1867 Halifax Massachusetts Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2013 by Dennis

Alden Reuel T. shoemaker
Allen Jarad B. shoemaker
Allen John, shoemaker

Bird Henry W. shoemaker
Bishop Charles E. carpenter
Bishop Nathaniel, carpenter
Blake Daniel P. shoemaker
Bonney Elbridge P. painter
Bosworth Daniel, teamster
Bosworth Henry M. teamster
Bosworth Libbeus, farmer
Bosworth Martin, farmer
Bosworth William H. shoemaker
Bourne Abram, farmer
Bourne Josiah, shoemaker
Bourne William N. laborer
Briggs Bern, shoemaker
Briggs G. W. shoe cutter
Britton Z. L. farmer
Bryant Thomas H. B. farmer

Carver Charles G. laborer
Carver Samuel, farmer
Churchill Edmond, shoemaker
Churchill Samnel, shoemaker
Clark Stephen, fanner
Cobb Lewis A. farmer
Cook John, painter
Cornish Ellis, farmer
Crooker Melvin, carpenter
Crooker Melvin, jr., farmer
Crooker Wm. H. clerk
Cushman Nahum W. farmer
Cushman Noah, farmer

Dabey William S.
Drew George, farmer
Drew James T. farmer
Dyson William A. shoemaker

Fearing Seth, shoemaker
Fisher George A. laborer
Fobes Wm. A. pastor Cong. Church
Fuller Alfred, farmer
Fuller Charles H. shoemaker
Fuller Chipman, farmer
Fuller Cyrus, farmer
Fuller Eben, farmer
Fuller Eustace, shoemaker
Fuller Granville C. farmer
Fuller Isaac, farmer
Fuller John, farmer
Fuller Marsha H, shoemaker
Fuller Nathan, farmer
Fuller Nathan, jr., farmer
Fuller Richard, shoemaker
Fuller Samuel, farmer
Fuller Thomas S. shoemaker

Harlow George, shoemaker
Harlow Joseph, shoemaker
Harlow Stephen, farmer
Hatch Nahum, shoemaker
Harriman Abel A. shoemaker
Hayward Geo B. laborer
Hayward Kinsley, laborer
Hayward Kinsley, jr., shoemaker
Hayward Lysander, laborer
Hayward Wm. T. farmer
Holmes Darius, soap maker
Holmes Darius E. farmer
Holmes Jabez S. seaman
Holmes Jabez W. peddler
Holmes John, shoemaker
Holmes Martin, shoemaker
Holmes Nathaniel T. farmer
Holmes Thomas, farmer
Howland Martin, farmer

Inglee Edwin, W. I. & dry goods and auctioneer
Inglee Lucius, farmer
Inglee S. S. farmer

Jackson George W. farmer
Jackson George W. jr., farmer

Keevy Peter, shoemaker

Lull Stephen P. shoemaker
Lyon Alpha, farmer
Lyon Charles P. boot maker
Lyon Edwin, shoemaker
Lyon George F. periodical dealer
Lyon Sylvanus W. shoemaker
Lyon William A. sawyer

Morton Cyrus, physician
Morton E. G. farmer
Morton Nathaniel, farmer
Marston William T. shoemaker
Mitchell George W. blacksmith
Moody Robert, farmer
Morse Levi, shoemaker

Osborne Martin, shoemaker

Packard Ansel, farmer
Packard Harrison D. farmer
Packard Horace P. farmer
Packard Jesse, farmer
Paine Charles H. county commissioner
Parris B. F. H. shoemaker
Panis I. N. shoemaker
Parris Jonathan, farmer
Parris Matthew, laborer
Peasley William A. farmer
Peasley William A. jr., carpenter
Penniman William, cotton batting
Perkins Friend S. peddler
Perkins James, shoemaker
Perkins Jason, farmer
Poole Alsen, merchant
Poole Caleb, farmer
Poole Caleb jr., merchant
Poole Eliab, farmer
Pope Josiah S. farmer
Porter Chipman, farmer
Porter Henry M. farmer
Pratt Abner C. laborer
Pratt Otis, farmer
Pratt Stillman, laborer

Richmond Abel, farmer
Richmond Andrew, farmer
Richmond Cyrus, farmer
Richmond E. P. farmer
Richards Reuben, heel maker

Sampson Henry G. shoemaker
Sears William H. shoemaker
Smith Reuben, shoemaker
Soule Amasa S. farmer
Soule Jabez, farmer
Soule Jacob, farmer
Soule John M. farmer
Soule Nathaniel, farmer
Standish Shadrach, farmer
Stetson Ephraim, cranberry cultivator
Sturtevant Calvin, farmer
Sturtevant George F. shoemaker
Sturtevant Ira L. farmer and surveyor
Sturtevant Isaac T. laborer
Sturtevant Isaac W. laborer
Sturtevant John, farmer
Sturtevant John jr., farmer
Sturtevant John 3d, laborer
Sturtevant Simeon, farmer
Sturtevant Stafford
Sturtevant Thomas, farmer
Sullivan Timothy, farmer
Swasey James, farmer
Sylvester Joseph, farmer

Thayer Edward, shoemaker
Thayer Ellis P. shoemaker
Thomas Horace, .iron worker
Thomas Sylvanus, shoemaker
Thompson Adam, farmer
Thompson Albert, carpenter
Thompson Asaph P. shoemaker
Thompson D. C. farmer
Thompson Ephraim B. farmer
Thompson Horace O. farmer
Thompson Ichabod, farmer
Thompson Jacob P. shoemaker
Thompson John T. Z. farmer
Thompson Lewis, farmer
Thompson L. H. farmer
Thompson Marcus M. shoemaker
Thompson Morton, teacher
Thompson Otis, farmer
Thompson Shepard, farmer
Thompson Soranus, shoemaker
Thompson Varnum M. shoemaker
Thompson Ward, farmer
Thompson Ward jr., farmer
Thompson Zadock, farmer
Thompson Zedediah, farmer
Thrasher B. B. farmer
Tillson William, farmer
Tillson William M. farmer
Tolman Benjamin, shoemaker

Vaughan Cornelius P. shoemaker
Vickery Ebenezer, shoemaker

Wade James, shoemaker
Wade Leavitt, iron worker
Waterman Isaac, shoemaker
Waterman J. B. farmer
Watson Daniel, hoot maker
Watson John, boot maker
Washburn John L. farmer
White Charles, farmer
White Josephus, farmer
Whitney Charles T. shoemaker
Willis Cyrus, shoemaker
Wood Alvinzer, farmer
Wood Asaph S. farmer
Wood Cyrus, shoemaker
Wood Elihu, teamster
Wood Frederic, farmer
Wood Isaac, farmer
Wood Martin, farmer
Wood Timothy F. farmer


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