Timothy Jefferson Todd of Wahoo NE

Timothy Jefferson Todd8, (Edwin R.7, Thomas J.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 5, 1879, married in 1900, Minta Mauzey. He is a dentist in Wahoo, Neb. Children: 2417. A son. 2418. Henry, b. May 15, 1904.

Duby, William – Obituary

Baker, Oregon William Duby, former chairman of the Oregon State Highway commission died at his home in Baker last Tuesday night and funeral services were held at the Christian Church, Baker, Friday afternoon, under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Duby was born in East St. Louis, Illinois. In August 1861, said the Baker Democrat Herald. He went to Nebraska with his mother in 1865 and lived in the eastern part of that state until he was 22 years old. Mr. Duby was married to Mary E. Bissell in Wahoo, Saunders County, Nebraska, October 5, 1895. The young couple … Read more

Biography of William Clarence Howie

Out of the depths of his mature wisdom Carlyle wrote, “History is the essence of innumerable biographies,” and Macaulay has said, “The history of a nation is best told in the lives of its people.” It is therefore fitting that the sketches of Idaho’s eminent and distinguished men should find a place in this volume, and to the number belongs William Clarence Howie, a prominent lawyer of Mountain Home. A native of Iowa, he was born in Davis County, near the Missouri state line, November 27, 1860. The Howie family originated in France. Two brothers, who were French Huguenots, were … Read more

Biography of J. W. Searson, Prof.

It is a laudable aim of educational institutions continually to bring solidity and scholarship to their teaching boards, thereby adding greatness to their organizations and at the same time making certain the wider diffusion of knowledge. The Kansas State Agricultural College, at Manhattan, Kansas, had pursued this course in the selection of its faculty, with the result that some of the ablest and most enlightened educators of the country devote their time and efforts to this progressive institution. Among these mention may be particularly made of Prof. J. W. Searson who, for the past six years, had occupied the chair … Read more