Biography of Harvey James Loomis

Harvey James Loomis. During his long residence within the borders of Wabaunsee County, the late Harvey James Loomis worked out an admirable destiny, and from small beginnings drew around him for the comfort and happiness of his later years such substantial compensations as wealth, the affectionate devotion of his well established children, the eredit for having contributed largely to the general development of the community, and the confidence and good will of his business and social assocates. Mr. Loomis was born on a farm near Wadsworth, Modina County, Ohio, February 18, 1828, the second son of the four children born … Read more

Slave Narrative of Sarah Mann

Interviewer: George Conn Person Interviewed: Sarah Mann Location: Akron, Ohio Date of Birth: 1861 Wilbur Ammon, Editor George Conn, Writer C.R. McLean, District Supervisor June 16, 1937 Folklore Summit County, District #9 SARAH MANN Mrs. Mann places her birth sometime in 1861 during the first year of the Civil War, on a plantation owned by Dick Belcher, about thirty miles southwest of Richmond, Virginia. Her father, Frederick Green, was owned by Belcher and her mother, Mandy Booker, by Race Booker on an adjoining plantation. Her grandparents were slaves of Race Booker. After the slaves were freed she went with her … Read more

Biography of Rev. John Walter Kliewer

Rev. John Walter Kliewer, president of Bethel College at Newton, one of the well ordered institutions at Kansas, referred to on other pages, grew up in one of the pioneer settlements of the Mennonite Church people in Western Kansas, and had spent his active career in the ministry of his church and as an educator. Rev. Mr. Kliewer is a native of Russian Poland, born near Berdichieff June 8, 1869. His ancestry is partly German. His grandfather, Peter Kliewer, was born in Danzig, Germany, and moved into the vicinity of Berdichieff in Russian Poland, where he followed farming and where … Read more

Slave Narrative of Julia Williams

Person Interviewed: Julia Williams Location: Wadsworth, Ohio Place of Residence: 150 Kyle St., Wadsworth, Ohio Lees Ohio Guide, Special Ex-Slave Stories August 17, 1937 JULIA WILLIAMS (Supplementary Story) “After de War deh had to pick their own livin’ an seek homes. “Shuah, deh expected de 40 acres of lan’ an mules, but deh had to work foh dem.” “Shuah, deh got paht of de lan but de shuah had to work foh it. “After de war deh had no place to stay an den deh went to so many diffrunt places. Some of dem today don’t have settled places to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ivan Isaac Yoder

Yoder, Ivan Isaac; physician and surgeon; born, Wadsworth, O., Dec. 30, 1875; son of Noah. N. and Susan Overholt Yoder; educated, country schools of Medina County, O., until 17 years of age, Medina High School, 1897; B. A. degree, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1901, M. D., Western Reserve University, Medical Dept. 1904, A. M., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905; district physician, 8th ward, Cleveland, 1911-1912; asst. surgeon to American Ship Building Co., and Cleveland-Pittsburgh ore docks since 1905; has specialized in casualty surgery; pres. Yoder Realty Co.; member American Medical and Ohio State Medical Assns, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, American Association for … Read more

Slave Narrative of Julia Williams

Interviewer: Forest H. Lee Person Interviewed: Julia Williams Location: Wadsworth, Ohio Place of Birth: Winepark, Chesterfield County, Virginia Age: 100(ish) Place of Residence: 150 Kyle Street, Wadsworth, Ohio Forest H. Lees C.R. McLean, Supervisor June 10, 1937 Topic: Folkways Medina County, District #5 JULIA WILLIAMS, ex-slave Julia Williams, born in Winepark, Chesterfield County near Richmond, Virginia. Her age is estimated close to 100 years. A little more or a little less, it is not known for sure. Her memory is becoming faded. She could remember her mothers name was Katharine but her father died when she was very small and … Read more

Biography of Edwin H. Lupton

Edwin H. Lupton. Ever since its arrival in America, some 250 years ago, the Lupton family has been identified with the opening up of new sections of this country. The earliest American progenitor was a pioneer of New England; later members were early settlers of Ohio, Michigan and Iowa, and the present representative of the family, Edwin H. Lupton, has been one of the foremost factors in encouraging settlement and development in certain parts of Kansas, particularly in Sheridan County, where he has large interests. In addition to being an extensive property owner, Mr. Lupton is president of the Bank … Read more