Phillips, Ethelda “Buddy” Sears Mrs. – Obituary

Ethelda Sears “Buddy” Phillips, 83, died Oct. 27, 2004, at the Phillips Ranch on Pine Creek. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Roger Scovil of the Baker City Christian Church will officiate. Interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitations will be until 7 o’clock tonight at the funeral home. Buddy was born on April 7, 1921, at York, Neb., to George Dewey and Carrie Wilson Sears. She attended grade schools in Nebraska and Colorado and high school at West Linn. Buddy moved to Baker County in the fall of … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Neal

For the past six years this enterprising young businessman has occupied the responsible position of cashier of the Capital State Bank, of Idaho, and is rapidly acquiring the reputation of being one of the ablest financiers in the state. Prior to his connection with this well known banking institution, now regarded as one of the best in the great northwest, he had had experience in the handling of finances, having for several years been engaged in the loan business in this state and in Colorado, and having served as the first county treasurer of Kit Carson county, Colorado, after its … Read more

Biography of Carlton D. Akin

Among the prominent men of Wallowa County, as also one of the leading property owners in the county stands the subject of this brief article and it is with pleasure that we accord to him a representation of this volume of the county’s history, both because he has achieved a success here that demonstrates his ability in the business world and also because commensurate with his general capabilities there have been manifested a stanch and well rounded character, moral qualities of intrinsic worth and integrity unswerving and continuous all of which demonstrate Mr. Akin to be a typical man and … Read more

Biography of Wallace Fairbank

WALLACE FAIRBANK. – The subject of this sketch is one of the substantial and capable men of Union county, and one who showed the metal of which he was made at the time Columbia called for sons to avenge her insult and to put down the minions of rebellion, at which time he responded and did good service until the work was completed and he was honorably discharged, carrying, however, until this day the serious effects of his service and the wounds that he received. Mr. Fairbank was born in St. Lawrence county, New York on July 27, 1848, being … Read more

Vernholm, Willard Dale – Obituary

Willard Dale Vernholm, 73, of Baker City, died Sept. 25, 2005, at Idlewood Manor. At his request there will be no services. Cremation by Eastern Oregon Pioneer Crematory. Dale was born on Feb. 11, 1932, in York, Neb., to Carl Willard and Lois Louetta Middleton Vernholm. When Dale was about 4 years old the family moved to Corvallis. He attended school at Lewisburg and Corvallis High School. In 1947, at 15, Dale’s family moved to New Plymouth, Idaho. When Dale was only 16, but needing to be 18, he lied about his age and went to work for the Payette … Read more