Biographical Sketch of Richard Avey

Richard Avey, farmer and stock-dealer; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Suffolk Co., Eng., Aug. 19, 1837. He married Miss Celia Oakland May 31, 1858; she was born in Norway, Feb. 7, 1841; they had eight children – seven living, viz., Mary J., William T., John L., Maud I., Richard G. N., Martha C. and Oscar L.; Leander R. died Sept. 25, 1866; he lived in England about eighteen years, when he came to the United States, and settled in LaSalle Co., Ill., where he lived about two years; he then came to Coles Co; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Edgar

James Edgar, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch was born in Suffolk Co., England, March 21, 1838. He married Miss Margaret Hilligoss May 8, 1862 she was born in Rush Co., Ind., Sept. 15, 1845; they had seven children, five living, viz., John P.. William T., Ora May, James Rue and Leroy. He lived in England fifteen years; he then moved to Scotland, where he lived two years and returned to England; remained there until he was 19, when he came to the United States, arriving at Chicago, and, in 1857, he came to Coles … Read more

Biography of Alfred Tennyson

Lord Tennyson

Poet. The Victorians, as a whole, were a generation of fighters. They battled against Nature’s forces, subduing floods and mountain barriers, pestilence and the worst extremes of heat and cold; they also went forth into the market-place and battled with their fellow men for laws, for tariffs, for empire. Their triumphs, like those of the Romans, are mostly to be seen in the practical sphere. But there were others of that day who chose the contemplative life of the recluse, and who yet, by high imaginings, contributed in no less degree to enrich the fame of their age; and among … Read more