Biographical Sketch of Bascom Little

Little, Bascom; contractor; born, Cleveland, April 24, 1879; son of Hiram H. and Laura Brown Little; educated, University School, Cleveland, Cornell University, A. B., 1901; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1906, Florence Cobb; issue, Bascom Little, Jr., Julia Little; member first Charter Commission; director of following: Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Union National Bank, Guarantee Title & Trust Co., The Crowell & Sherman Co., The Crowell-Sherman-Statler Co., Baker Motor Vehicle Co.; member American Historical Society; trustee Associated Charities and Hiram House; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Mayfield, Union, University, Country, and Tavern Clubs.

Mary Todd Emery of West Dryden NY

EMERY, Mary Todd6, (Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born 1798, at East Wallingford, Vt., died 1842, at West Dryden, N. Y., married Abner Emery, who was from New Hampshire, he was born April 27, 1796, died Sept. 30, 1881, at Evansville, Wis. Children: I. Stephen, b. Aug. 14, 1815, m. Ann Butts. II. Lucinda, b. Aug. 16, 1818, at West Dryden, N. Y., d. Jan. 27, 1906, at Waterman, Ill., m. Aug. 3, 1837, William Colton, who was b. Oct. 4, 1811, d. Aug. 23, 1905, at Watertown, Ill. III. Lucretia, b. Jan. 29, 1821, at West Dryden, N. Y., … Read more

Biography of Henry D. Green

Green, Henry D., for many years a prominent figure in the commercial affairs of Portland, was born in Tompkins county, New York, October 16, 1825. Shortly after attaining his majority, in 1853, he came to Oregon and established himself at Astoria, in partnership with W. Irving Leonard. This firm purchased the mercantile business house of Leonard & Green, which was established at that point in 1850, by John Green and H. C. Leonard, at that date the only mercantile house, except the Hudson Bay Company’s trading post, at the mouth of the Columbia river. He remained at Astoria until 1856, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin S. Hubbell

Hubbell, Benjamin S.; architect; born, Leavenworth, Kas., July 11, 1867; educated, Cornell University, in senior year won scholarship in architecture, and was elected member of the Sigma XI, took degree in architecture in 1894; now practising under the name of Hubbell & Benes; firm was architect for Wade Memorial, Citizens Bldg., Cleveland School of Art, and other important structures; member Masons, Chamber of Commerce, American Institute of Architects and Colonial Club.

Biographical Sketch of Harry Livingston Kaufman

Kaufman, Harry Livingston; iron ore and mining; born, Marquette, Mich., 1882; son of Samuel Robert and Juliet Gravereat Kaufman; educated, Cascasella School, Ithaca, N. Y., and Cornell University; when E. N. Breitung & Co. opened their ore sales agency in Cleveland, he became as a partner in the business, at the time was vice pres. and mgr. of mines in Marquette, Mich.; now divides his time, spending the winters in Cleveland and the summers in Marquette; honorary member Naval Reserves of Michigan; director in the following: First National Bank, Cleveland; First Trust & Savings Co., Cleveland; Negaunee National Bank, Negaunee, … Read more

Ruel Todd of Dundee IL

Ruel Todd7, (Eleazer6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 6, 1818, in Dryden, N. Y., died Jan. 16, 1885, in Dundee, Ill., married in 1842, in Dryden, N. Y., Gertrude Brokaw, who was born in Ovid, N. Y., died June 30, 1877, in Dundee, Ill. Children: *1784. Almina, b. Nov. 24, 1844. *1785. Charles, b. Aug. 14, 1848.

Biographical Sketch of Louis H. Hays

Hays, Louis H.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Jan. 24, 1874; son of Joseph and Rosetta Schwarzenberg Hays; educated, University School, and Cornell University, 1898; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1902, Jessie Feiss; issue, Robert J., born June 28, 1903, Marie F., born Jan. 13, 1907; in 1896, began business career with Charles Eisenman & Co.; remained two years; then joined Louis Roeheimer in the decorating business, The Roeheimer & Hays Studio; after seven years, sold interest to Mr. Roeheimer, and established The Federal Knitting Mills Co.; after two years, and upon the organization of Charles Eisenman & Co., into the K. & … Read more

Maria Todd Barber of New York

BARBER, Maria Todd7, (Eleazer6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) married in Dryden, N. Y., Seymour Barber. Children: I. Adelbert, lived in East Aurora, N. Y. II. George, lived in Ithaca, N. Y. III. Charles, lived in Portland, Oregon.

Almina Todd Giddings

GIDDINGS, Almina Todd8, (Ruel7, Eleazer6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born May 2, 1843, in Dryden, N. Y., died Dec. 14, 1911, in Elgin, Ill., married in Dundee, Ill., Jan. 1, 1860, George Giddings, who was born Aug. 15, 1830, in Essex, Mass. Children: I. Lillian, b. Dec. 26, 1864, married first, Oct. 14, 1886, West Turner, from whom she was divorced in 1890, they had issue: (1) George, b. Aug. 11, 1887, m. Feb. 3, 1906, Minnie Aldrich, from whom he was divorced and m. a second time and went to live in St. Louis, Mo. Lillian Giddings married … Read more

Abner Todd of Hamden CT

Abner Todd4, (Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Nov. 4, 1738, died Jan. 11, 1805 at Lake Ridge, N. Y., married in 1761, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Todd) Tuttle who was born Nov. 26, 1742, died Oct. 8, 1834. For her ancestry see number 47. “A very remarkable woman.” They removed from Hamden, Conn. to Lake Ridge, N. Y., in 1804, where he bought land and began the work of clearing it off and preparing it for cultivation. Children: *244. Patience, b. Dec. 6, 1762. *245. Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1764. 246. Uri, b. Dec. 7, 1766, d. Dec. 13, … Read more

