Indian Tribes between Red River and Rio del Norte, 1822

Last Updated on October 6, 2016 by Dennis

In our Table are given the names, numbers and locations of these tribes, furnished by Col. Trimble, with an account of their present state, peculiarly appropriate to the views of the Government, which may be found in the Appendix. 1 Though a large part of these tribes are without the limits of the United States, their connection with our Indians is such, as renders it important that we know their situation, in order the better to make arrangements for the education of those who are under the jurisdiction and care of our own Government.

Among these Indians, it will appear from the Table, are scattered in considerable numbers, emigrants from the Cherokee, Choctaw, Delaware and other tribes, residing on this side of the Mississippi. These, in time, may constitute a valuable medium of communication with the tribes among whom they are now mingled; being acquainted with the languages of these tribes. Indian youth, of the tribes’ above named, now receiving education at Cornwall, 2 and in the Cherokee and Choctaw schools, would have access to, and influence with those of their own tribes and language, and through them, with those among whom these emigrants reside, and may become in due time, very important members of Education Families, which will probably be planted among these Indians.

Of the Indians in Louisiana, and others between Red River, and the Rio del Norte

Indian Tribes between Red River and Rio del Norte Population Location
Mobilian Tunica30Red River, 90 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Biloxi20Red River, 90 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Biloxi50Biloxi bayou, 15 miles above its junction with the river Nechez.
Alabama160Alibama bayou, 10 miles above its junction with tho Nechez.
Apalache150Red River, 160 miles above the mouth.
Pascagoula80Red River, 160 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Pascagoula60Red River, 320 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Pascagoula100Biloxi bayou, 15 miles above its junction with the Nechez.
Mobilian Choctaw1,200Waters of Sabine and Nechez Rivers.
Mobilian Choctaw340Red River, near Nanatsoho or Pecan point.
Mobilian Quapaw250Waters of Washita.
Mobilian Chickasaw100Waters of Washita.
Mobilian Chickasaw70Nacogdoches waters of Augilina or branch after Neches
Mobilian Cherokee120Red River, left side, 512 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Delaware30Red River, 2 miles below the Cherokee Village.
Mobilian Chatteau240Sabine River, 50 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Coshatta350Red River, above Lake Bodean and 510 miles above the mouth
Mobilian Coshatta50Nechez, 40 miles above the mouth.
Mobilian Coshatta240Trinity River, 40 or 50 miles above the mouth, 2 villages.
Caddo Caddo450Waters of Lake Ceoda of Red River.
Caddo Caddo100Red River, right bank, near Nanatsoho.
Caddo Natchitochy20Adayos bayou, which enters the Spanish Lake
Caddo Adayes30Bayou Pierce of Red River
Caddo Tetassco40Sabine waters, left side of the river
Caddo Nadaco180Sabine waters, left side of the river
Caddo Nabidacho400River Nechez.
Cadodache, Nacogdochet60Augilina, 100 miles above its junction with the Nechez.
Cadodache, Aise20Augilina, intermixed with the Nacogdochet
Cadodache, Texas230Nechez, at the junction of the Bayou St. Pedro
Cadodache, Hini200Augilina River
Beedi Beedi120Trinity River, right side, 65 miles above the mouth
Beedi Keechi200Trinity River, left side, 125 miles above the mouth
Attocapas, Coco150Trinity River
Towcash--Towacanno and Tahuacana or Tahuaya1,200Brasses River, 180 miles above the mouth
Panis Waco800Brasses River, 24 miles above the mouth
Panis Towcash400Red River, 1,200 miles above the mouth
Tonkawa, Tonkawa700Erratic on the Bay of St. Bernardo
Tonkawa, Coroukawa350Erratic on the St. Jacinto River, between the Trinity and Brasses.
Tonkawa, Arrenamuses120St. Antonio River, near the mouth
Towkawa, Careea2,000On the coast, between the Nuaces and Rio del Norte.
Apaches, Lapanne3,500Erratie, between the Rio del Norte and the source of the Nuaces
Comauch--Comauch-Jelan-Yamperack30,000Erratie, from the sources of the Brasses and Colorado to the sources of Red River, Arkansaw and Missouri.


  1. Appendix F.[]
  2. See an account of this school, Appendix G.[]


Morse, Rev. Jedidiah. A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, Printed by S. Converse, 1822.

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