Biography of S. G. Ramsey

Our subject is a man whose business career is a decidedly interesting one, showing the shrewdness, executive ability and competency which can be attained when one is so determined. Among all the industries that are carried on in the flourishing city of West Plains none succeeded so well as the ones that are conducted by practical men. An instance in mind is the success attained to by S. G. Ramsey, one of the prominent and influential citizens of that city. Mr. Ramsey was born in Franklin County, Missouri, October 20, 1836, and his father, J. A. Ramsey, who was a … Read more

Biography of M. B. Clarke

M. B. CLARKE. M. B. Clarke, cashier of the West Plains Bank, is one of the capable and practical business men of the place and his name is synonymous for integrity and good judgment. The bank, of which he is the most efficient cashier, was incorporated in 1883 with a capital stock of $15,000, and the officers were: B. F. Olden, president, and Joseph L. Thomas, cashier. The capital stock in 1890 was increased to $50,000 and the present officers elected. In 1889 Mr. M. B. Clarke was elected cashier, and after serving two years again took the position March … Read more

Biography of Edward Coker

EDWARD COKER. This gentleman is one of the active stockmen of West Plains, Missouri, and an influential and progressive citizen of the same. He is a product of Arkansas, born in what is now Boone County, at Lead Hill, August 30, 1856, to the marriage of William and Margaret (Holt) Coker. The Coker family is probably the oldest in north Arkansas. The mother of our subject was a native of Tennessee, and a daughter of William Holt who moved from Tennessee to Marion County, Arkansas, in the thirties. Mr. Holt was a farmer and a prominent man in his section … Read more

Biography of L. G. Eblen

L. G. EBLEN. Coming to Howell County, Missouri, when ten years of age, L. G. Eblen has since made for himself an honored position among the repre-sentative men of the county, and has been closely identified with many of its best interests. He is at present the county collector and his reputation is not merely local, but extends over a wide stretch of country. Mr. Eblen is a native of Tennessee, born in Weakley County, July 17, 1859, and the fourth in order of birth of seven children born to Isaac and Sarah (Harvey) Eblen. The elder Eblen was born … Read more

Biography of S. H. Henry

S. H. HENRY, a pioneer of this section and the man who established the first planing mill business in West Plains, came originally from Coffee County, Tennessee, his birth occurring there December 9, 1836. His father, John Henry, who was also born and reared in Coffee County, Tennessee, came to Howell County, Missouri, in the year 1857. He was a son of Samuel Henry, who was a native of South Carolina and an early pioneer in Tennessee. The Henry family is of Irish origin. The grandfather was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was with Gen. Jackson at … Read more

Biography of Dr. N. C. Berry

DR. N. C. BERRY. Our subject, a prominent and leading physician of West Plains, Missouri, was born April 5, 1838, in Union County, Kentucky, of which State his father, Dr. J. T. Berry, was also a native. The elder Berry was born in Fayette County in 1810, and was the son of John Berry, who was a native Virginian and an early settler of Kentucky. Dr. J. T. Berry took up the practice of medicine nearly sixty years ago in Kentucky, and came to Missouri in 1869. He located in Camden County, but subsequently moved to Carthage, where he is … Read more

Biography of David M. James

DAVID M. JAMES. There are few features of business enterprise which contribute a larger quota to the convenience of the residential and transient public than the well-appointed livery stable, and a valuable acquisition to the town of West Plains, Missouri, is the establishment of this kind owned and conducted by David M. James. This gentleman owes his nativity to Henry County, Kentucky, where he was born in 1833, a son of Dr. Beverly W. and Matilda (Day) James, natives of the old State of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. When a young man Dr. James removed to Kentucky and was there … Read more

Biography of J. A. Truex

J. A. TRUEX, editor of the Journal and postmaster of West Plains, was a native of the Buckeye State,and was born in Marion County, November,6, 1843. The Truex family is of Dutch origin and an old Colonial one. The father of our subject, Benjamin Truex, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a farmer and carpenter. He raised a family of eight children, of whom our subject was third in order of birth. The latter grew to mature years in his native country, received his primary education in the schools of the same, and subsequently entered the High School at Goshen, … Read more

Biography of Capt. John Halstead

This gentleman is regarded as one of the most influential and worthy citizens of Howell County, and it is a pleasure to here chronicle the events that mark his life as one of usefulness. Capt. John Halstead, whose name was originally spelled with two L’s, was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, October8, 1841. In tracing back the genealogy of this family we find that it originated in England, and that the first immigrants to this country settled on Manhattan Island, where they were among the pioneers. Alabartis Halstead, father of our subject, was born in the Empire State in 1808. … Read more

Biography of W. L. Stowers

W. L. STOWERS. A popular resort for the traveling public and people of this city is the West Plains Hotel, which was first opened in 1883, and is conducted by W. L. Stowers, one of the prominent business men in the city. Mr. Stowers, who is a most genial and obliging host, was born in Marion County, Missouri, August 2, 1843, son of Samuel and America (Whaley) Stowers. Samuel Stowers was born in Virginia in 18O5 to the union of Colman and Nancy (Conway) Stowers, natives of the Old Dominion. The grandfather came to Ralls County, Missouri, as early as … Read more