Dull, Sarah J. – Obituary

Mrs. Sarah J. Dull, grandmother of Mrs. Wisdom Carnes, whose death occurred Sunday, February 28, in Tekoa, Wsh., was born in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, Jan. 4, 1859. She grew to womanhood there and was married to Mr. Thomas. A few years after their marriage, her husband died, and she was later married to John Dull .Mr. Dull died several years ago. Mrs. Dull came west in 1890, and has made her home in Tekoa most of the time since then. Among the many relatives who mourn her loss, are eight great-grandchildren. Mrs. Dull was held in such respect in Tekoa … Read more

Biography of Eugene L. Dimick

Eugene L. Dimick. The vocation of writing and selling insurance had grown to enormous proportions during recent years, not entirely because the people have come to a realization of the necessity for protection, but also because of the men who are engaged in this line of endeavor, who are educating the general public in realizing the benefits accruing from insurance. To succeed in this line of business a man must possess certain qualities not found necessary in other avenues of business, including a thorough knowledge of all the angles of his vocation, a keen insight into human nature, have the … Read more

Biography of George K. Powell

George K. Powell, member of the Muskogee bar, was born in Minneapolis, Kansas, a son of Samuel Joseph and Louisa (Rivers) Powell, the former a real estate dealer long connected with that line of business in support of his family. George K. Powell pursued his early education in the public and high schools of his native city and afterward entered the University of Kansas, from which he was graduated on the completion of a classical course in 1901, while in 1904 he received his professional degree, having for three years devoted his attention to the study of law. In April, … Read more