Biographical Sketch of H.B. Clinton,

H.B. Clinton, of the firm of H.B. & C.E. Clignan, physicians and surgeons, was born in O., in 1822; is a graduate of the Cleveland Medical College. He practiced in O.; from 1848 to 1855; then moved to Benton Co., Iowa, and practiced there until 1877, when he came to Sioux City and opened his present office with his son C.E. Clingan.

Biographical Sketch of Fr. Rev. Eisenbe’ss

Rev. Fr. Eisenbe’ss pastor of the First German Lutheran church, was born in Germany in 1851; came to America in 1870, and located at Fort Wayne, Ind., where he founded Concordia College. He then attended St. Louis college three years. He removed to Dixon County, Neb., by special call of the newly formed congregation, to do missionary work for this denomination; came to this city in 1878, and founded a church with fourteen members, which was incorporated in Jan., 1879. He married D. Steinmeyer, of St. Louis, and has two children-Dorothy and Ludmilla.

Biographical Sketch of Wm. Storey

Wm. Storey, proprietor of the North Star meat market, was born in England in 1848; came to America in 1866, and settled in Sioux City, where, for some time he was in the employ of J. Tucker and N.L. Witcher. He married Eveline Fenton. They have four children-Jane E., Emma M., Eveline M. and James E.

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Shannon

Daniel Shannon, proprietor of Shannon’s meat market, established business in 1879. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1846; removed to Ogle County, Ill., in 1858; thence to Nebraska City in 1873; thence to Chicago, Ill., in 1874; and came to this city in 1875. He has served as town clerk one term. He married Helen V. Utley, of Syracuse, Neb. Frank L. Sharp, proprietor of Criterion sample room, and billiard hall-corner 3d and Douglas Sts.-was born in Ind. in 1853; removed to Sioux City in 1856.

Biographical Sketch of Christ Doss

Christ. Doss, proprietor of the Milwaukee House-located near dept-was born in Meeklingburg, Germany, in 1836; came to America in 1854, and settled in O., where he learned carpentry. Thence he removed to Dubuque, Iowa; came to this city in 1857, and was one of its pioneers. He married Mary Sohl, of Germany. They have five children-one son and four daughters.

Biographical Sketch of Walter W. Lynch

Walter W. Lynch is of the firm of W.W. Lynch & Co., upholsters and repairers of all kinds of furniture, manufacturers of the self-adjusting spring bed, and agents for the American bird call, for which articles agents are wanted. The firms are also agents for a number of periodicals. Mr. Lynch was born in N.Y. in 1850; came west and engaged in railroading until he came to this city in 1881. He married Mary A. Montgomery.

Biographical Sketch of A. Macready

A. Macready, was born in Scotland in 1821; was raised and educated in Glasgow, where he graduated in 1842; came to America in 1846, and located at Patterson, N.J., where he took the management of two spinning mills. Afterwards he was connected with the banking house of John Thompson, now Thompson Bros. He was then sent to Kentucky as agent of the Breckenridge coal oil companies, which made the first coal oil ever made. Mr. M. sold the first two barrels of oil ever sold in America, in the autumn of 1855. In 1856, he came to this city, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. Elliott

D. Elliott, dealer in crockery, glass, wood and willowware, house, hotel and steamboat furnishing goods, established this business in 1870; his establishment was destroyed by fire Dec. 5th, 1875; reopened Dec. 7th, of the same year. The building has two stories and basement, all of which he occupies, carrying one of the largest stocks of goods of this description west of Chicago. He was born in Pennsylvania; has been in Iowa twenty years; was formerly in business in Iowa City. H.E.Sawyers, head salesman, for the above firm, has been connected with this house for more than twelve years. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L.B. Atwood

L. B. Atwood, liveryman, established business in 1866; was born in Livermore, Maine; came west and settled in Sioux Falls, Dakota, in 1858; and the same year came to Sioux City, which makes him one of the pioneers of this place. He has been a member of the city council, and held other minor offices. He is one of Sioux City’s representative citizens.

Biographical Sketch of D.A. Magee

D.A. Magee, of the firm of Hattenbach & Magee, grocers and wholesale dealers in cigars and tobacco, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1849; removed in 1855 to Davenport, Iowa, and from there to Omaha in 1856, and engaged in milling. He came to this city in 1869, and took charge of the city mill and elevator until 1877, when he engaged in his present business. He is now serving his third term in the city council and is president of the Sioux City water works. He married Adelia Hattenbach in 1876, and has one child-Oliver G.

