History of the Industries of Norwich VT

Knapp’s Mill, Norwich, Vermont

Although the products of the industries in Norwich have not been of great magnitude they have been quite varied in character. Such information in regard to these callings as we have been able to obtain we will present to our readers, though not in strict chronological order. Among the earliest establishments coming under this head was a grist mill established as early as 1770, by Hatch and Babcock on Blood Brook, on or near the site of the grist mill now operated by J. E. Willard, a short distance up the stream from where it empties into the Connecticut River. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Henry Geer

Geer, Thomas Henry; general insurance; born, Ledyard, Conn., Sept. 3, 1840; son of Nathaniela Bellows and Julia Davis Geer; educated, common schools, Ledyard, Conn.; 1854, Irving Institute, Tarrytown, N. Y.; 1857, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass.; graduate, 1861-1862, Norwich Academy, Norwich, Conn.; married, Poquetanuck, Conn., June 30, 1868, Fanny Halsey Brewster; one daughter, Mary Brewster Geer; Republican in polities; 1859, teacher Grammar School, West Gloucester, Mass.; 1860, principal of High School, Rockport, Mass., 1862-1865, teacher Burlington College, Burlington, N. J., 1866 to date, general insurance business, Cleveland; pres. The Thomas H. Geer Co.; sec’y The Triton Steamship Co.; sec ‘y … Read more

Biography of Lorenzo V. Knox

Lorenzo V. Knox was a great merchant, assisted in building up a wholesale enterprise at Leavenworth which still exists, flourishes, and bears his name. In a broad public sense more important even than his achievements as a merchant were the efforts and influences which he directed to the general well being of his home city. He became actively identified with all that pertained to the material and moral welfare of the community. This was particularly manifested in his connection with educational affairs. For years Mr. Knox was a member of the Leavenworth school board, serving twelve years in all and … Read more

Biography of Henry Wilson Ely

For three consecutive generations the Elys have been closely identified with the business and professional life of Westfield, Massachusetts; and for nine generations with that of New England. The family in America was founded by Nathaniel Ely, born in the year 1605, supposedly in Tenterden, County Kent, England, of an excellent old English family. The Ely family in England dates back to the hereditary surname epoch (1250-1450 A.D.), when second, or family names first began to come into general use. The name has two distinct derivations, as is proved by that peer of etymologists and orthographers, the late Charles Wareing … Read more

Biography of Joseph Buell Ely

Joseph Buell Ely, a son of Henry Wilson and Sarah Naomi (Buell) Ely, was born in Westfield, Massachusetts, on February 22, 1881. After receiving an excellent preparatory education in the Westfield public schools, he completed his college course at Williams College, whence he was graduated with the class of 1902, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. His degree of Bachelor of Laws he received from the Harvard Law School of Harvard University in 1905, and in that same year was admitted to practice before the bar of the State of Massachusetts. He at once embarked upon his professional career … Read more

Biography of Asahel Bush

ASAHEL BUSH. – The subject of this memoir, Asahel Bush, of Salem, is no ordinary man. His strong personality, quick and clear perception, energy and persistence of purpose, together with his strong common sense, would have made him distinguished in almost any walk of life. Mr. Bush was born at Westfield, Massachusetts, on June 4, 1824. His father, whose name he bears, was a person of prominence in the community, being frequently chosen to fill its public offices. His mother’s name was Sally Noble; and both his father’s and mother’s families were among the oldest of the town, having settled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harold North Fowler

Fowler, Harold North; university prof.; born, Westfield, Mass., Feb. 25, 1859; son of Samuel and Maria Jones Fowler; A. B., Harvard, 1880; studied American School Classical Studies, Athens, 1882-1883, Universities Bonn and Berlin, 1883-1885; Ph. D., Bonn, 1885; married, Helen, daughter of ex-Gov. Charles H. Bell, of Exeter, N. H., Dec. 23, 1890; instr. Harvard, 1885-1888; prof. Phillips Exeter Academy, 1888-1892; prof. Greek, University of Texas, 1892-1893; College for Women, Western Reserve University, since 1893; prof. Greek language and literature, American School Classical Studies, Athens, 1903-1904; editor-in-chief American Journal of Archaeology since 1906; corr. mem. Kaiserlich Duetsches Archaol. Institut. Editor: … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Edwards

