Biographical Sketch of Cyrus Locher

Locher, Cyrus; lawyer; born, Bluffton, O., Mar. 8, 1878; son of Christian and Fanny Lugabihl Locher; educated, Pandora High School, Ohio Wesleyan University, A. B. and A. M.; Western Reserve University Law School, LL. B.; married, Bloomington, Ill., Beulah L. Baker; supt. of schools, Woodsfield, O., 1903-1905; asst. city solicitor, Cleveland, 1908-1909; member law firm Gott & Locher, 1910-1913; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, and Sigma Delta Rho (honorary fraternity); member Cleveland Athletic Club and Chamber of Commerce; County Prosecuting Attorney from Jan. 6, 1913.

Biography of James Steel

James Steel, banker of Portland, was born in Woodsfield, Monroe county, Ohio, on September 20, 1834, and is a son of William and Elisabeth (Lawrie) Steel. His father was born in Scotland, but came to America when nine years of age, and was engaged in merchandising nearly all of his active life. He was a man of strong character, and every action in business and private life was governed by the most rigid adherence to a lofty conception of right and justice. He was strongly opposed to human slavery, and was very active for more than twenty years prior to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilbur Leroy Davidson

Davidson, Wilbur Leroy; clergyman; born, Woodsfield, O., April 3, 1853; son of William A. and Margaret (McGregor) Davidson; A. B., Scio. College, 1870; B. D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1876; (D. D., Claflin U., 1889); married, Belle Clark, of Lexington, Ky., 1890; ordained, M. E. ministry, 1876; in pastorates, 1876-1886; field agt. Sunday School Union, 1886-1889; field agt. Chautauqua Literature and Scientific Circle, 1895-1902; supt. instruction at 15 Chautauquas, 1887-1911; sec. The Am. Univ., 1899-1908; mgr. Nat. Chautauqua Bur. since July, 1908; Lyceum lecturer; del. Ecumenical Methodist Conference, London, 1901; member National Geographical Society. Clubs: University (Washington). Author: Over the Sea, … Read more