Biographical Sketch of G.M. Gilbert

G.M. Gilbert, merchant tailor, was born in Brattleboro, Vt., in 1844, where he lived until 1862, when he enlisted in Co. B., 16th V.V. His term of enlistment expired a few days before the battle of Gettysburg, but his regiment took an active part in the engagement, and but few returned. He came to Ill. in 1864, and removed to this city in 1870. Mr. Gilbert established his business in Sioux City in 1873, and as the fruits of his proficiency and ability to please the purchasing public, has acquired a very extensive patronage of the most desirable kind, embracing, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C.W. Hopkins

C.W. Hopkins, carriage and sign painter and grainer-corner of Douglas and 5th Sts.-was born in Pennsylvania, in 1830; moved to Wis., in 1840, and in 1850 removed to Cal.; thence to Australia; thence to London, Eng.; thence to Canada; thence to Wis.; thence to Missouri Valley Junction, Iowa, where he had charge of the R.R. paint shop five years, moving thence to this city.

Biographical Sketch of A. DePee

A. DePee, proprietor of the National House, corner of 3d and Nebraska streets, has lately remodeled and refurnished this hotel, and made it one of the best $1.00 per day houses in the city; has no bar connected with the house. He was born in Ind., in June 1836, and removed in 1856 to Wis.; came to Iowa in April, 1869, and settled on a homestead in Woodbury County, where he farmed six and one-half years. He served in the U.S.A. one year, in Co. H, 46th W.V.I. under Captain Hoskins and Colonel Lovell.

Biography of Alfred Quincy Wooster

Alfred Quincy Wooster. At some time in the life of almost every normal American boy there comes a longing for a “printing outfit.” It is a temporary phase of youth. Sometimes it is satisfied by an indulgent parent who buys a toy press and font of type and the production of a few ink smeared cards is about as far as the son usually gets in mastering the printing trade. Other boys satisfy themselves with work around a real printing office, as a devil, and from this class is recruited some of the real editors and printers of the country. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Ira N. Pardee

Rev. Ira N. Pardee was born in Kingston, N.Y., in 1840; received his education at Armenia Seminary. He united with the church in 1857; his first pastoral charge was at Great Barrington, Mass., where he remained the full term; in 1861 he was transferred to the Wyoming conference, and was two years on the Ararat circuit; in 1862 he was removed to the Tallmanville, Pennsylvania, circuit, and in 1864, to the Newton, Pennsylvania, circuit. He was placed in charge of the Plymouth church in Wyoming Valley. In 1869 he was appointed to Great Bend station; to the Onconta district in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. S.T. Davis

Hon. S.T. Davis, attorney at law and dealer in real estate, was born in Pennsylvania in 1828; was educated at Alleghany College, at Meadowville, Pennsylvania; came to Sioux City in 1856, and has been identified with many leading enterprises for the benefit of his adopted city. He was the founder of the Sioux City Journal, and with others organized the S.C.&P.R.R., and has taken an active interest in the construction of other roads leading into the city. He was appointed by President Lincoln register of the U.S. land office, which position he held for eighteen months. He was elected to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M.J. Kearney

M.J. Kearney, dealer in groceries, provisions, etc.-established business in 1877. He was born in Ireland in 1856; came to America in Oct., 1875, and settled in New Haven, Conn.; removed to this city in 1876, where he has resided ever since, except one year spent in the Black Hills. He married Mary A. Toohey, of Sioux City, and had one child-Alice, now deceased.

Biographical Sketch of Wm. Ring

Wm. Ring, barber, Pearl street under Dorman’s bakery, was born in Germany in 1831; came to America in 1851; removed to St. Joe. Mo; thence to Council Bluffs, and to Sioux City in 1867.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Page

Henry Page, carpenter and contractor, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1820; removed to northern Ill. in 1855, and came to this city in 1870, where he was for a time engaged in building for Sharp & Beck.

Biographical Sketch of L.A. Heckman

L.A. Heckman, dealer in groceries, confectionery, etc.-4th St.-was born in Cleveland, O., in 1857; came to this city in 1877, and was in the employ of D.H. Talbot, in the Land Title office until 1879, when he engaged in his present business.