Biography of H. Clay Fisk

H. Clay Fisk, Superintendent of the city schools of Nowata, was born in Altoona, Kansas, on the 8th of August, 1887, a son of F. M. and Mary (Matkin) Fisk. The father came to Oklahoma at the opening of the Cherokee strip, making the run on the back of a bucking mule, and secured a claim of one hundred and sixty acres near Cherokee in Alfalfa County. In the acquirement of an education H. Clay Fisk attended the rural schools of Alfalfa County until he had finished the eighth grade, when he enrolled in the Stella Academy at Cherokee, where … Read more

Biography of Leroy E. Quinlan

Leroy E. Quinlan, though admitted to the bar less than two years ago, had made a most promising beginning of a successful legal career and is now justifying the confidence of his friends and supporters by his administration of the office of county attorney of Rice County. Mr. Quinlan is a native of Kansas, was born at Hoisington May 22, 1893. His grandfather, Charles Michael Quinlan, was born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1832, came to America when a young man, settled on a farm in Indiana, married there, and enlisted and went all through the Civil war as a … Read more

Woods County Oklahoma Cemeteries

Cowboy Cemetery, Woods County, Oklahoma

A complete listing of all available online Woods County Oklahoma cemeteries, with links to multiple cemetery transcriptions, gravestone photos, tombstone photos, official records, etc.

Doud, Asa Orvel – Obituary

Promise, Wallowa County, Oregon Asa Orvel Doud passed away at Promise north of Wallowa on June 23, 1984. He was born December 19, 9116 at Alva, Oklahoma, son of William and Q.Z. Maxwell Doud. Asa was a farm laborer most of his life and never married. Survivors include four brothers, Vernie Doud of Oroville, Calif., Lester Doud of Wallowa, Lonnie Doud of Lostine, and Carl Doud of Oroville, Calif.

Biography of David Hester Cotten

David Hester Cotten, a native son of Oklahoma who represents the third generation of the family in this state, is numbered among the rising young attorneys of Miami, where since 1918 he has engaged in practice, and he has already won a well established position in the ranks of the profession. He was born near Ardmore, in that part of Indian Territory occupied by the Chickasaw Nation, on the 28th of January, 1894, his parents being David Oscar and Cora J. (Nesmith) Cotten, the former born at Tishomingo, Indian Territory, while the latter was a native of Birmingham, Alabama. The … Read more

Biography of Howard C. Tillotson

Howard C. Tillotson. Some men make a success in life apparently by disregarding the old rule of sticking to one thing and to one place. The possession of several talents, and the judgment to make use of them operate to contradict the rule which the average person finds safe for his guidance. One of these men of varied abilities and varied experiences is Howard C. Tillotson, a prominent resident of Latham. Mr. Tillotson is a native of Kansas, and both he and his wife are people of special interest and note because of what they have done for others as … Read more

Linfoot, Delbert B. – Obituary

Formerly of Elgin Delmer B. Linfoot, 87, of Jefferson and formerly of Elgin, died Sept. 14 in Salem. Viewing will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at Bishop Funeral Chapel in Pendleton. Funeral service begins at 11 a.m. Monday at Mission Assembly of God Church, 47328 Short Mile Road in Pendleton. Graveside service will follow at 2 p.m. at the Island City Cemetery. Delmer was born Jan. 12, 1920, in Dacoma, Okla. He grew up in Elgin. A full obituary will be available later. La Grande Observer – Obituaries For The Week Ending September 15, 2007 Published: … Read more