Biography of Jacob S. Coons

Jacob S. Coons. For nearly sixty years Jacob S. Coons has been a resident of Champaign County. He knew the county when it was wild prairie and swamp, and knows it as one of the garden spots of the world. He came here in the flush of young manhood, with little more than his native thrift and industry, and has found all those rewards which satisfy the ambitious man in material well being, family, home and community esteem. Mr. Coons was born in Tompkins County, New York, eight miles from the University City of Ithaca, a son of William and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. H. Sinclair

H. H. Sinclair, Redlands, was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1858. He attended the public schools of that city, and afterward went to Cornell University, and was a member of the class of 1880. Subsequent to this he practiced law in New York City for two years. Then he engaged in the shipping business for a while. His health failing he came to California, and has since given his attention to his fine orange orchard in Lugonia. He is a member of the city council of Redlands, and was a member of the first board. He is also a … Read more

Lucretia Ingersoll Todd Smith of Lansing NY

SMITH, Lucretia Ingersoll Todd6, (Josiah5, Abner4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Sept. 30, 1823, married Nov. 18, 1847, Isaac L. Smith, who died on his 68th birthday. He was a farmer and lived at Lansing, N. Y. Children: I. Charles Edwards, b. April 16, 1850, m. Dec. 3, 1874, Vine, daughter of John Hedden; had issue: (a) Leona. He lived at Ithaca, N. Y., in 1911. II. Mary.

Josiah Todd of Lake Ridge NY

Josiah Todd6, (Josiah5, Abner4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 14, 1826 at Lake Ridge, N. Y., and died there Jan. 17, 1892, married Jan. 29, 1852, Amy E., daughter of Benoni and Hulda Peck, who died Jan. 24, 1892. He owned and operated the same farm which his father did before him. It was in Lake Ridge, N. Y. He and his brother Sereno, married sisters. Children: 1068. Jay Willard, b. July 8, 1854, d. Jan. 18, 1892, m. Nov. 23, 1886 Alida H., daughter of Culver H. and Hannah Blue. They had no children. 1069. Hattie Eva, b. Sept. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sutton, M.W.

M. W. Sutton, attorney at law, of the firm of Sutton & Wenie. Mr. Sutton first came to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., in May, 1872, and practiced law until December of same year, when he went to Medicine Lodge, Barber County, and continued his profession until June 1,1876, thence located permanently in Dodge City, where he has since practiced law. He was County Attorney for Barber County two years and resigned; County Attorney for Ford County from November 1, 1876 until March 1882. He was born in Orange County, N. Y., 1848, and was raised in Tompkins County, living there … Read more

Biography of Chauncey P. Williams

CHAUNCEY P. WILLIAMS AMONG the noted men of Albany Chauncey P. Williams stands in the front rank as a banker and financier. He is a native of Connecticut – a state which has furnished so many of the enterprising pioneers of our own and other states of the Union. He was born at Upper Middletown (now Cromwell), Conn., on the 5th of March, 1817, the son of Josiah and Charity Shaler Williams. His early years were spent upon his father’s farm, where in summer his physical powers were trained to healthful development by the labors of the farm, and his … Read more

Biography of William A. Caldwell

The history of pioneer life has long rivaled in interest the tales of battles and of life on the tented field. Without the roar of cannon and musketry or the inspiring notes of fife and drum, hosts no less brave and determined have gone forth into the wilderness to reclaim it for the purposes of civilization and have fought the hard battle of conquering the raw land, the sturdy forest and the rocky fastnesses of the earth, making each yield of its treasures such elements as can be utilized for man. This is an arduous labor and one to which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emmett Ellsworth Hart

Hart, Emmett Ellsworth; civil engineer; born, Little Valley, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1861; son of Austin and Dorleski Manley Hart; educated, public schools of N. Y. State, Cornell University, 1883-1887, degree C. E.; married, Little Valley, N. Y., April, 1891, Rachel Joy Sprague; issue, seven children; two years military training at Cornell University; entered the service of the C., B. Q. R. R., June, 1887; continued with them as draftsman, asst. engineer and division engineer, until November, 1895; general engineering practice, 1895-1897; employed by the U. S. government, 1897-1899 on Deep Water Ways surveys; in July, 1899, entered the employ … Read more

Biography of George H. Crafts

George H. Crafts, a rancher near Redlands, was born in New York City in 1844, and came to California with his father in 1861. His father, Myron H. Crafts, was born in Whately, Massachusetts, in 1816, and established the first temperance grocery in New York City. He also had a large meat-curing house there, but was burnt out in 1844, and then went to Jackson, Michigan, where he started a soap and candle factory. He next went to Windsor, where he farmed for a while, and then went to Detroit and accepted a position as cashier in C. & A. … Read more

Saponi Tribe

Saponi Indians. One of the eastern Siouan tribes, formerly living in North Carolina and Virginia, but now extinct. The tribal name was occasionally applied to the whole group of Ft Christanna tribes, also occasionally included under Tutelo. That this tribe belonged to the Siouan stock has been placed beyond doubt by the investigations of Hale and Mooney. Their language appears to have been the same as the Tutelo to the extent that the people of the two tribes could readily understand each other. Mooney has shown that the few Saponi words recorded are Siouan. Lederer mentions a war in which … Read more