Fairview Cemetery Records, Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas

HALEY Ida Lee Loyd, b. 1886, d. 1932, ae. 46 yrs. Wife of John W. Haley. John W., b. 1879, d. 1922, ae. 43 yrs. Husband of Ida Lee Loyd. LOYD Mary Jane Dodson, b. 1855, d. 1949, ae. 94 yrs. Wife of Thomas Jefferson Loyd. Thomas Jefferson, b. 1855, d. 1919, ae. 64 yrs. Husband of Mary Jane Dodson.

Slave Narrative of George Kye

Person Interviewed: George Kye Location: Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Age: 110 I was born in Arkansas under Mr. Abraham Stover, on a big farm about twenty miles north of Van Buren. I was plumb grown when the Civil War come along, but I can remember back when the Cherokee Indians was in all that part of the country Joe Kye was my pappy’s name what he was born under back is Garrison County, Virginia, and I took that name when I was freed, but I don’t know whether he took it or not because he was sold off by old Master … Read more