Biography of Dr. Tolman W. Cotton

DR. TOLMAN W. COTTON. Among those of Carter County, Missouri, who successfully follow the “healing art” as a profession is Dr. Tolman W. Cotton, who was born on the old home place in Reynolds County August 12, 1868. His grandfather, Aaron Cotton, was a native Tennessean, who came to Missouri about 1844, and took up his home in Reynolds County. He was already quite an aged man when he came to this State, and here was passed the remainder of his days. He and his wife, Nancy, reared a large family of children, who grew up honorable men and women. … Read more

Biography of Judge Shadrach Chilton

JUDGE SHADRACH CHILTON. Among the citizens of Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, who have carved their way from a modest beginning to the rank of its prominent men, not one occupies a more enviable position than Judge Shadrach Chilton. Possessed of excellent ability, grafted upon a stock of sturdy honesty, he also possesses a goodly degree of those personal attributes that spring from a kindly heart, an honest purpose, a broad liberality and a fraternal sympathy. He is a descendant of one of the earliest pioneers in the county, John Chilton, who was born in Ray County, Tennessee, on May … Read more

Biography of William W. Coleman

WILLIAM W. COLEMAN. Some men are possessed of such remarkable energy and activity that they are not content to do business in as extensive a manner as their competitors, but strive onward with restless zeal to excel them all and place their own establishment foremost in the ranks of industry. Men of this kind are valuable citizens, and are always foremost in advancing the public welfare. William W. Coleman is a representative man of this class. He conducts a first-class mercantile business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, and this establishment is a worthy example of what energy and ambition … Read more

Biography of Harrison A. Holland

HARRISON A. HOLLAND, of the firm J. Holland & Co., merchants and farmers of McDonald, Carter County, Missouri, is widely and favorably known, both as a business man of great capacity and unquestioned standing and integrity, and a prosperous farmer and honorable citizen. He came originally from Lawrence County, Tennessee, his birth occurring in 1854, and is a son of Thomas and Catherine (McCaskill) Holland, natives of Alabama and Tennessee respectively, and both born in the year 1827. Mr. and Mrs. Holland first met in Lawrence County, Tennessee, whither their parents had moved, and there they were married. In that … Read more

Biography of O. L. Munger

O. L. MUNGER. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to permanent success. No matter the vim and determination which characterizes a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his lines have been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws back and takes up another calling the better it will be for him. O. L. Munger, editor and proprietor of the Current Local, published at Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, has made no mistake in his calling. His paper is bright and interesting, … Read more

Biography of D. H. Allison

D. H. ALLISON. There is nothing which adds so much to the pleasure and convenience of the public as a well-stocked, thoroughly appointed and ably managed livery stable. In such connection we make due reference to the livery establishment of Mr. D. H. Allison, whose reputation in that respect, as well as a trainer, is known throughout the length and breadth of the county. Mr. Allison has made his home and carried on business in Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, for about two years and has met with well-deserved success. He was born at Irondale, Washington County, Missouri, and was … Read more