Biographical Sketch of J. W. Moore

J. W. Moore, lumber merchant, Mattoon; was born in Kent Co., England, in June, 1832; when 10 years of age, he lost his father; in 1850, his mother, with her family, immigrated to America and settled in Chicago, where they remained about two and one-half years; they then removed to Cook Co., where himself and an older brother engaged in farming and operating a country store, his mother managing largely the interests of her family; in 1865, the subject of this sketch moved to Monee, Will Co., and, in company with a Mr. Dickson, under the firm name of Dickson … Read more

Will County Illinois School Records

1875 Will County Illinois Map

The Fountaindale Public Library of Bolingbrook, Illinois has digitized school records, freely accessible online here. These records include administrative, teacher’s daily registers, and school enrollment cards.