Biography of David Maddock

David Maddock, who died in 1909, was a citizen of the type and virtues who should long be remembered not only among his descendants but by all who find encouragement and inspiration in a life of practical utility and a devotion to the best interests of mankind. Mr. Maddock lived in Champaign County for nearly half a century. He was born near West Elkton, Ohio, a son of Eli and Absillit (Woodward) Maddock. His father was a native of Ohio and his mother of North Carolina. When David was a young man, after he had obtained his education in the … Read more

Biography of John H. Moores

J.H. MOORES. – Among the immigrants who came to the Sate of Oregon in 1852 was Honorable John H. Moores, the subject of this sketch, who deserves more than passing mention for the service rendered by him to the commonwealth during an active business career in the state extending over a period of twenty-eight years. Among the older residents who played a prominent part in the earlier development of the state was his father, the late Colonel I.B. Moores, Sr., whose love of novelty and adventure brought him as one of the first pioneers to Oregon, where he located in … Read more

Biography of Isaac Divan

Isaac Divan when a small boy fought for the preservation of the Union, some years later came to this part of Illinois, built a home and developed a farm, and for the past nine years has enjoyed the comforts of retirement in his pleasant and attractive home at Ogden. Mr. Divan was born in Licking County, Ohio, September 26, 1848, son of Jacob and Ellen (Jones) Divan. His father was a native of Pennsylvania. There were nine children, six daughters and three sons, in the family, all of whom received their education in the primitive district schools of Licking County. … Read more

Biography of Thomas M. Lyman

Thomas M. Lyman gave many consecutive years to the management of an Illinois farm, and through hard work and intelligent management obtained the financial competence which enabled him a few years ago to retire from business and enjoy the comforts of a good ‘home in the city of ‘Champaign. Mr. Lyman was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, February 6, 1866. His parents, Bernard and Mary (McLennan) Lyman, were both natives of Ireland. His father came to America as a young man about 1854, lived for a time near Eaton, Ohio, and subsequently removed to Vermilion County, Illinois. He farmed a … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin McGath

Benjamin Franklin McGath is one of the old-timers in Champaign County, and has witnessed its growth and development since 1861, the same year that he went out to do service as a Union soldier. He made a creditable record in the army and his entire life has been a record of patriotic devotion and duties worthily and successfully performed. His birth occurred in Vermilion County, Indiana, March 15, 1841. He is the only survivor of a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters, born to William and Nancy (Fannon) McGath. He was the eighth in order of birth. … Read more

Biography of Perrin Beza Whitman

The name of Perrin Beza Whitman is indelibly inscribed on the pages of the history of the northwest, for throughout the period of its development he was an active factor in promoting its interests and is numbered among the honored pioneers who made possible its later-day progress and prosperity. The lot of the pioneer of the northwest has been a peculiarly hard one. The Indians, driven from their hunting grounds farther east, have cherished the resentment characteristic of the race, and have met as foes the brave band of white men who came to the western wilderness to reclaim the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Ingram

John Ingram, farmer and schoolteacher; P. O. Charleston; was born in Vermilion Co., Ill., Oct. 16, 1836; his parents moved to Coles Co., when he was 18 months old, and settled on Sec. 33; his mother died there in February, 1855; his father is still living on Sec. 34, at the age of 65; the subject of this sketch still resides upon the homestead; he has taught school ever since he was 22 years of age. Married Miss Almorinda Garrison of Hutton Tp. (daughter of Peter Garrison) Oct. 1, 1857; she was born Jan. 9, 1839; her father, Peter Garrison, … Read more

Biography of George W. Fenimore

George W. Fenimore. After half a century of almost uninterrupted peace and prosperity America is again at war, and in this condition the people appreciate more than ever the splendid services and devotion of those brave boys in blue who defended the Union at the time of the Civil War. That war made America a great and united nation, unexampled in resources and material achievement, and there is a direct logical connection between the victories of the Union troops on Southern battlefields fifty years ago and the present great world struggle, when America, by lending its resources and soldiers to … Read more

Biography of Warren Butz

Warren Butz, chief deputy clerk of the United States courts at Muskogee, was born in Hope, Illinois, August 1, 1872, a son of J. K. and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. He matriculated in the Union Christian College, after completing his public school course and thus studied at Merom, Indiana, for a time, while later he became a student in the University of Illinois, his liberal educational training well qualifying him for life’s practical and responsible duties: He started out in the business world in connection with the engineering department of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad and in 1899 he conducted … Read more

Biography of W. H. Woodin

W. H. Woodin, now living in the village of St. Joseph, has had a very active and useful career in Champaign County as a farmer, contractor, business man and public spirited citizen. He was born at Catlin, Illinois, a son of Moses and Caroline (Walcott) Woodin. His father was born in New York and his mother in Indiana, and they were among the pioneers of Champaign County, coming from Indiana and locating east of St. Joseph, spending several years at Burr Oak Grove. Moses Woodin developed a large business as a farmer. Witlt his three sons he carried on an … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. S. Minton

