Biography of Theodore Reiser

Theodore Reiser President of the City Council of Anaheim, was born in the city of Lahr, Baden, Germany, September 7, 1829, and after receiving a good education he began at the age of fourteen years to learn the art of wine-making on the Rhine, and served three years. He traveled and worked at his trade in Switzerland, and at the age of nineteen years he came to New York and worked at the cooper’s trade four years. In the spring of 1854 he came to San Francisco by steamer, and was employed in a brewery three years. Next he went … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Hosking

John Hosking, the son of James and Jane Hosking, is a native of Cornwall, England, born February 22, 1839, and there reared a miner. He immigrated to California in August 1867, coming by the way of the Isthmus of Panama. He first worked in the mines in Tuolumne County, then in Amador County mines. In 1870 he was appointed foreman of the original Amador mines. In 1873 the Sierra Buttes Gold Mining Company appointed him foreman of the Plumas Eureka Mines. In 1883 he was appointed superintendent of the said mines, which position he now holds. He was married to … Read more

Biography of Timothy Guy Phelps

Foremost among San Mateo County’s greatest men and best loved pioneer, stands the name of Timothy Guy Phelps, statesman and farmer. Big hearted, strong and lovable, his accomplishments are written large upon the scroll of the county’s greatest achievements, as well as those of the state. Many times a State Assemblyman and Senator, once United States Congressman during Lincoln’s administration, twice Collector of the Port of San Francisco, Regent of the University of California for 21 years and Chairman of the Lick Observatory during that time -these were some of the posts of trust held by Timothy Guy Phelps. Timothy … Read more

Biography of Charles Adolph Alisky

Charles Adolph Alisky was born near Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, October 6, 1840, and is a descendant of an old and highly honorable German family which for several generations has resided at or in the immediate vicinity of the place of his nativity. His father, William Alisky, was a native of Mayence, and early in life exhibited rare musical talent, at the age of seven years playing a flute solo at a concert in Mayence. His genius for music attracted the attention of the Grand Duke of Hessia under whose protection he was sent to the Conservatory of Music at Paris. Here … Read more

Biography of Edward James Jeffery

Edward James Jeffery was born in Oneida county, New York, April 23, 1835, and is of English descent, his parents having been born in England. During his infancy the family moved to Lenawee county, Michigan. Here he resided on a farm and obtained a limited education in the district school until the spring of 1852, when he started across the plains for the Pacific slope. In October following, after a journey of more than six months, he arrived at Placerville, California, where, until the following spring he engaged in mining. He then went to Stockton where he was employed in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Benn

SAMUEL BENN. – There is a certain keenness amounting almost to prescience which enables a man to locate a successful town. The laws of a city’s development are so peculiar that few are able to make much of the riddle. Nevertheless some seem to know where to locate a townsite, and where to invest in real estate. It is a business instinct. Mr. Benn is one of these persons. He is the founder of Aberdeen. He was born in New York City, and, as a youth, learned the carpenter’s trade. In 1856 he came to San Francisco, and mined and … Read more