Biographical Sketch of Chancy L. Finfrock

Chancy L. Finfrock is one of the younger members of the Champaign bar and for the past three years has been associated in practice with Roger F. Little. Mr. Finfrock was born in Urbana, May 19, 1892, a son of John H. and Jordena (Johnson) Finfrock. His father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Ohio. John H. Finfrock came to Champaign County in 1875. Locating at Urbana, he identified himself with his regular business as a flour miller and was one of the substantial citizens of that district until his death in July, 1896. The mother is still … Read more

Biography of George Newton Cunningham

George Newton Cunningham. No one family name has been so long identified with the drug business in Champaign County as that of Cunningham. In almost pioneer times, in 1854, Albert Palmer Cunningham came West to Champaign County and located at Urbana, where he found employment in a bank and was later engaged in the drug business. He had a practical but no technical knowledge of pharmacy and he had a very successful establishment at Urbana for many years. In 1880 he removed his store to Champaign, and the business has been carried on by him or his sons in that … Read more

Biography of Oliver B. Dobbins

Oliver B. Dobbins. As a lawyer Oliver B. Dobbins has gained some of the better distinctions and successes of the profession. He has been in practice in the profession in Champaign County twenty-three years. His ability is sought in cases of more than ordinary importance. During his career Mr. Dobbins has appeared in more than a hundred cases in the Supreme and Appellate Courts of the state. Of such cases he has succeeded in winning at a ratio of three out of four, and at one time he secured favorable decisions in twelve successive appeals. An individual distinction of which … Read more

Biography of Louis Arthur Busch

Louis Arthur Busch. The legal profession of Champaign County and the civic government of Urbana have a worthy representative in the person of Louis Arthur Busch, state’s attorney. A native of the city of Urbana, he has passed his entire life here, and his career among its citizens is looked upon as particularly worthy, as he has trod the hard self-made road to success and has triumphed over a number of discouraging obstacles which have arisen in his path. A member of the legal brotherhood since 1908, he has made rapid advancement in his calling, and since 1912 has been … Read more

Biography of Fred Hoy

Fred Hoy is one of the younger factors in the agricultural enterprise of Champaign County. He took hold of farming as a practical proposition in early life, and the ten years or more he has applied to that business have been in a high degree profitable. He now looks after the management of one of the best places in Urbana Township, located in section 24. Mr. Hoy was born on the old farm in that township June 10, 1885, a son of Rufus B. and Martha (Arrington) Hoy. His father was born in Ohio and his mother in Indiana. They … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry J. F. Edens

Henry J. F. Edens. One of the younger men carrying the responsibilities of agricultural management in Raymond Township is Henry J. F. Edens, son of parents who were pioneers in this county, and he is now cultivating one of the best farms of Raymond Township. Mr. Edens was born on the old farm in section 10 of Raymond Township, February 22, 1885. His parents, Peter and Mary (Kant) Edens, were both natives of Germany. His father on coming to America located in Champaign County, near Sidney, and from there moved to the homestead in Raymond Township. Though he began life … Read more

Biography of General Samuel T. Busey

General Samuel T. Busey. A soldier, banker, a patriot and public-spirited citizen, the late General Samuel T. Busey was without question one of the ablest factors in the history of Champaign County and was widely known and his leadership gratefully acknowledged throughout Illinois. Necessarily the name Busey is one that frequently recurs throughout the pages of Champaign County history. The family was founded here by Matthew W. Busey, father of General Busey. Matthew W. Busey was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, May 15, 1798, a son of Samuel and Catherine (Siegler) Busey. When he was a small boy they removed … Read more

Biography of W. M. Ealey

W. M. Ealey, who has followed a varied and active career as a teacher, minister of the Gospel and as an earnest, hard-working citizen in whatever capacity life has called him, has for many years been a resident of Champaign County. He was born near Brazil in Clay County, Indiana, May 18, 1853, a son of William and Wealthy (Hicks) Ealey, his father a native of Kentucky and his mother of Indiana. His mother was born August 30, 1834, and is still living at Urbana at the age of eighty-three. William Ealey went into the Union army from Indiana as … Read more

Biography of Cecil L. Golden

Cecil L. Golden, present mayor of Sidney, has built up a large hardware business in that Champaign County town, and has proved himself one of the live and energetic factors in the civic community. Mr. Golden is a veteran of the Spanish-American War. He was born in Champaign County March 12, 1879, a son of Eugene S. and Mary E. (Mullen) Golden. His father was born in Menard County, Illinois, and his mother was a native of Pennsylvania. His father came to Champaign County when a young man, followed farming and afterwards engaged in the hardware business at Urbana. He … Read more

Biography of Chester W. Richards

Chester W. Richards. Members of the Richards family have been active figures in business affairs in Champaign County for over half a century. The name is especially identified with the First National Bank of Urbana, of which the late Patrick Richards was for many years president and of which his son, Chester W. Richards, is now vice-president. Chester W. Richards is a lawyer by profession, and has an extensive general practice in all the courts of this county. The late Patrick Richards was born at Quebec, Canada, December 17, 1835, but soon after his birth his parents removed to Utica, … Read more

Biography of Arthur Fulton Cranston

Arthur Fulton Cranston. From time immemorial, the legal profession has attracted to its ranks a large percentage of notably brilliant men. When rightly followed it is one of the noblest callings, affording at once full play to Christian sympathy, and opportunities for helpful public service, and holding a mighty prerogative, that of instigating exoneration of and restitution to the wrongly oppressed, or the administration of just retribution to the guilty. It has no room or opportunity for the weakling, but the strong it strengthens with a keener insight to [p.2032] human thought and feeling, with a more accurate realization of … Read more

Biography of Claude B. Warner, A. B., A. M., D. D. S.

