Biography of William O. Worswick

William O. Worswick, though he began his career as a teacher and commercial man, had been in active practice as a member of the Oskaloosa bar for the past thirty years, and is an ex-county attorney of Jefferson County. Mr. Worswick is of English ancestry. The name was originally Warwick, and as such it is famous in English history. Mr. Worswick’s paternal grandfather was Henry Ward Worswick, who served as captain of a Man of War in the English Navy. He was born in Lancastershire, England, and in 1826 he brought his family to America and settled at Brooklyn, New … Read more

Biography of William Renwick Curry

William R. Curry. That American agriculture had not kept pace with other grent American industries is due mainly, in the opinion of experts and students of the subject, to lack of intelligent organization. While the problems of Amcrican farming are now being attacked with an energy never before displayed, there is no question that one of the influences that have done most and will continuo to do more to vitalize farming methods is the county agent’s movement, which furnishes at least one of the principal instruments by which better co-operation can he supplied and the available sources of information more … Read more

Biography of Charles G. Royer

Charles G. Royer, whose father was one of the men chiefly identified with the early history and upbuilding of Winchester in Jefferson County, is cashier of the Citizens State Bank of that town. Mr. Royer entered the bank in 1907 as cashier, and had been continuously in that post since the day the bank was first opened for business on August 22, 1907. Throughout the ten years this bank had stood representative of strength and a wholesome influence and helpfulness in that farming community. It had a capital of $25,000 and surplus of $6,000, and its service is such as … Read more

Biography of James D. Corbet

James D. Corbet. A resident of Kansas more than half a century, since early boyhood, James D. Corbet is one of the substantial farmers and stock raisers of Shawnee County. His life and career is one worthy in every respect of emulation. He had been enterprising and progressive and having acquired success as a business man had devoted a goodly tithe of his means and his energies to the public welfare. He had been especially intezested in the advancement of public schools. His is an ancestral history of unusual interest. The family is of French origin, and at the time … Read more

Biography of Omer O. Clark

Omer O. Clark, a well known Kansas banker, is cashier of the Exchange State Bank of Nortonville. The Exchange State Bank of Nortonville was organized in 1902 by Mr. C. C. McCarthy, and O. A. Simmons as cashier. The bank had been a medium for careful conservation of the funds of its depositors and of active service to its patrons in every way consistent with legitimate and conservative banking, It had a capital stock of $10,000, surplus and profits of $30,000, and the personnel of its stockholders and officers indicates great resources and strenght besides its nominal assets. The bank … Read more

Biography of William R. Alexander

William R. Alexander is a native of Jefferson County, Kansas, and his life had been spent there profitably to himself and to the community, partly as a teacher, and for a number of years as a successful bridge builder. He is now serving his second term as county surveyor. Mr. Alexander was born on his father’s farm in this county March 13, 1863. He is of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather, William Alexander, was a native Scotchman, but left that country when a boy and was a pioneer settler at Old Sweetwater, Tennessee. He followed the trade of mechanic and wheelwright for … Read more