Biography of James D. Peters

James D. Peters is a successful member of the Parsons bar. Business and clients came to him generously when he established himself in private practice. Anyone familiar with the facts of his life will say that Mr. Paters’ prosperity has been well earned. From early boyhood he gained his education and made his own way in the world, and in climbing upward to success has helped others along the way. He was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, June 5, 1867. His father John Peters, who was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in 1811 and died in Westmoreland County; Pennsylvania, in … Read more

Murphy, Mary Avis Piper Mrs. – Obituary

Mary Avis Murphy, 88, died June 30, 2005, at her home at Meadowbrook Place in Baker City. Her memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church, 1995 Fourth St. Pastor Susan Barnes will officiate. Mary was born on April 22, 1917, at Trafford, Pa., to John and Edith Morgan Piper. She attended school at Trafford and graduated from high school there. She married Robert E. Murphy in Washington, D.C., in December 1941. They moved around with the military and settled near Mount Vernon, Va., where their two children were raised. Robert’s work for United Airlines took … Read more

Biography of George W. Stephens

George W. Stephens was born February 22, 1799, in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and died at Moline, Illinois, July 12, 1892. He was christened George Washington Stephens because of his birthday being the same as that of the Father of our Country, but he dropped the ” Washington” from his name because of a dislike of seeing the names of distinguished men attached to others. His father was Randall Stephens, a soldier of the war of 1812 and the grandson of Captain Alexander Stephens who was attached to the Army of the Second Edward the Pre-tender. After the battle … Read more

Biography of Richard Thomas Price

Various corporate interests have felt the stimulus and the business activity and sound judgment of Richard Thomas Price, who is now conducting important interests under the name of the Interstate Coal Company and is otherwise connected with various. business concerns. He has also rendered valuable aid in connection with public affairs, looking to the benefit and up building of community and state. Born in Hyde Park, near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on the 4th of December, 1870, he is a son of Thomas Roger and Catherine Price, the former a coal miner of the Keystone state. When but ten years of age, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge A. M. Peterson

Judge A. M. Peterson, attorney at law, Charleston; was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., Jan. 15, 1825; leaving there in 1845, he went to Canton, Ohio, and began the study of medicine, attending a course of lectures at the Cleveland Medical College. He came to Illinois in 1849, and began practice as a physician in Edgar Co., and the following year removed to Newton, Jasper Co., Ill. On the 18th of April, the same year, he married Miss Nancy Whalen, of Edgar Co., a native of Nelson Co., Ky. The practice of medicine proving distasteful to him, and having a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Lewellyn Biggs

Biggs, Charles Lewellyn; attorney; born, West Newton, Pa., Aug. 16, 1870; son of Andrew Wesley and Mary F. Gressley Biggs; educated Fort Scott, Kan.; 1889-1890, and Cleveland Law School, 1908; married, Chicago, Ill., May 9, 1899, Mary Blanche Fletcher; one son, Alfred H., age 8; in 1894, engaged in the manufacture bicycles in Chicago, in 1899; appointed state mgr. for Michigan of the North American Insurance Co. of Chicago; in connection with law business; mgr. for State of Ohio for The Knights of the Modern Maccabees; member law firm Bentley, McCrystal, Biggs & Staiger; trustee Highland Avenue Congregational Church, member Woodward … Read more

Biography of Samuel R. Dillinger

Samuel R. Dillinger. One of the well known families of Clay County is that of Dillinger, which for many years had been active in the grain elevator business, and it had a worthy representative in Samuel R. Dillinger, who is manager of the Farmers Elevator Company at Bennington, Kansas. Mr. Dillinger was born in Des Moines County, Iowa, July 15, 1855, and is the elder of two sons born to his parents, who were Daniel and Nancy (Davis) Dillinger. His younger brother, Daniel Dillinger, came to Kansas in 1886 and is a prosperous farmer in Sherman County. In tracing his … Read more

Devillo O. Todd of Trafford PA

Devillo O. Todd9, (Hollis D.8, Ora B.7, Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 25, 1872, married Nov. 28, 1892, Florence Powell, who was born May 12, 1870. He is a surgeon at Trafford, Pa. Children: 2768. Theodore P., b. May 3, 1895. 2769. Mary D., b. June 1, 1897. 2770. Dorothy M., b. Feb. 3, 1905. 2770a. Billie.

Biography of Joseph Cameron Lockhart

Joseph Cameron Lockhart, a veteran Union soldier and a resident of Kansas for nearly forty-five years, had had a successful business career as a farmer and rancher and is now enjoying the fruits of his well spent lifetime at Eskridge in Wabaunsee County. Mr. Lockhart was born in Salem Township of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, February 12, 1838, and is now in his eightieth year, still active and vigorous for all his experiences. The Lockhart ancestors were Scotch and settled in Pennsylvania in colonial times. His father, George Lockhart, was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, in 1807, spent his life there … Read more

