Biography of Edward Kelly

Last Updated on August 15, 2011 by

EDWARD KELLY-Responsibility has been the portion of Edward Kelly throughout his entire active life, and for more than forty years he has borne a worthy and progressive part in business and civic affairs. He has done much to forward the progress of his native town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and in every branch of activity with which he is, or has been, connected he endorses all worthy effort and supports the general good. Mr. Kelly is a son of Michael and Julia (Dwyer) Kelly, his father a blacksmith and carriage manufacturer for many years, but later in life prominent as a real estate broker and operator.

Edward Kelly was born in Great Barrington September 18, 1866. Receiving his early education in the elementary and grammar schools of his birthplace, be graduated from the Great Barrington High School in the class of 1883, and his first work was in the field of railroad and express activities. He was also engaged in the local telephone service and went forward along these allied lines until the close of the year 1902, soon thereafter becoming sewer commissioner and later assessor. With the opening of 1906 Mr. Kelly took up his duty as town clerk, to which he had been elected by his fellow townsmen, and from that time until the present (1924) his energies have been commanded by public service in one office or another. He has served the town of Great Barrington as treasurer, collector of taxes, assessor and selectman, and in every phase of his work in these varied lines he has revealed the true spirit of the public servant and the fine executive ability of the man of affairs. The people of Great Barrington feel that their interests are well cared for in his hands, and he has done much to benefit the community and to forward local progress. Mr. Kelly has few affiliations, devoting his time and energies wholly to the duties placed in his hands by his friends and neighbors. He is a devout Catholic and a regular attendant upon the services of the Roman Catholic Church

Edward Kelly married, in Lee, Massachusetts, April 3, 1893, Ellen M. Purcell, daughter of Michael and Mary (Murray) Purcell. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly are the parents of five children: Eleanor, born February 19, 1894; Edward, born July 23, 1897; Gertrude, born February 16, 1900; Margaret, born June 4, 1902; and Richard, born June 28, 1911. The Kelly family residence is at No. 64 Cottage Street, Great Barrington.



Lockwood, John H. (John Hoyt); Bagg, Ernest Newton; Carson, Walter S. (Walter Scott); Riley, Herbert E. (Herbert Elihu); Boltwood, Edward; Clark, Will L. (Will Leach); Western Massachusetts A History 1636-1925; New York and Chicago: Lewis historical publishing company, inc., 1926

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