marcus F. Towne

David Towne, the grandfather of Marcus F. Towne, married Lucy Upham. Their children were two sons and two daughters, of whom George, born in Thompson, February 18th, 1794, married Sally, daughter of Rufus Tyler. The children of this marriage were: Lucy, who died in youth; Rufus T., Marcus F., Noadiah W. and Lucy U., wife of Joseph S. Perry. Marcus F. Towne was born June 21st, 1824, on the farm in Thompson, where his whole life, with the exception of a single year, has been spent. He attended the common school, and for a short period the high school, after … Read more

Biography of Aaron White

Aaron White died at Quinebaug, in the town of Thompson, April 15th, 1886, aged 87 years and six months. He was born in Boylston, Mass., October 8th, 1798, and was the eldest of ten children, seven sons and three daughters, of Aaron and Mary White. His ancestry were of the early puritan settlers of Eastern Massachusetts, and among them on the side of his mother, were the Adams’ of Boston, her grandmother being a sister of Governor Samuel Adams, a distinguished patriot of the revolution. His father kept a country store, cultivated an adjoining farm, was a leading man in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Bishop

The grandfather of the subject of this biography was Ebenezer Bishop, a native of Lisbon, Conn., who removed in later life to North Woodstock, where he engaged in the practice of medicine until his death in October, 1834. He married Sarah Lyon, whose six children were: Amasa, Hezekiah, Elisha, Ebenezer, Tabitha and Delia. Hezekiah, of this number, was born December 2d, 1804, in North Woodstock, where he engaged in farming and participated actively in the affairs of the town until his death, which occurred in 1863. He married Martha D., daughter of Captain Judah Lyon, a citizen of much prominence … Read more

Biography of Abel Child

Benjamin Child emigrated from Great Britain to America in 1630, and became the head of most of the families of that name. A type of character patriarchal in the best sense, earnest in purpose, and in the promotion of that Puritanic stamp of piety for which the Massachusetts settlers were distinguished, he was one of the thirty who contributed toward the erection of the first church in Roxbury. Bearing the name of the youngest son of the head of the Israelites, like that patriarch, ” in the land wherein he was a stranger,” he became the father of twelve children, … Read more

Biography of Ezra Dean

Ezra Dean was born in Killingly, Connecticut, on the 31st of August, 1813, and when twelve years of age, on the death of his father, came to Woodstock to reside with an uncle, who was then engaged in the business of a tanner and currier. He attended the nearest school for one or more years and then entered the tannery, with the intention of learning the trade. On the death of his relative he purchased the tannery, in connection with a small farm, and there resided until his death, December 7th, 1871. Mr. Dean evinced much ability and forethought in … Read more

Biography of Marquis Green

Thomas Green, the progenitor of the Green family in America, came from England in 1635, and settled in Malden, Mass. His son Henry, born in 1638, married in 1671, Esther Hasse. Among their seven children was a son Henry, born in 1672, who married in 1695, Hannah Flagg. Their son Henry, the third of the name, born in 1696, married Judith – , and resided in Killingly. A son John by this marriage, born in 1736, one of six children, was the father of Benjamin, whose birth occurred March 11th, 1766. He married Tamer Moffat, to whom were born four … Read more

Biography of William Lyon, 4th

The progenitor of the Lyon family in Connecticut was William Lyon, born in 1675, who when fourteen years of age, came with an uncle to Woodstock and settled on the homestead farm now owned by Mrs. William Lyon and Mrs. Emma Lyon Frink. William Lyon, his eldest son, born in 1700, was the father of eight children, of whom Elijah, born in 1727, had among his children a son William, born November 11th, 1778, who was the father of William 4th, the subject of this biography, born October 7th, 1801. His birthplace was the homestead farm, which has passed by … Read more

Biography of John McClellan

General Samuel McClellan, the father of the subject of this biography, was born in the town of Worcester, Massachusetts, January 4th, 1730, his parents having emigrated from Kircudbright, on the Firth of Solway, in Scotland. In the French war he served as an ensign and lieutenant of a company, during which service he was wounded. On his return from the provincial campaign he purchased a farm in Woodstock, and there married and settled. At a later date he engaged in mercantile business and established an extensive trade, not only importing his own goods but supplying other merchants as well. The … Read more

Biography of Charles Harris May

Stephen May, the great-grandfather of Charles Harris May, first settled upon the homestead farm in Woodstock, which he bequeathed to his son Ephraim, familiarly known as ” Captain Ephraim,” who married Abigail Chandler. Their children were: Seth. Asa, Mary, Eliza, Julia and Henrietta. Asa May was born on the homestead farm now owned by the subject of this biographical sketch, where his life was spent as a farmer. He was an influential citizen, active in public affairs, possessing rare executive ability, and highly esteemed for his intellectual gifts and his exemplary character. He was an earnest Mason and much interested … Read more

Biography of Joseph M. Morse

The progenitor of the Morse family in Woodstock is Anthony Morse, who, on his emigration to America, settled in Newbury, Mass., in 1635, and died in 1686. His son, Deacon Benjamin Morse, born in March, 1640, married Ruth Sawyer. His son, Benjamin, Jr., born in 1668, married Susannah Merrill. Their son, Abel, was united in marriage to Grace Parker, whose son, Doctor Parker Morse, A.M., married Hannah Huse, and became the father of eight children, one of whom was Abel Morse, who married Sarah Holbrook, and had twelve children. Leonard Morse, a son by the latter union, was born October … Read more