Biographical Sketch of Edward L. Harris

Harris, Edward L.; asst. supt. of schools, Cleveland; born, Delavin, Wis., December, 1852; son of David Franklin and Lucretia E. Rowley Harris; educated at Wayland Academy. Beaver Dam, Wis. and Syracuse University (A. B., Ph. B).; married, Beaver Dam, Wis., December, 1878, Eva E. Gould; issue, Fred Gould, Ray Gould, Eva Lucile (deceased, 1896); principal high school, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1878-1880; teacher in Cleveland High Schools, 1880-1887; principal West High School 1887-1889; principal Central High School, 1889-1912; asst. supt. of schools, September, 1912, to date; member National Education Ass’n (pres. secondary dept.); State Education Ass’n (pres. secondary dept.); North … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michall F. Donovan

Donovan, Michall F.; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., 1863; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Corning, N. Y.; married, Auburn, N. Y., 1905, Margaret Holmes; learned the printer’s trade, starting when 14, and worked at it for eight years, working in large cities of New York State, Syracuse, Albany, Troy and New York City; became interested in the manufacture and sale of typewriting machines in 1885; in 1892, started the making of typewriter ribbons in Cleveland; later added the making of carbon papers; see’y and treas. The Buckeye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass’n

Biographical Sketch of Simon Ralph Walkingstick Jr.

Simon Ralph, son of Simon Ridge and Viola (Osborne) Walkingstick was born at Tahlequah Aug. 17, 1896. Educated at Bacone and Dartmouth Colleges, graduating from the latter with B. S. degree. Married at Syracuse, N. Y. December 15, 1917, Margaret E., daughter of C. H. McKaig. They are the parents of Syvertsen Ralph Walkingstick, born. July 3, 1920. Simon Ralph Walkingstick is a Presyterian. In Dartmouth, he was one of the eleven members of the students governing body, President of the College Y. M. C. A., President of the Collegiate Cosmopolitan Club. originator of one of the two principal College … Read more

Biography of William McEniry

William McEniry, one of the early settlers of the County of Rock Island, was born in Charleville, County Cork, Ireland, a village near the line of County Limerick, on February 15, 1817, where he received his education and where he was engaged in mercantile business two years prior to his departure for America which was in April 1840, having heard much of the United States from an uncle who at that time lived in Albany, New York, he concluded to pay a visit to his uncle, and in company with his eldest sister, departed for America, arriving in New York … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. J. A. Mack

R. J. A. Mack, of Redlands, is a native of Syracuse, New York, born June 24, 1842. He received his education in the schools of Syracuse and Fulton, New York, and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Townsend, of Syracuse; he also attended and graduated at the college at Geneva. He began practice at Syracuse, afterward continuing at Rochester, and later at Lyons, New York. Thence he removed to Chicago, where he attended Bennett Medical College (Eclectic), graduating in 1876. He practiced in Chicago until 1886, when he removed to California, and on the 9th of November of that … Read more

Cowles, Clara Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Clara Cowles aged eighty-five years, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter Mrs. Robert Clark, four miles east of North Powder. Mrs. Cowles was born in Syracuse, N.Y., but has been a resident of this section many years. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morning conducted by Rev. G.R. Archer. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. North Powder News Saturday, December 25, 1920

Biographical Sketch of Leon Brooks Bacon

Bacon, Leon Brooks; lawyer; born, Taberg, Oneida County, N. Y., July 24, 1870; son of Sidney Brooks and Esther D. (Munger) Bacon; grandson of Rufus Bacon, graduate of Harvard College, 1810, and Ann Tucker (Dalton) Bacon, of Boston, Mass.; B. A., Williams College, 1893; LL. B., Syracuse University, 1899, admitted to the bar in New York, 1898, and in Ohio, 1903; Publishers Weekly office 1894-1895, in business London, England, 1895-1896; married at Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1900, Anna Osborne Anthony, niece of Susan B. Anthony; children, Harriet Anthony, Ann Dalton and Susan Anthony; compiled History of Descendants of Michael Bacon … Read more

Hascall, Charles Daniel – Obituary

Charles Hascall of Pilot Rock died last night at home. He was 84 years of age and was born in 1837 near Syracuse, New York. At the age of three he moved with his parents to Vermont and remained there until 50 years of age after which he came to Pilot Rock. He is survived by four sons, Fred, Arthur, James, and Maurice Hascall, all of Pilot Rock, as well as 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Pilot Rock tomorrow at 10 a.m. with Rev. Love officiating. East Oregonian, July 2, 1923 Contributed by: … Read more

Biography of James F. Mahon

It is especially gratifying to be enabled to chronicle in this volume of the history of Harney county the salient points in the career of the estimable gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch, since he has done so much for the development and advancement of this county, has demonstrated his ability as a financier and to handle successfully large interests, of which he is happily possessed at the present time, being doubtless the largest grain farmer in the county and also a leader in raising fine horses and mules; while individually, Mr. Mahon is a man of marked … Read more

Biography of Fred Eugene Pettit

Fred Eugene Pettit is a veteran business man and merchant of Marion County, and until he retired a few years ago conducted one of the largest stores at Peabody. Mr. Pettit was reared and educated and gained his first mercantile experience in the State of Illinois. He was born at Wyoming in Stark County, Illinois, January 8, 1861, a son of Peter and Mary Anne (Bailey) Pettit. Peter Pettit was born in New York State and located in Illinois in 1851, when the country was new and undeveloped. After a few years he lost his health and suffered invalidism throughout … Read more

