Biography of Dudley Farlin

DUDLEY FARLIN THE RECORDS of American biography furnish numerous instances of persons rising to high and honorable stations in life, commanding the respect and admiration of the public and performing many noble deeds in the interests of humanity. Among the causes which operate to produce this grand result are natural talents, constant industry, strict economy, high moral principle, with Che many golden opportunities afforded by our free institutions for the encouragement and development of material and intellectual greatness. Albany has its fair share of representative men of this class; and among the list we have one who is now a … Read more

Biography of James B. Summons, Jr.

James B. Summons, Jr., is one of the early pioneers of Riverside, having located in the colony in 1870. He is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, born in 1845. His grandfather, Captain John B. Summons, was a prominent and well-known citizen of Cincinnati, an owner of river steamers carrying the mail, and commander of same. He was a member of the city council of that city for more than twenty-five years. He was a Kentuckian by birth, who in his early manhood settled in Cincinnati. Mr. Summons was reared and educated in Cincinnati until 1861, receiving his education in the … Read more

Biography of Luther C. Tibbets

Luther C. Tibbets was born in South Berwick, York County, Maine, June 26, 1820. His father, James Tibbets, was a native of the same State and a farmer by occupation. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools and reared a farmer until seventeen years of age. He then located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, first engaging as a clerk in mercantile houses, and later established a general merchandise store at Great Falls, New Hampshire, which enterprise he conducted until 1844, when be sold out the establishment to his brother. It is worthy of mention that the mercantile … Read more

Biography of Moody Gillingham

Moody Gillingham, for many years an active farmer and prominent citizen of Newbury, Merrimack County, N.H., was born on the old Gillingham homestead, January 2, 1811, and died here, October 16, 1882. He was of English ancestry, being a lineal descendant of the emigrant, James Gillingham, who crossed the Atlantic to seek a new home in the western world over two hundred years ago, and settling in Salem, Mass., there married in May, 1692, Rebecca Bly, daughter of John Bly. [See Savage’s “Genealogical Dictionary.” Their son James, second, born in 1696, came to Newbury, N.H., locating on the north side … Read more