W. S. Minton, of the firm of Minton, Alvey & Van Meter, proprietors of the City Mills, Charleston; was born in Washington Co., Penn., Dec. 10, 1828; at the age of 12 years, he began to work in his father’s mill, and there became familiar with every branch of the milling business; he continued in that for eight years, and in 1848, started with his father in the dry goods business; six years later-1854-he came to Illinois, bringing with him a thousand head of sheep, and engaged in sheep-raising in Vermilion Co.; he soon after removed to Edgar Co., where … Read more

Biography of Thomas Nessler

Thomas Nessler is one of Rock Island’s well and favorably known German-American citizens, where he occupies the position of brew master for the Rock Island Brewing Company. He was born December 18, 1869, at Obernhibeim, Germany, his parents being Donatus and Barbina Nessler. After completing a common school course in his native land he entered a brewing academy at Versuchs Statum, Germany, and there received instruction in the trade which he expected to follow throughout his life, having previously served two years apprenticeship in Aldvisebach, Germany. After being employed for several years in breweries of Germany, he came to the … Read more

Biography of Benjamin M. Custer,

Benjamin M. Custer, of Homer, where he lives retired, is now serving as township supervisor. His main business in life has been farming, and he still owns a fine place in Champaign County, where the family were among the pioneer settlers. Mr. Custer is one of the many men in Champaign County who have won financial independence through the avenue of agriculture. He was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, January 23, 1852, a son of Jacob M. and Elizabeth O. (Ochiltree) Custer. His parents were both natives of Virginia, and they came to Illinois in 1848, locating in Vermilion County. … Read more

Biography of Frank Kern Robeson

Frank Kern Robeson. Of the many business establishments in Champaign County perhaps none has a wider connection with the families of this section of Illinois and a better reputation due to many years of successful business relations than the Robeson Department Store, founded and built up by the veteran merchant Frank Kern Robeson, who has the distinction of having developed the first real department store in the city of Champaign. While his success and position in the community are now so well established, it is noteworthy that Mr. Robeson did not always have an easy course and one free from … Read more

Biography of Pearl M. Hollingsworth

Pearl M. Hollingsworth. A newspaper which has had a fine and vitalizing influence in its community is the Fisher News, of which Mr. Hollingsworth is editor and proprietor. This publisher and editor is a journalist from the ground up, had his first acquaintance with the printing trade when a boy and has done much to develop the power of the press in this section of Champaign County and has made his paper indispensable to business men, farmers and citizens generally. Mr. Hollingsworth is a native of Vermilion County, Illinois, where he was born December 20, 1890. He is the youngest … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ezekiel Gilbert

Ezekiel Gilbert, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., Nov. 20, 1828; in the year 1830, his parents, Simon and Elizabeth Gilbert, who were natives of Kentucky, moved to Vermilion Co., Ill., and in 1838, came to Coles Co., and settled on the farm now occupied by Joshua Johns, on Sec. 9, and six years afterward moved to the farm on Sec. 7, where their son Ezekiel now resides; Mr. Gilbert lived with them up to the time of their death. He married Oct. 28, 1847, Miss Nancy, H. Stone, daughter of Stephen Stone, a native of … Read more

Biography of Edna L. Johnson, Miss

Miss Edna L. Johnson. In no other field have woman’s work and influence proved such ennobling factors as in the sphere of education. The instruction and the character training of the children of Kansas are largely in the hands of devoted women, and many of the most responsible posts in the school system of the state are filled by woman teachers. The entire school system of Cowley County is under the supervision of Miss Edna L. Johnson, county superintendent of schools, and the people of the county recognize her unqualified fitness for the duties of the office. Miss Johnson was … Read more

Biography of James A. Wilson

James A. Wilson. Some of the finest and best cultivated farms of Champaign County are located in the southern townships and among these it is no disparagement of the efforts of others to mention the fine place of James A. Wilson in Raymond Township. Mr. Wilson is a practical and progressive farmer and owns and occupies a part of the land which the Wilson family has cultivated for fully half a century. Mr. Wilson was born near Ridge Farm in Vermilion County, Illinois, April 29, 1859, but has lived in Champaign County since early childhood. His parents, William and Martha … Read more

Biography of Thomas E. Smith

Thomas E. Smith. The name Thomas E. Smith is at once associated with the wealthy and successful business men of Champaign. Success did not come to him like manna from the skies, but was earned by the hardest kind of effort. He gained some of his early experience as a pioneer on the Northwestern prairies of the Dakotas and Montana. For many years Mr. Smith has been in the meat business at Champaign and is now proprietor of two large cold storage plants and handles his business on a wholesale scale. He was born near Potomac, Vermilion County, Illinois, January … Read more

Biography of Solomon Mantle

Solomon Mantle. Of the families whose lives of integrity and industry have identified them permanently with the best interests of Champaign County, one that deserves special mention is that of Solomon Mantle, who now lives with his family in Rantoul, and from that village still superintends his extensive farming interests. Mr. Mantle is a son of Isaac and Mary J. (Kuder) Mantle. Mary Kuder’s father was born in Pennsylvania. Isaac Mantle, a native of Ohio, came to Illinois when a young man, lived for a number of years in Champaign County and afterwards moved to Vermilion County. Solomon Mantle had … Read more