Charles L. Edwards was one of the notable figures in the first half century of Kansas. He never became widely known in financial circles, did not make a political reputation, but nevertheless he was one of the most useful men the state ever had. He was intimately identified with the movement by which Kansas was organized with free institutions. He was also the pioneer schoolmaster of Lawrence. He gave many years to the upbuilding of its scholastic institutions, went from Lawrence to serve gallantly through the War of the Rebellion and remained a resident of that city for over sixty … Read more

Biography of Louis L. Keefe

LOUIS L. KEEFE – Born of a family that for generations has made its home in Massachusetts, Louis L. Keefe, today the mayor of Westfield, Massachusetts, was born in Ontario, Canada, but being of American parentage, is naturally a native born citizen. Reared and educated in Westfield, which has always been the family home, he started in his business career on the completion of his education, and after learning thoroughly the business that he had decided to follow, he very early made a start for himself, under his own name, and he has carried his establishment to a fine point … Read more

Genealogy of the Fox Family of Taunton, Massachusetts

The Connecticut-Massachusetts branch of the earlier family of this name of the old Bay State is one of long and honorable standing in New England, and as well of historic connection. The especial family here considered, and which for designation is styled the Taunton family, is that of pome of the descendants of Capt. Jabez Fox, of Berkley, Mass., one of whose sons was the late Henry Hodges Fox and the latter’s son the present Hon. William Henry Fox, lawyer and judge, who for forty and more years has been judge of the First District court of Bristol county and otherwise prominently identified with the public affairs of the city of Taunton.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols was pastor of the Congregational church at Norwich village from February, 1880, to May, 1904, after completing a seven years’ pastorate at Barnet, Vermont, which was preceded by brief pastorates at Westfield, Massachusetts, and Acworth, New Hampshire. During his term of nearly a quarter of a century here in Norwich, Mr. Nichols faithfully cared for the interests committed to his charge, as the one hundred and ninety-five accessions to his church during his pastorate amply indicate. Not alone to matters connected with his church did he give his attention, but, as well, to those of a … Read more

Biography of James Andrew Mahoney

JAMES ANDREW MAHONEY, treasurer of the Eastern States Warehouse and Cold Storage Company of Springfield, is one of its well-known business men. He is the son of the late James Mahoney, who was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1840, was there reared and educated, and upon attaining his majority emigrated to the United States, locating in Loudville, town of Northampton, Massachusetts, where he secured employment in the lead mines. He also resided in Glendale, Easthampton, Massachusetts, for a number of years, and was honored and esteemed by his associates for his excellent characteristics. He was quiet and retiring in disposition, … Read more

The Emerson Brothers of Norwich Vermont

About the year 1792, Elihu Emerson, just then arrived at his majority, came to Norwich Vermont from Westfield, Massachusetts; followed in 1795 by Joseph and later by Thomas, two younger brothers. These young men became heads of families, and were prominent residents in town for many years. Elihu was a blacksmith by trade, and carried on business in a shop that he built a short distance north of his residence on “Norwich Plain” For his first wife Mr. Emerson married Thankful Grant, and for his second wife Cynthia Brooks. The first wife died in 1834, aged fifty-eight years, and the … Read more

Solomon Todd of Charlemont MA

Solomon Todd6, (Solomon5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 31, 1811, died July 15, 1902, married about 1837, Harriet Mayhew Hawks, who was born in Charlemont, Mass., Sept. 24, 1818, died May 17, 1902, in Rowe, Mass. When he was about 21 years of age he went to Westfield, Mass., and served 5 years learning the carpenters trade. Soon after he returned to Zoar, Mass., where he lived for some time after he was married. Later he moved to Charlemont, Mass., where he lived until 1858, when he removed to Rowe, Mass., living there until his death. Children: 892. Ellen, … Read more