Biography of Robert F. Fulton

A worthy representative of the legal fraternity, and the first city attorney of Grangeville, Robert F. Fulton is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Westmoreland County, December 8, 1864. He is of Scotch-Irish lineage, his great-grandfather, John Fulton, having been a resident of the north of Ireland, whence he emigrated to Pennsylvania at an early epoch in the history of this country. The grandfather, George Fulton, was born in the Keystone state and the father, James P. Fulton, is a native of Washington County, Pennsylvania. He married Miss Frances Shouse, also a native of the same county, … Read more

Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Westmoreland County PAGenWeb Project Bolivar West View Fairfield Twp Byerly Freeman Cemetery- Mt. Pleasant Twp. Feightner Cemetery Hempfield Twp Hay Private Cemetery Mt. Pleasant Twp Kunkle Family Cemetery – Forbes State Forest, Donegal Twp Little Sewickley Creek Baptist Church Cemetery – Hempfield Twp Lobingier Family Cemetery – Mt. Pleasant Memorial in the Woods Middle Church Presbyterian – Mt.Pleasant Twp Mt. Pleasant – Mt. Pleasant Twp Nedrow-Ferguson – Donegal Ritter Cook – … Read more

Biography of John McKimens

John McKimens. Pottawatomie County was organized in 1857, It is one of the oldest counties in that section of the state that was fairly well settled during the border period of Kansas history. The present county seat, Westmoreland, was established in 1871 and was named for Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The pioneer who gave the name to the county seat was the late John McKimens, Sr. He was one of the first settlers in Pottawatomie County, having located at the present site of Westmoreland in Oetober, 1856, a year before the county was organized. John McKimens, Sr., was born in Pennsylvania … Read more

Biography of Samuel R. Dillinger, Jr.

Samuel R. Dillinger, Jr. At all times the grain trade is one of vital importance in every country, and at the present time, when the eyes of a large portion of the earth are turned expectantly to the mighty grain yields of the United States, does the conservation of this food and its proper handling as a commercial factor take on added importance. To buy grain carefully, knowingly and economically requires something more than the trading instinet, it necessitates the possession of special talents and certain knowledge that can only come through actual experience. Samuel R. Dillinger, who is manager … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Rebecca M. Swain

(See Thompson and Riley)-Joseph Polstrom, born February 11, 1834, in Birmingham, Alabama; married November 16, 1863 in Bayou Menard, Susan Rebecca Wilson, who was born July 19, 1846, at Fort Gibson. They were the parents of Rebecca McNair Polstrom, born August 19, 1864 on Bayou Menard, and was educated in the Female Seminary at Tahlequah. She married December 27, 1879, John son of George and Nancy (Cramer) Swain, born October 5, 1833 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War in Company E, Fourth California Infantry. He died April 6, 1920. Mr. Swain was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene Rider

Rider, Eugene; real estate; born, Donegal, Pa., Oct. 13, 1877; son of William H. and Mary Millhoff Rider, D. D.; educated, Mt. Union College, and Western Reserve University; graduated, 1900, with degree of A. B., and the Handy philosophical prize; married, Cleveland, June 17, 1903, Edith A. Wheaton; issue, two children, before entering the real estate business, was for several years purchasing agt. for The F. B. Stearns Co.; treas. American Portable Seating Co.; one of the incorporators of The Windimere Methodist Episcopal Church; member Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, Mt. Union Alumni Ass’n; member Chamber of Commerce, and Cleveland Real … Read more

Biography of Robert McCloud Gwinn

In the early development of Idaho this honored citizen of Caldwell came to the territory to preach the gospel among those who were isolated from the interests and advantages of the east. He was the first representative of the Methodist ministry in the territory and continued his labors for many years, but is now living retired. A man of ripe scholarship and marked executive ability, one whose life has been consecrated to the cause of the Master and to the uplifting of men, there is particular propriety in directing attention to his life history, as it has left so great … Read more

Kinkade, David – Obituary

David Kinkade, Aged Civil War Veteran Passes Away Today. Death Leaves Only One Remaining Member Of G.A.R. Post In Ellensburg. Came To Kittitas Valley In 1882; Has Lived In Retirement For Past 32 Years. David Kinkade, 88-year-old Civil War veteran and pioneer of the Kittitas Valley passed away this morning [August 13, 1931] at his resident at 401 East Fourth Street. He was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, August 11, 1843, and was the son of James W. and Margaret Kinkade. In 1862, while residing in Illinois, he enlisted in the Union Army and served three years as a private … Read more

Biography of Samuel Baughman

Samuel Baughman. In the career of Samuel Baughman, now one of the leading real estate and insurance men of Chanute, there are found those qualities which make for success in business life. Industry, perseverance, a wise direction of talents and a quick grasp of opportunities have always characterized his actions, and throughout his life he has governed his operations by principles of fair dealing, so that his reputation in business matters is one which places him in an enviable position. He has been interested in a number of lines of endeavor, and in each has made a success, and the … Read more

Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Census Records

1790 Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial  Hosted at USGenWeb Census Project Index, 1 of 4 Index, 2 of 4 Index, 3 of 4 Index, 4 of 4 File 1 of 4 File 2 of 4 File 3 of 4 File 4 of 4 Hosted at Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania PAGenWeb Project Donegal Township Wheatfield Township Derry Township Hosted at Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives Census Inventory Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at … Read more