Claude B. Warner, A. B., A. M., D. D. S., was born at Morrison, the county seat of Whiteside County, Illinois, May 6, 1872, and is a son of Edward B. and Elizabeth C. (Bryant) Warner, the former a native of Saint Louis and the latter of Herculaneum, Missouri. Edward B. Warner was a well-to-do business man of Morrison, and also a prominent citizen in the public life of Whiteside County, being county treasurer for a period of sixteen years, and for a like period a member of the board of equalization. His death occurred in 1891, while Mrs. Warner … Read more

Biography of Matthew Wales Busey

Matthew Wales Busey. Of the native sons of Champaign County who have been factors in the development of the county’s resources, one of the most prominently known is Matthew W T ales Busey, president of Busey’s State Bank at Urbana. As one of the leading bankers of his section he has contributed to the advancement of the agricultural interests of Champaign County, and in his capacity of private citizen has ever been found ready to lend encouragement and support to the movements which have made for progress in his fertile and enterprising part of the State. Matthew Wales Busey was … Read more

Biography of Rufus B. Hoy

Rufus B. Hoy. A resident of Champaign County almost forty years, Rufus B. Hoy after a brief visit determined that this county should be his permanent home, and here his industry has borne fruit and his name is one that is spoken with honor and respect. Mr. Hoy was born in Hancock County, Ohio, November 6, 1850, son of Abraham and Mary (Fellers) Hoy. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Ohio and both their ancestors several generations back came from Germany. Abraham Hoy and wife had twelve children, six sons and six daughters, Rufus being … Read more

Biography of J. W. Bensyl

J. W. Bensyl, whose home is an attractive place just east of Urbana, enjoys the honor and respect of all the people of Champaign County, particularly for the valiant service he rendered as a soldier of the Civil War. Mr. Bensyl was in the army for over four years, and his subsequent life and activities have been of a piece with the loyalty and devotion he showed his country in time of stress. Mr. Bensyl was born at Danville, Illinois, November 23, 1839, a son of John and Elizabeth (Corray) Bensyl. Both parents were natives of Ohio. Elizabeth Corray, a … Read more

Biography of George C. Gordon

George C. Gordon. From farm renter George C. Gordon has progressed on the road of prosperity until he now owns one of the best farms in Urbana Township, located in section 13. He has a model country home and has all the facilities and conveniences of country life in Champaign County, including the daily delivery of mail over Rural Route No. 12. Mr. Gordon was born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, January 3, 1872, a son of Clinton and Mary (Henneberger) Gordon. His parents were both born in Pennsylvania and are still living there, his father being retired from active business, … Read more

Biography of Captain Edward Bailey

Captain Edward Bailey is president of the Champaign National Bank, an institution which has become noted as one of the most conservative in the United States and as a leader among the great banking institutions of Illinois. He was one of its founders. He was born at Bloomfield, Edgar County, Illinois, September 8, 1843, a son of David and Hannah (Finley) Bailey, concerning whom mention is made on other pages. His early education was obtained in subscription schools at Bloomfield. In the last part of 1854 or early in 1855 his parents moved to Monticello, Illinois, thence to Urbana, Illinois, … Read more

Biography of George Skinner

George Skinner is one of the prosperous farm owners and well known citizens of Champaign County, now living retired at Urbana, and for his success the credit is due almost entirely to his individual efforts and his steadfast honesty and integrity. Mr. Skinner was born in Somersetshire, England, January 29, 1850, and was about four years of age when he accompanied his parents, Robert and Anna (Rich) Skinner, to America. The family first located near Elk Grove, northwest of Chicago, and in 1873 they moved to the vicinity of Homer in Champaign County, where Robert Skinner spent his last years … Read more

Biography of A. P. Johnson

A. P. Johnson. Among the learned professions there are, probably, none that demand so much tact, judgment, patience, natural executive ability and specialized knowledge as that of the educator. The individual who enters into this field, selecting it as his chosen life work and calling, must be prepared to make many sacrifices, to endure numerous disappointments, to often spend himself for others without apparent return of gratitude, and to give the best years of his life often without the emoluments that equal efforts would in all probability bring in any other profession. It is a vocation for which there are … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin Harris

Benjamin Franklin Harris, grandson of the late B. F. Harris and son of Henry Hickman Harris, was born on the old Harris farm in Champaign County, where his father was also a native, on September 30, 1868. He had of course liberal advantages during his youth and every incentive to make the best of his personal talents. Besides the common and high schools he attended the University of Illinois 1887 to 1889, and in 1892 was graduated from the law department of Columbia University. The law was only part of his preparation for life, not a profession. He returned home … Read more