Biography of J. F. Drish

J. F. Drish, dealer in general hardware and agricultural implements, Mattoon; was born in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va., May 8, 1833; his father came west to Illinois in 1836 or 1837, and first settled in Whitehall, Greene Co., where he engaged in the practice of his profession-that of a physician and surgeon; at the age of 19, the subject of this sketch left home and crossed the plains to California; here he engaged in speculating and contracting; in 1854, he returned by way of the Isthmus of Panama and New York City; he next settled in Carlinville, and engaged in … Read more

Biography of William Lenley Goheen

William Lenley Goheen is publisher of the Holyrood Banner and also the Galatia Register, two papers of extensive circulation and large influence in Ellsworth and Barton counties. Mr. Goheen is a veteran of the printing trade and it is doubtful if any Kansas printer or newspaper man had had a more varied and eventful experience. Much of his life had been spent in the service of that typical American institution, the traveling circus, and as a press agent he had covered nearly every town and city of the United States. Mr. Goheen, who was born at Moweaqua, Illinois, July 25, … Read more