Biography of Harry L. O’Bryan

Harry L. O’Bryan is a Chetopa business man who has made himself very active in local affairs there for a number of years. He is a banker, an extensive farm owner, and operator, his name is associated with several of the leading business and commercial enterprises, and at the present writing he is serving as postmaster of the city. He is of Irish descent. His great-grandfather came out of Ireland as early as 1760, settled in Maryland, and about 1800 moved across the mountains into the new State of Kentucky. Mr. O’Bryan’s grandfather Sydney Francis O’Bryan was born in Kentucky … Read more

Biography of Henry Tulley Ashford

Henry T. Ashford has had much to do with Kansas newspaper life during the last quarter of a century. He is now editor and proprietor of the Elsmore Leader, which he founded. His name is also familiar in republican party circles in this section of the state, and whatever he undertakes he does with the fullness of enthusiasm which gets results and begets confidence in his ability. He represents a family of Kentuckians, though his people have lived in Kansas since pioneer times. His grandfather, of Irish-English stock, went at an early day into Kentucky and died near Bowling Green … Read more

Biography of George J. Pfister

George J. Pfister. The tireless business activities of some men constitute a greater service to a community than a long service in public office, and that is true of George J. Pfister of Coffeyville, one of the old time citizens of Montgomery County, formerly prominent as a cattleman and rancher, and one of the largest property owners in and around Coffeyville. In building up his prosperity it is a well known fact that Mr. Pfister had been guided by a constant desire to benefit the public as well as himself, and at every point his public spirit and devotion to … Read more

Biography of Mathew Alouisis Munding

Mathew Alouisis Munding, proprietor of the business at Muskogee conducted under the name of the New State Flour & Feed Company, a wholesale concern, belongs to that class of enterprising men whose activity and determination are salient elements in the up building of the community in which they reside. Muskogee owes not a little other commercial development to the efforts of Mr. Munding, who came to this state from Kansas, his birth having occurred in St. Paul, Kansas, July 30, 1881. He is a son of M. A. and Anna (Duling) Munding. The father engaged in the flour and feed … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Leda C. Steele

Mrs. Leda C. Steele, one of the most notable figures in the musical circles of Oklahoma and the southwest and enjoying as well an international reputation in connection with her art, makes her home in Muskogee, where she has resided since 1900. She was born in St. Paul, Kansas, a daughter of Edson H. and Artimissia (Sutherland) Crawford, the former a native of Elgin, Illinois, while the latter was born in the vicinity of Elgin. The father was a veteran of the Civil war. Having pursued her education in the public schools of St. Paul, Kansas, and in the high … Read more

Biography of William W. Graves

William W. Graves. It is as a publisher, author and editor that William W. Graves has made his mark in Kansas. Until he was about twenty-two years of age he had concerned himself with the business of getting an education, working in his father’s store at St. Paul, Kansas, and with teaching. Then came his decision to learn the printer’s trade. The publishers of the Pittsburg World expressed a willingness to “take him on” as an apprentice, allowing him to work as hard as he pleased, but he was to receive no wages at the first and was to board … Read more

Biography of Martin J. Kelly

Martin J. Kelly. The removal of the Kelly family to Kansas nearly fifty years ago brought a remarkably virile and substantial stock of people into the state. Martin J. Kelly, who was a child at the time of the family removal, and for thirty years or more has kept himself very busily employed at farming, contracting, and banking, and is now cashier of the St. Paul State Bank at St. Paul. There were fourteen children, and as a family these children have made a mark in the world. Their father was William E. Kelly, who was born in Tuam, Ireland, … Read more