Biography of Hon. George W. Tibbitts

HON. GEORGE W. TIBBITTS. – A portrait of Mr. Tibbitts is placed among the illustrations of this history. He was born in Acton, Maine, January 22, 1845, and is the son of Daniel and Mary (Witham) Tibbitts, and was the youngest in a family of fifteen children. When our subject was but one year of age, the family suffered the irreparable loss of their mother; and at the age of four years George was placed with an aunt in West Milton, New Hampshire, with whom he remained until he was fifteen years of age. He then went to Great Falls, … Read more

Nicol, Robert W. – Obituary

Robert W. Nicol, 93, former Ellensburg resident and Wilson Creek area farmer, died Thursday in Yakima. Funeral services will be Monday, 2 P.M., at Evenson’s Chapel. A complete obituary will appear in a later edition. Nicol, Robert W. Robert W. Nicol, 93 former Ellensburg resident and Wilson Creek farmer, died Thursday, June 07, 1973 in Yakima, where he had lived for the past three years. He was born in Scotland, Feb. 1, 1880, and came to the United States in 1900. In 1901 he settled in the Colockum area where he homesteaded for many years and ran wild horses. He … Read more

Biography of Daniel O. Pearson

DANIEL O. PEARSON. – One of the most respected and honored of all of Washington’s citizens is the pioneer of Stanwood whose face looks at us from the opposite page. He is one of those whose integrity and universal kindness, as well as public spirit and business enterprise, are of the truest need in laying the foundations of a community. Mr. Pearson was born at Lowell, Massachusetts, April 11, 1846. His parents were Daniel and Susan (Brown) Pearson, who now reside near Coupville, Washington. The first removal of the family was to Salmon Falls, while Daniel was yet an infant. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert C. Hill

HON. ROBERT C. HILL. – Mr. Hill, one of the most responsible men of Washington, and a pioneer of an early day, was born in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, September 14, 1829, the son of Doctor John Hill, his mother’s maiden name having been Eliza L. Davis. At the age of seven he moved with his parents to Philadelphia, and received his education at the excellent grammar and high schools of that city. He entered upon a business career as clerk in a wholesale dry-goods store in the city, and followed that occupation four years. In 1848 he removed with his parents … Read more