Frederick Handel Todd of Newark Valley NY

Frederick Handel Todd7, (Josiah6, Dan5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 26, 1819, in North Haven, Conn., died March 18, 1868, married Sept. 17, 1850, Phebe Elizabeth, daughter of Williams and Maria (Benjamin) Slosson, who was born March 9, 1830, in Newark Valley, where also she was married at her fathers house. His father removed with his family to Newark Valley, when he was about thirteen years of age, and being in poor circumstances could give his son only the advantages of a common school education. Upon arriving at the age of manhood Mr. Todd became a tanner (which was … Read more

Laura Todd Johnson of Hannibal NY

JOHNSON, Laura Todd8, (Erastus7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 4, 1814, in Owego, N. Y., died Jan. 28, 1883, in Hannibal, N. Y., married Sept. 8, 1835, Edwin Johnson, of Hannibal, N. Y., who was born Dec. 8, 1812. Children: I. Helen, b. Sept. 8, 1836, d. June 4, 1845. II. Henry Augustus, b. Jan. 12, 1840, d. Oct. 1, 1912, in Douglass, Neb., m. Jan. 11, 1866, Addie Kendall, of Augusta, Mich. III. Frances Harriet, b. June 25, 1842, d. Oct. 20, 1907, m. July 13, 1865, D. W. Beadel, of Depauville, N. Y. Issue: (1) … Read more

Mahican Tribe

Mahican Indians (‘wolf’). An Algonquian tribe that occupied both banks of upper Hudson River, in New York, extending north almost to Lake Champlain. To the Dutch they were known as River Indians, while the French grouped them and the closely connected Munsee and Delawares under the name of Loups (‘wolves’). The same tribes were called Akochakaneñ (‘stammerers’ ) by the Iroquois. On the west bank they joined the Munsee at Catskill creek, and on the east bank they joined the Wappinger near Poughkeepsie. They extended north into Massachusetts and held the upper part of Housatonic valley. Their council fire was … Read more

Theresa Adelaide Todd Chapman of Newark Valley NY

CHAPMAN, Theresa Adelaide Todd7, (Josiah6, Dan5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 4, 1838, married Feb. 14, 1860, Mandelbert Newton Chapman, who was born July 5, 1837, died Feb. 11, 1868. He was a farmer and lived in Newark Valley, N. Y. Child: I. Fannie Josephine, b. Oct. 28, 1862, in Newark Valley, N. Y., m. first, (???) Butts, m. second, Edward R. Buson, they lived in Lane, Franklin County, Kan.

Bidwell, Mary A. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Died-At North Powder, Oregon, Tuesday, August 30, 1921, Mary A. Bidwell, age 82 years and 5 months. The funeral took place from the M. E. Church, Union, Oregon, Thursday, September 1, at 2 p.m. Mary Ann Gilbert was born March 31, 1839, at Spencer, New York. When but a small child she moved with her parents to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where she lived till she reached womanhood. On September 5, 1859, she was united in marriage to Charles C. Bidwell who passed away November 25, 1915. To this union were born five children, four … Read more

Biography of L. S. Hall, M. D.

One of the first physicians to locate at the Town of Augusta in Butler County was Dr. L. S. Hall. That was nearly forty years ago. For a number of years Doctor Hall lived outside of Kansas, but the greater part of his professional career had been identified with a town that had since developed into a thriving city, the center of one of the greatest oil districts in Southern Kansas. Doctor Hall had done a great deal of good through his profession, and had lived a well rounded and complete life. His is an excellent ancestry. Doctor Hall was … Read more

Samuel Todd of North Haven CT

Samuel Todd7, (Josiah6, Dan5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 22, 1817, in North Haven, Conn., died Dec. 1898, in South Manchester, Conn., married first, Jan. 7, 1851, Emily, daughter of Harvey and Nancy (Johnson) Rich, of Owego, N. Y., who was born Dec. 10, 1825, died Dec. 26, 1868, in Newark Valley, N. Y. He married second, Jennie Button, who lives in South Manchester, Conn. Samuel Todd went to Newark Valley, N. Y., with his father in 1834, and a year later, when the tannery, which was to have given employment to Samuels father, Josiah Todd, went into bankruptcy, … Read more

Adelaide Stoyell Todd Holley of Owego NY

HOLLEY, Adelaide Stoyell Todd8, (George N.7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 18, 1847, married June 21, 1868, Morris N. Holley. They lived in Owego, N. Y. Children: I. Ethel May, b. March 19, 1873, d. July 15, 1873. II. William Todd, b. June 6, 1881, d. Sept. 3, 1881. III. George Morris, b. July, 1886, m. July 3, 1911, Edith Elizabeth Bell, they live at 19 Forsyth St., Detroit, Mich.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Rockefeller

Rockefeller, Frank; capitalist; born at Richford, Tioga County, N. Y., in 1845, where he lived for several years, until his father and brothers moved to Cleveland; for several years, he followed various occupations, until he became interested with his brother, John D. Rockefeller, in the oil business, becoming one of the principal promoters of the Standard Oil Co.; retired from active business interests in 1895; he has a summer home at Wycliffe, O., and a big ranch in Kansas; member Union, Columbia and Roadside Clubs, Cleveland, and the Ohio Society, N. Y.; Republican.

Josiah Todd of North Haven CT

Josiah Todd6, (Dan5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 18, 1794, in North Haven, Conn., died Oct. 22, 1869, married June 17, 1816, Elizabeth, daughter of Jesse and Patience (Todd) Clinton, who was born Sept. 20, 1796, died Nov. 18, 1886. For her mothers ancestry, see number 213. They lived first in North Haven, Conn., then Newark Valley, N. Y., and later they returned to North Haven. Josiah Todd was a prominent man in town, school, society and military matters for about fifteen years. He was orderly sergeant for some ten years in the old militia company and was more … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Davison Rockefeller

Rockefeller, John Davison; capitalist; born, Richford, N. Y., July 8, 1839; son of William Avery and Eliza (Davison) Rockefeller; brother of William R. (q. v.); moved to Cleveland, O., 1853; public school education; married Laura C. Spelman, of Cleveland, Sept. 8, 1864; father of John Davison, Jr., and Edith Rockefeller McCormick (both q. v.); was clerk in forwarding and commission house at 19, partner in firm of Clark & Rockefeller, commission merchants; firm became Andrews, Clark & Co., and engaged in oil business; in 1865, the firm, then William Rockefeller & Co., built Standard Oil Works, Cleveland; this was consolidated … Read more