Biography of Joseph Schoewaiter Smith

Joseph Schoewaiter Smith, was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1824. His ancestors at an early day emigrated from England and Wales and settled in New Jersey and their descendants are now scattered all over the United States. At the age of eight years he accompanied his parents to Clermont County, Ohio, and three years later to Vermilion County, Indiana. He received such education as a farmer’s boy of ambition could receive at that day in a pioneer neighborhood. During the summer he worked on the farm and in the winter attended such schools as the county afforded. He … Read more

Biography of Hezekiah J. Ashmore

Hezekiah J. Ashmore, deceased, late of Ashmore, and for whom the township and village was named, was born in Kentucky Sept. 30, 1802; he was a son of Samuel and Letitia (Guthrie) Ashmore; his parents removed to Murray Co., Tenn., when he was a child, and when he was about 12 years old to Illinois, settling on the Wabash River, about twelve miles south of Terre Haute. He was married May 24, 1825, to Miss Elizabeth Black, a daughter of John Black; she was born in Muhlenburg Co., Ky., Dec. 10, 1807, and came at the age of 4 years … Read more

Biography of John William Wilhoit, M. D.

John William Wilhoit, M. D. For a period of more than thirty years Doctor Wilhoit had quietly and efficiently preformed his services as a doctor at St. George and is the oldest resident physician of that town of Pottawatomie County, one of the oldest established in this part of the state. Doctor Wilhoit is a man of high standing in his profession, with attainments that rank him among the leaders of the profession in the state. Perhaps there are none who will say he had not chosen wisely in spending his career in a country community where the opportunities for … Read more

Biography of James Morgan

James Morgan, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Oakland; one of the early pioneers of Coles Co.; born in Vermilion Co., Ind., April 20, 1830; he was the youngest son of David Morgan, who was born in Washington Co., Ky., Nov. 18, 1797; he emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana with his family, where he lived until he emigrated to Coles Co., Ill., where he located April 20, 1834, in what is now Morgan Tp., the township being named in honor of David Morgan. He married Oct. 7, 1818, to Jane Rodman she was born in Kentucky, June 9, 1799; six children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Shep Florer

Shep Florer, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Newport, Vermilion Co., Ind., March 29, 1839; he was the son of Alexander B. Florer, of the early pioneers of that county, and who was elected Second County Clerk, which office he held fourteen years; was elected Recorder of the county several times, which office he held for many years; he was also an eminent lawyer of that part of the State of Indiana until his death, which occurred Aug. 9, 1863; Shep Florer was raised in the above county at the age of 14, he commenced clerking for Jones, Culbertson & … Read more

Biography of James W. Harper

James W. Harper, who is now living retired in a beautiful semi-country home at the village of Ogden, has been a factor in this section of Champaign County for many years. His associates speak of Mr. Harper as a man, meaning thereby not only his physical strength, but strength of determination, of purposeful conduct, and of notable public spirit displayed in his efforts to advance wherever possible the welfare of the community. Mr. Harper was born at Dana in Vermilion County, Indiana, August 23, 1865, a son of John and Amanda (Dikes) Harper. Both parents were born at Rockville in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Thompson

It is always a pleasure to outline the career of an honest, upright and progressive man, who has left the more thickly settled portions of the country, pressing out into the regions of wildness to bring them under the sway of civilization’s uplifting influences, spending, meanwhile, sturdy effort and drawing upon an exhaustless store of courage and determination to accomplish this worthy end and so we turn with zest to chronicle the events in the life of the capable and worthy citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph, since he has displayed qualities that are priceless, and manifested virtues and abilities … Read more

Biography of Bert Leroy Chapman

Bert Leroy Chapman. Aggressive methods, keen insight into commercial conditions, a thorough and far-reaching appreciation of the needs of the trade, are characteristics which develop a man into a successful factor in the business life of any community and result in the founding and development of concerns that give that community prestige. Conditions today are so complex, competition is so keen, and the needs of the world are increasing so rapidly that every branch of commercial and industrial life feels the impetus of the times. The day of slow and sure business policies is gone; the business enterprises of today … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin McGath

Benjamin Franklin McGath is one of the old-timers in Champaign County, and has witnessed its growth and development since 1861, the same year that he went out to do service as a Union soldier. He made a creditable record in the army and his entire life has been a record of patriotic devotion and duties worthily and successfully performed. His birth occurred in Vermilion County, Indiana, March 15, 1841. He is the only survivor of a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters, born to William and Nancy (Fannon) McGath. He was the eighth in order of birth. … Read more