Biography of James Shanahan

JAMES SHANAHAN A STATE official whose long, industrious, persevering career in mechanical pursuits, and whose works in different parts of the country evince his superior powers as a master of his art is the Hon. James Shanahan, superintendent of public works of the state of New York. He belongs to a class of men whose talents and energy have advanced and enriched the interests of the empire state by the construction of works intimately connected with the railroads and canals, trade and commerce. He is a native of Ireland, and was born on the 6th of February, 1829, having now … Read more

Biography of John Frawley

JOHN FRAWLEY. – It is pleasant to contemplate the faithfulness of the gentleman whose life’s career it is now our privilege to outline in brief review. He has won again and again the encomiums of his fellows in the political field and the substantial appreciation of their approbation in being elected to the responsible position of treasurer of Union county, which position he is holding for the third successive term, having been elected on the Republican ticket. John Frawley was born in Syracuse, New York, on May 29, 1850, being the son of Cornelius and Mary (Halliman) Frawley. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Rowlee Fausey

JOHN ROWLEE FAUSEY – To the general advancement of the interests of the public schools of Massachusetts, and particularly of Springfield and West Springfield, Mr. Fausey has devoted the larger part of his career as a teacher and superintendent, and with results that are recorded as having enlarged the bounds and increased the value of the educational institutions in those communities where he has taught and held official position. John Rowlee Fausey, son of James Seldon and Caroline Helen (Blauvelt) Fausey, was born March 19, 1870, in Elmira, New York, where he attended the public school, and he afterwards graduated … Read more

Biography of John Hallenbeck

In March 1864, John Hallenbeck became a resident of Silver City, and from that time until his death, throughout the period of pioneer development and latter-day progress, he was prominently identified with its upbuilding and interests. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Albany, October 24, 1830, and was of Holland lineage. His ancestors were among the early settlers of New York and participated in the events which form the colonial and Revolutionary history of that state. The maternal grand-father of our subject was also one of the heroes of the war for independence, and his wife … Read more

Biography of George H. North

Among the worthy citizens that New York has furnished to the state of Idaho is George H. North, the well known clothing merchant of Pocatello, whose enterprising, progressive methods give character to the business life of the city, and whose reputation in commercial circles is unassailable. He was born in Springwater, Livingston County, of the Empire state, July 14, 1858, a son of C. S. and Elvira Thankful (Wetmore) North, who likewise were natives of the same county. The father successfully carried on farming there until his death, which occurred in the fifty-eighth year of his age, while his wife, … Read more

Biography of George S. Bond

George S. Bond, a manufacturer of Charlestown, was born in that town, March 2, 1837, son of Silas and Alice (Abbot) Bond. His grandfather, William Bond, who was born in Watertown, Mass., at the age of twenty years came to Charlestown, and thereafter carried on general farming during the remainder of his active life. One of his six children was Silas Bond, who married Alice Abbot, and also was the father of six children, including the subject of this sketch. George S. Bond was educated in the district schools of the town. At the age of seven years his father … Read more

Ella May Todd Franklin of Syracuse NY

FRANKLIN, Ella May Todd9, (Lewis E.8, Enoch L.7, Daniel6, Daniel5, Daniel4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 9, 1885, in Rodman, N. Y., married April 7, 1907, Jesse D. Franklin, in Watertown, N. Y., but is now (1913) living in Syracuse, N. Y. Children: I. Clara Todd, b. April 8, 1905, in Watertown, N. Y. II. Herschel Jesse, b. Jan. 9, 1913, in Syracuse, N. Y.

Biography of Charles McHugh

Among those prominent in business, social and club life in the City of Rock Island, is Charles McHugh, a man who through persistent industry and commercial acumen has wrought for himself a successful career. His parents were Thomas Edwin and Ellen (House) McHugh. His mother was born in Syracuse, New York; his father was a native of Inniskillin, Ireland, but removed to this country, where the subject of this sketch was born September 3, 1863, at Syracuse, New York. Four years later his parents came west and located at Tiskilwa, in this State, where his mother is still living. Here … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Elmer Crofut

Crofut, William Elmer; wholesale rubber; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1874; son of Elmer Burr and Hattie A. Davis Crofut; educated in public and private schools of Syracuse and Syracuse University; married, Concord, N. H., Dec. 5, 1899, Ruth Paul; one son, William E., Jr., served in 141st N. Y., Spanish-American War; came to Cleveland, October, 1899, as manager of a mercantile agency; three years later engaged as sec’y and treas. Ohio Rubber Co., remaining with the firm until September, 1905, when he organized the Forest City Rubber Co., continuing as president-treasurer and gen. mgr. since; member Mayfield Country … Read more

Luzerne A. Todd of Syracuse NY

Luzerne A. Todd9, (Zerah A.8, Zerah7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 3, 1842, married Feb. 28, 1871, Marien Rogers, who was born July 8, 1843. He was a stock broker nearly all his life until about 1910 when he retired from active business. In 1913, he was living at 236 West Brighton Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Children: 2633. Floyd Rogers, b. July 16, 1874, in Richmondville, N. Y., m. June 28, 1900, Mildred Elizabeth, daughter of Warren C. and Harriet E. (Duncan) Brayton. Her parents were both living in Syracuse, N. Y. in 1913. Mr. Todd passed … Read more