Biography of Henry Hewitt

HENRY HEWITT. – Many differences have been developed in respect to the particulars of the immigration of 1843 which can be reconciled only by making allowances for the natural discrepancies of memory with regard to events long since passed, and to the fact that the different companies and sections of the whole immigration had different experiences, and that the few survivors are not likely to have seen nor heard precisely the same things. Each of the various accounts may be given as each pioneer remembers it to have occurred; and each will have its own interest and value. It was … Read more

Biography of W. L. Adams A.M., M.D.

W.L. ADAMS, A.M., M.D. – The subject of this biography, a pioneer who drove his own ox team across the plains in 1848, is one of the most unique of western characters; and history entitles him to be placed in the catalog of the illustrious men who bore prominent parts in settling Oregon, and in molding public sentiment. To give a full history of his life would require a large book; but our limited space would require a large book; but our limited space forbids anything but a rapid glance at a few waymarks along the road traveled for nearly … Read more

Biography of L. L. Rowland, M.D.

L.L. ROWLAND, M.D. – L.L. Rowland, M.D., LL. D., F.R.S., was born at Nashville, Tennessee, September 17, 1831, and came with his father, Judge Jeremiah Rowland, across the plains to Oregon in 1844. He dutifully remained and helped at home on the old Donation land claim, North Yamhill, until the day he was twenty-one, when he entered the district school with the ambition and hope of finally finishing, if possible, a full classical course of education in some Eastern university. By working somewhat successfully in the California gold mines in 1849 and 1851, giving his father for his time half … Read more

Bowman, Martha Elizabeth Carroll – Obituary

Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Carroll Bowman, wife of Walter S. Bowman died at her home, 918 Main Street last night [March 13, 1931] at 7:30 her death being caused by an illness resulting from a paralytic stroke which occurred a little over five years ago. She was born December 5, 1866 in Yamhill, Oregon, and came in the early part of her life to Dayton, Washington with her family, coming to Pendleton in the early nineties. On November 24, 1896, she was married to W. S. Bowman, they being the parents of one child, no longer living [Juanita Bowman]. Mrs. Bowman … Read more