Biographical Sketch of Abel Anderson

Abel Anderson, dealer in groceries and provisions, corner of 4th and Jackson Sts., was born in Sweden in 1856; came to America in 1874, and settled in Sioux City. He is now one of the leading grocers of the city; his sales average $25,000 per year.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Gravel

Joseph Gravel, farmer and stock dealer, was born in Canada in 1843; came to the U.S. in 1856, and the next year located in Sioux City, where he was engaged in mercantile business for three years; then removed to Sergeant’s Bluffs, and in 1870 removed to a farm near Sloan, and was the original owner of the town site of that place. He was appointed postmaster in 1866, and held the office two years, when he resigned. He is now engaged in stock raising on a farm of about one thousand acres.

Biographical Sketch of Wm. T. Reeve

Wm. T. Reeve, manufacturer of buggies, wagons, etc., also repairer and horseshoer, established business in 1872. He was born in Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., in 1847; removed to Wis., in 1858; thence to Minn., in 1871, and came to this city the following year. He served in the U.S.A., two years in the 193rd N.Y. regiment, under Col. Van Patten. He was fife-major. In 1871 he married Laura J. Damron, of Minn. They have one child-Zenia M.

Biographical Sketch of T.H., Conniff, Jr.

T.H. Conniff, Jr., attorney at law and justice of the peace, is a son of T.H. Conniff, of Houston, Minn., who has represented that state in the legislature, and was district attorney for several years. The subject of this sketch settled in Sioux City in 1869, is a graduate of the State University, and was admitted to the bar at Des Moines.

Biographical Sketch of B.S. Holmes

B.S. Holmes, dealer in boots and shoes, clothing and gent’s furnishing goods, was born in Norway in 1853; came to America in 1870, and settled in Chicago; came to this city in 1872 and engaged in the mercantile business; engaged in the boot and shoe business in 1880, and the 1st of Sept., 1881, he engaged in his present business.

Biographical Sketch of John Hopkins

John Hopkins, proprietor of sample room-Pearl street, between 5th and 6th-was born in 1862; came to Sioux City in 1867; was in the employ of E.J. Ressegieu for some time. He married Jennie Pickett.

Biographical Sketch of Wm. Lubert

Wm. Lubert, tailor, established business in 1850. He was born in Mecklingburg, Schmern, Germany, in 1815; came to America in 1851, and settled in Cleveland, O. He removed to Bellefontaine; thence to Ill.; thence to this city. He married Henrietta Coner, and has four children-Gustavus, Jennie, Amelia and Carrie.

Biographical Sketch of B. Kuhlman

B. Kuhlman, proprietor of the Madison Hotel-between Pearl and Water Sts.-was born in Germany in 1829; came to America in 1859, settled in Chicago, and engaged in the grocery business. In 1876 he removed to this city, and took charge of the Merchants’ Hotel. He married Barbara Masath, of Germany. Mr. K. was in the military service in his native country during three years.

Biographical Sketch of William Lerch

William Lerch, proprietor of billiard hall, was born in Germany in 1841; came to America in 1864. He has built several of the business blocks in this city, and engaged in his present business in 1870.

Biographical Sketch of Frank X. Babue

Frank X. Babue, of the firm of Payette & Babue shop opposite High School building was born in Montreal, Canada in 1842; came to the U.S. in 1854, and settled in N.Y. He moved to Mass.; thence to Connecticut; thence to Vermont, and in 1875, he came to Sioux City. He married Medrise Delier, of Canada. They have five sons Albert, Frank, Willie, Alphonso and Edmund.

Biographical Sketch of J.P. Langdon

J.P. Langdon handles goods on commission and buys and sells second-hand goods; clothing a specialty. He was born in Green County, Mo., in 1847; removed to Kansas City in 1871, and engaged in the wall paper business; came to this city in 1876, and was engaged in painting until 1880, when he established his present business. He married Emily Jane Pierce, of Canada.

Biographical Sketch of A. DePee

A. DePee, proprietor of the National House, corner of 3d and Nebraska streets, has lately remodeled and refurnished this hotel, and made it one of the best $1.00 per day houses in the city; has no bar connected with the house. He was born in Ind., in June 1836, and removed in 1856 to Wis.; came to Iowa in April, 1869, and settled on a homestead in Woodbury County, where he farmed six and one-half years. He served in the U.S.A. one year, in Co. H, 46th W.V.I. under Captain Hoskins and Colonel Lovell.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. J. H. Bolton

Hon. J.H. Bolton, clerk of the circuit and district courts of Woodbury County, was born in Cleveland, O., in Jan., 1846; graduated at Harvard college in 1868. In 1869, he came to Sioux City, and engaged in the practice of law, which he continued until 1873, when he retired from the business. He was elected to the 17th General Assembly, and in 1879, was elected to his present office. He married Sarah Thornton now deceased-who was the daughter of James Thornton, the present consul to Aspinwall.

Biographical Sketch of P.L. Lindholm

P.L. Lindholm, dealer in furniture, established business in 1881. He was born in Sweden, in 1842; came to America in 1857, and settled in Boone, Iowa; removed to this city; thence to Yankton, Dakota, and back to Sioux City in April, 1881. He married Ellen Ericson of Sweden. They have five children-Annie, Albert, Emil, Henry and Frank.

Biographical Sketch of P.F. Gerard

P.F. Gerard, proprietor of the sample room, newly fitted up and opened-Pearl St., between 3rd and 4th Sts.-was born in Ohio. in 1845; came to Iowa in 1855, and settled ten miles west of Marengo; removed to this city in 1870. He served in the late war about one year in Co. B., 9th Ill. C.

Biographical Sketch of Andrew G. Oleson

Andrew G. Oleson, of the firm of Anderson & Oleson, dealers in boots, shoe, rubbers, etc-opposite High School building-was born in Sweden in 1834; came to America in 1873, and located in Mass.; removed to this city, and was engaged in the boot and shoe store of F.P. Dean.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Stone

Thomas J. Stone, founder and cashier of the First National bank of Sioux City, was born in Niagara County, N.Y., in 1825; lived for several years on a farm near Mt. Vernon, Ohio., and removed to Marion, Iowa, in 1851. He came to this city in 1855, and engaged in banking and land business. He founded the First National bank in 1871, and is the largest stockholder in the bank; was elected county treasurer in 1871, and held the office until 1878. Mr. Stone’s son, E.H., is a graduate of Yale College, and at present assistant cashier in the bank. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W.H. Corrigan

W.H. Corrigan, proprietor of sample room, No. 26 Pearl St., was born in Ozaukee Co., Wis., in 1850; came to this place in 1874, and entered the employ of the proprietor of the Washington House. He married Emma Shiable, of Sioux City. They have one child-Willie.

Biographical Sketch of L.A. Heckman

L.A. Heckman, dealer in groceries, confectionery, etc.-4th St.-was born in Cleveland, O., in 1857; came to this city in 1877, and was in the employ of D.H. Talbot, in the Land Title office until 1879, when he engaged in his present business.

WPA Iowa Graves Registration Survey

WPA – Work Projects Administration – 1930’s Iowa Graves Registration Survey Adair County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Adams County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Allamakee County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Audubon County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Black Hawk County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Boone County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Bremer County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buchanan County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buena Vista County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Butler County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Calhoun County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Carroll County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Cass County Iowa … Read more