Biography of William Henry Nelson

WILLIAM HENRY NELSON. Popular, efficient and faithful, such would be the verdict passed upon the character and official standing of our subject by any good citizen of Stone County, Arkansas, of whom the question might be asked. He holds the responsible position of county clerk, and is a public-spirited, law-abiding citizen whom to know is to regard with respect. He is a native of the county in which he now lives, his birth having occurred December 17, 1862, his parents being J. G. B. and Caroline J. (Bishop) Nelson, natives of the Palmetto State, where they were reared and married. … Read more

Biography of Jacob Yocum

JACOB YOCUM. Stone County has been fortunate in being developed by men who are not only ambitious but broad-minded and farseeing. Many portions of it are as attractive as though laid out by a landscape gardener and reminds one of the beautiful Champs d’Elysee of which Paris is so proud. In all the county there is no more diversity of scenery than in Washington township, and that portion of it in which our subject lives. Jacob Yocum is a native of this county, or what is now Stone County, born in 1837. Son of Levi and Mary (Patterson) Yocum, who … Read more

Biography of Isaac Preston Looney

ISAAC PRESTON LOONEY. The subject of this biographical notice is an honorable and progressive farmer, and as such no name in the memorial department of this work is more worthy of mention. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1831, a son of John and Lucinda (Edrington) Looney, both of whom were natives of east Tennessee. The father was a carpenter and farmer by occupation, and when the subject of this sketch was a child removed with his family to Franklin County, Ala., and there made his home until 1853. They next located in Smith County, Tex., where both … Read more

Biography of John Maloy

JOHN MALOY, deceased. Although the gentleman whose name heads this sketch has “passed to that bourne whence no traveler returns,” his walk through life was characterized by so much honor and such an earnest desire to benefit his fellows and the section in which he resided, that his memory will remain green in the hearts of the many citizens of Stone County, Arkansas He was born in Bengal, County Tyrone, Ireland, and when but a lad crossed the stormy ocean to America and landed at Quebec, thence to New York, from which place he went to Memphis, Tennessee, and in … Read more

Biography of Joshua W. C. Hinkle, M. D.

JOSHUA W. C. HINKLE, M. D. The profession of medicine, while a very inviting field for the student and humanitarian, is one that demands much self-denial and the exercise of repression and the sacrifice of the ordinary methods of advancing one’s interests. Among the physicians of repute in Stone County, Arkansas, the subject of this sketch holds a prominent place for his attainment in his profession, his courteous treatment of his brethren, the success he has attained in the practice and his broad and considerate and devoted care of those who require his professional services, all combine to make him … Read more

Biography of William A. Halliburton

WILLIAM A. HALLIBURTON. Few, if any, among those engaged in the occupation of farming in Stone County, Arkansas, maintain a higher reputation for intelligence, thrift and industry than William A. Halliburton. He was born in Jackson, Tennessee, July 11, 1842, to Benjamin and Kansas P. (Holliman) Halliburton, who were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee respectively. The father was a small child when taken by his parents to Tennessee, but he grew up and married in Jackson County. He came with his family to Arkansas in 1852, and located in the neighborhood of Bickhorn, his farm at that time being … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Z. M. Horton

Z. M. HORTON was born in territory now embraced in Stone County, Arkansas, September 27, 1858. Moved with his parents to North Carolina in 1861, and returned to Arkansas in 1869, and has ever since resided in Baxter County, Arkansas Was educated at Mountain Home Male and Female Academy, of Mountain Home, Arkansas Quit school at the age of eighteen, and began to teach in the public schools of the country, and read law at night and on Saturdays. Continued this course most of his time until he was twenty-one years of age, when he was licensed to practice law … Read more