Cooke, Loise Mae Yocom – Obituary

Funeral services for Mrs. Lois Yocum [Loise Yocom] Cooke, 86, pioneer resident of the Colockum and the Wenatchee Valley, will be held from the Jones and Jones Chapel Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Burial will be in the Wenatchee Cemetery. R. E. Patterson will sing, with Miss Carolyn Sterling at the organ. The following will serve as pallbearers: Gordon Cooke, Ed Ingersoll, Tom Goodwin, Rex Shamley, Porter Yocum, and Ben Yocum. Mrs. Cooke died in a Bellingham Hospital Tuesday following a short illness. Born July 26, 1859 [1862], at Rochester, Minn., she came to Ellensburg as a young child. She … Read more