Biographical Sketch of Malcolm McBride

McBride, Malcolm; plumber, born, Glasgow, Scotland, April 29, 1865; son of Daniel and Marion Ferguson McBride; educated in West Chester, Pa., public schools; married, Cleveland, Dec. 24, 1889, Clara Budbill; issue, three sons; came to West Chester, Pa., from Glasgow, Scotland, in 1879; came to Cleveland in June, 1884; worked as journeyman plumber until June, 1908, then became successor to his uncle, A. A. Parker, in the plumbing business; member Cleveland City Lodge No. 15, F. & A. M., also Oak Lodge No. 77, K. of P.

Philadelphia To Steubenville

Monday, Oct. 4, 1819.–Dr. Hall and myself left Philadelphia at 1 o’clock p. m. after taking an affectionate leave of friends and acquaintances. Fair and pleasant weather, and the roads very fine in consequence of a refreshing shower of rain which fell on the night previous to our setting out. After traveling twenty-two miles and passing some rich and well-cultivated farms we arrived at West Chester at 7 o’clock. West Chester contains about 600 inhabitants, several places of worship, a gaol, etc., etc. A man named Downey is confined in the gaol of this place for debt. He was once … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Brinton Jones

Jones, Harry Brinton; florist; born, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 13, 1872; son of William, Jr., and Mary B. Painter Jones; educated, West Chester Friends High School and Pierce Business College, Philadelphia, Pa.; 1890-1893, apprentice to Robert Craig & Co., Philadelphia; 1894-1898, mgr. The Penroch Floral Co., Wilmington, Del.; for four months, floral artist to J. Lewis Lousie, Washington, D. C.; asst. mgr. the J. M. Gasser Co., from Oct. 9, 1899, to July 1, 1909; since then sec’y and treas. The Jones & Russel Co.; member Biglow Lodge, F. A. M., and Rotary Club; member Society of Friends; fond of … Read more