Maryland Cemetery Records, Prince George to Worcester Counties

Maryland Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Maryland county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Prince George’s County Following Cemeteries (hosted at Prince George’s  County, Maryland Tombstone Transcription Project) Addison Chapel of St. Matthew’s Ammendale Cemetery Cedar Hill Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Hamilton Family Cemetery Hilleary Family Cemetery Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery Ivy Hill Cemetery St. John’s Episcopal Church Cemetery St. Mary’s Catholic Church St. Mary’s Catholic Church Fort Lincoln Cemetery  (hosted at Interment) … Read more

Biography of Matthew P. Deady

Any work professing to describe the representative men of the Pacific Coast would be very incomplete which failed to present a sketch of the life and labors of the distinguished jurist whose name stands at the head of this article. Coming to Oregon in the flower of his early manhood, he has grown with the growth of his adopted State, and strengthened with her strength. His hand and mind are everywhere seen in her constitution, her laws and her polity. Her material advancement has been greatly promoted by his efforts, and his name will ever remain indelibly impressed upon her … Read more

Biography of James A. McGonigle

James A. McGonigle. For many reasons may James A. McGonigle, contractor and builder and one of Leavenworth’s most respected citizens, be regarded as deserving of extended mention in a history of Kansas. He came to Leavenworth as a pioneer in 1857; he was an early, brave and loyal soldier in the Union army until incapacitated by wounds in the Civil war; since then had been more prominent in the upbuilding of the city than any other man; and still at the age of eighty-three carries on large business operations and with the same facility and exactness that won him the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter J. Cortelyou

Peter J. Cortelyou, third son of Luther Cortelyou, was born on a farm in Talbott County, Maryland, June 25, 1885, and was four years of age when his parents removed to Muscotah, Kansas. He attended the public schools there, graduated from the Atchison County High School in 1904, and then for several years was associated with his father in the grain business. During 1910-12 he owned and edited the Muscotah Record. In November, 1913, he was appointed postmaster of Muscotah, under President Wilson, and had filled that office to the present date. On July 1, 1916, Mr. P. J. Cortelyou … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin Buchanan Owen

Owen, Franklin Buchanan; insurance; born, Talbot County, Md., Sept. 27, 1882; son of William Tilghman and Mary Tilghman Buchanan Owen; educated, public schools of Talbot County, Md., St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md., University of Maryland, School of Law, Baltimore, Md.; first lieut. Maryland National Guard; resigned in 1904; in November, 1897, entered the employ of Messrs. Lawford & McKim, general insurance agts. and brokers, of Baltimore; remained there until April, 1899; resigned to accept a position with the American Bonding Co. of Baltimore; was with that Company in various positions, until Dec. 31, 1906, resigning as sec’y and treas., to … Read more

Biography of John R. Caulk, M. D.

Dr. John R. Caulk, urological surgeon of St. Louis, was born at McDaniel, Talbot county, Maryland, October 30, 1882, a son of the late Frank E. and Sarah D. (Wrightson) Caulk. The father was a representative of a prominent Maryland family of Scotch and English lineage and engaged in business as a wholesale tobacconist, winning substantial success. He died in 1894 at the age of forty-one years, while his wife passed away in 1912 at the age of fifty-two. She was also a representative of one of the old Maryland families of English lineage founded in the new world prior … Read more

Biography of Edward Thomas James

Among the veterans of the great Civil war who came in numbers to Kansas following the end of strife, was Edward Thomas James, whose useful and honorable life closed on December 6, 1915. For almost a half century he was one of the representative men of Shawnee County, an active force in the development of this section and one who will long be remembered for his sterling traits of character. Edward Thomas James was born in Talbot County, Maryland, August 27, 1830. At the time of his death he was the only survivor of his parents’ family of three children. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Jim Taylor

Interviewer: Rogers Person Interviewed: Jim Taylor Location: Baltimore, Maryland Place of Birth: Talbot County, Maryland Date of Birth: 1847 Place of Residence: 424 E. 23rd St., Baltimore, Maryland Age: 89 Reference: Personal interview with Jim Taylor, at his home, 424 E. 23rd St., Baltimore. “I was born in Talbot County, Eastern Shore, Maryland, near St. Michaels about 1847. Mr. Mason Shehan’s father knew me well as I worked for him for more than 30 years after the emancipation. My mother and father both were owned by a Mr. Davis of St. Michaels who had several tugs and small boats. In … Read more

Biography of Luther Cortelyou

Luther Cortelyou was for many years one of the prominent grain merchants of Kansas, and in later years had given his chief attention to the management of the Farmers State Bank of Muscotah, of which he is president. Mr. Cortelyou had resided in Muscotah for nearly thirty years. His family is a prominent one in Atchison County, and his son Peter J. is now postmaster of Muscotah. Mr. Cortelyou was born in Somerset County, New Jersey, December 23, 1851, and is descended from some of the original stock of the Jersey Coast. His ancestors were both Dutch and French. In … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthew P. Deady

HON. MATTHEW P. DEADY. – The character of the man whose name heads this article is one to which justice cannot be done in a short sketch of the principal events of his life. However, it will serve to illustrate one pure, wise and energetic; one of those who, while he gained his education, toiled for his living; one of those whom no circumstances, poverty or hardship could deter or turn aside from his purposes and the pursuit of knowledge. Judge Deady was born in Easton, Talbot county, Maryland, on May 12, 1824. His parents were good and respectable people, … Read more

The Cox family in America

The Cox family in America

Two volumes of Cox family genealogy combined as one. The first volume contains information about the various early Cox families across America. The second volume deals specifically with the descendants of James and Sarah Cock of Killingworth upon Matinecock, in the township of Oysterbay, Long Island, New York.