Biography of Morris Edward Sullivan, D.D.S.

MORRIS EDWARD SULLIVAN, D. D. S. Among the younger professional men of Franklin County who have come to the front in recent years, and in whom the home community takes justifiable pride, is Dr. Morris Edward Sullivan, of Turners Falls, who has practiced dentistry there since his graduation from the university. He is a native son of the town in which he now labors professionally, and from among the population he continues to number an increasing number of those who are pleased to acknowledge the finished skill of his ministrations in their behalf. The fact that Dr. Sullivan knows his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Riley Farnsworth

WILLIAM RILEY FARNSWORTH-Many a New England lad has started working life on the paternal farm, but in growing up preferred to devote himself to commercial pursuits, either working on his own account or occupying leading positions with a large concern, able to pay an adequate renumeration for the proper kind of executive. A man whose career has more or less followed these lines was the late William Riley Farnsworth, for many years director of the Montague Paper Mills in Turners Falls. Born on December 26, 1846, at Convey, as a son of John and Martha Farnsworth, Mr. Farnsworth at the … Read more

Biography of Orin J. Nevins

ORIN J. NEVINS-Of the old guard in the lumbering industry in the western part of the State, Mr. Nevins, who for some years has been retired from active participation in his former calling, was a promoter of the manufacture of that product at a time when many similar industries were helping to make history in their field. He witnessed the progress of lumber at its best, both at Holyoke and Turners Falls, and in the prime of his life he was associated with some of its outstanding successes, sharing, too, in the progress of invention that brought the processes to … Read more

Biography of Patrick Francis Cunningham

PATRICK FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM-Son of a father whose worthy name he bears, and whom he has emulated in the trade of masonbuilder, Patrick F. Cunningham has come to be one of the most important of the contractor-builders in the Greenfield region. As senior member of the well-known firm of Cunningham & Liston (William J. Liston), he has, together with his partner, left the impress of skill and excellence of workmanship upon many public, quasi-public and private buildings in the capital town of Franklin County, and in towns within a radius of twenty-five miles of Greenfield. Mr. Cunningham’s firm has made an … Read more

Biography of Raymond P. Moreau

RAYMOND P. MOREAU – Among the eminently progressive and outstanding young men of Western Massachusetts is Raymond P. Moreau, whose business activities in Turners Falls have demonstrated his ability and carried him to a successful position. Mr. Moreau is a progressive and forward looking business executive, and is a son of George and Marcelline (Devino) Moreau, his father active in the paper industry until his retirement. Raymond P. Moreau was born in Turners Falls, Massachusetts, June 22, 1896. His education was received in the local schools, and as a young man he entered the Montague City Machine Shop, where he … Read more

Biography of Alfred Joel Nims

ALFRED JOEL NIMS, D. D. S. The most active and useful membership in his community that Dr. Nims has held as a dental practitioner for the long period of forty-five years, has always justified the honors of the bestowal of place and preferment upon him by his fellow-townsmen at Turners Falls. His life has spoken in no uncertain terms through the practice of his profession, in which he has never failed as an exponent of the results of the most advanced thinking in dental science; while in his civic and social relationships Dr. Nims on a number of occasions has … Read more

Biography of Albert Arthur Jarvis

ALBERT ARTHUR JARVIS-Among the Western Massachusetts men who have provided by means of commodious garages and repair stations of the most upto-date type for the great demands of the automobile business of the present hour, and who are also thus looking out for the future increase of the business, Mr. Jarvis has made a wise selection for the enterprise on these lines that he has established at Greenfield. He has business attainments of a first-class order, and has had a training and experience as a machinist with concerns of long establishment in this part of the State, and is eminently … Read more