Biography of Salem L. Ketterman

Salem L. Ketterman, one of the oldest residents of the village of St. Joseph, has been there continuously for forty-four years. He has all the time been closely associated with its welfare and has lived to see many changes recorded in the history of Champaign County. The only other man still living in St. Joseph who was there when he first settled is Mr. T. Jefferson Wooden. Mr. Ketterman is a native of the old State of Virginia, having been born in Hardy County, March 19, 1847, a son of John and Belinda (Full) Ketterman. His parents were also natives … Read more

Biography of John M. Peters

John M. Peters, who now lives retired in the village of St. Joseph, has exemplified above everything else that quality of permanence which enters into the best class of personal and national character. Mr. Peters was for sixty-five continuous years a resident of one place, the farm where he grew up as a boy and whose acres he tended so skillfully and diligently during his own active life. From the work of his hands and brain he has prospered, has reared useful children, and has made his name widely respected over his native county. Mr. Peters was born at Tipton, … Read more

Biography of Edward Butzow

Edward Butzow

Edward Butzow, a resident of St. Joseph Township for a long period of years, has had a career that challenges admiration and respect. It has the solid basis of industry and is crowned by a success of his own achieving, won by the strictest regards to honest principles and integrity of character. Mr. Butzow is one of the sturdy sons of the fatherland who in such numbers came to America in early years, poor in cash but with ambition and energy. He was born October 23, 1839, at Walkendorf in Mecklenburg Schwerin, son of Ernest and Sabina (Brosaman) Butzow. Ernest … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Leigh

Francis M. Leigh of St. Joseph village is one of Champaign County’s veteran farmers. He is also one of those living who have seen most of the development of this section of the country. His own part has been not entirely that of a witness, and taking the aggregate results of the work and influence of the Leigh family it can truthfully be said that their lives are inseparably identified with all the real history of the county. Mr. Leigh is one of the oldest native sons of St. Joseph Township, having been born on a farm a mile and … Read more

Biography of Norman C. Hoyt

Norman Hoyt and family

Norman C. Hoyt has spent the best years of his life in one of the rich agricultural districts of Champaign County, has become prosperous from his handling of the soil and its crops, has reared a capable family, and has many reasons to be well satisfied with the retrospect that he can now contemplate while living at his beautiful old home at the north end of Main Street in the village of St. Joseph. Mr. Hoyt was born in St. Joseph Township, June 6, 1863, son of James N. and Sarah (Hoss) Hoyt. His father was born at Moreau, Saratoga, … Read more

Biography of Jacob S. Coons

Jacob S. Coons. For nearly sixty years Jacob S. Coons has been a resident of Champaign County. He knew the county when it was wild prairie and swamp, and knows it as one of the garden spots of the world. He came here in the flush of young manhood, with little more than his native thrift and industry, and has found all those rewards which satisfy the ambitious man in material well being, family, home and community esteem. Mr. Coons was born in Tompkins County, New York, eight miles from the University City of Ithaca, a son of William and … Read more

Biography of Alpheus C. Swearingen

Alpheus C. Swearingen. At a pleasant home on Sherman Street in the village of St. Joseph reside a couple who carry with them many memories of Champaign County both old and new and are enjoying the declining years of life with comforts and the riches of esteem befitting their worthy careers. Mr. and Mrs. Swearingen spent their active lives on a farm, garnered many harvests there from, reared their children to worthy and useful lives, and then gave up their home in the country for the one they now occupy at St. Joseph. Mr. Swearingen is a native of Champaign … Read more

Biography of Van B. Swearingen

Van B. Swearingen was at once one of the most successful business men and most honored citizens of Champaign County. His name is especially associated with the community of St. Joseph, where the best years of his life were spent. Mr. Van Swearingen was born in Adams County, Ohio, June 2, 1837, and died January 21, 1901. His father, Andrew J. Swearingen, was a native of Pennsylvania who early migrated to Ohio, where he married Mary Brady. From Ohio he brought his family to Illinois, first locating near Homer and afterwards a mile south of the village of St. Joseph. … Read more

Biography of James M. Reese

James M. Reese has been a factor in the business life of the village of St. Joseph for nearly thirty years, and has made a success because he has given a service a little better than others in the same line and has constantly striven to please. Mr. Reese was born in that historic section of northwestern Pennsylvania, Washington County, June 17, 1853, a son of William and Matilda (Mikesell) Reese. His parents were also natives of Pennsylvania. The father died in Iowa at the home of his son Henry at the advanced age of ninety-two. In 1864, when James … Read more

Biography of David Maddock

David Maddock, who died in 1909, was a citizen of the type and virtues who should long be remembered not only among his descendants but by all who find encouragement and inspiration in a life of practical utility and a devotion to the best interests of mankind. Mr. Maddock lived in Champaign County for nearly half a century. He was born near West Elkton, Ohio, a son of Eli and Absillit (Woodward) Maddock. His father was a native of Ohio and his mother of North Carolina. When David was a young man, after he had obtained his education in the … Read more

Biography of J. B. Dunn

J. B. Dunn, after many years of activity as an agriculturist in Champaign County, is living retired in the comforts and conveniences of a good town home on Third Street in St. Joseph. Mr. Dunn is a native of the grand old Blue Grass country of Harrison County, Kentucky. His parents were Benjamin F. and Rachel (Kerns) Dunn, also natives of Kentucky. Mr. Dunn grew up in Kentucky and acquired his education by attending about three months every year a subscription school. When he was ten years of age he lost the guidance and care of his mother and some … Read more

Biography of Lew E. Stevenson

Lew E. Stevenson. The village and community of St. Joseph have had no citizen whose work and interests have been more closely identified with the general welfare than Lew E. Stevenson. His home has been there for forty years, and almost continuously during that time he was in business in the village, but has kept in close touch with the agricultural development as well. He has given liberally of his thought and purpose to the upbuilding of local institutions, particularly the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is now the only surviving original trustee. Mr. Stevenson was born in Highland … Read more

Biography of James Sperry

James Sperry, a well known contractor and builder at Ogden, is a native of Champaign County, and has spent his active career to good purpose early as a farmer and later in the business which has brought him such generous success. Mr. Sperry was born north of St. Joseph, November 27, 1859, a son of Elias and Serena (Helton) Sperry. His father was born in Ohio and his mother in Virginia. Serena Helton was a daughter of Simeon and Sally Helton, who moved from Virginia to Kentucky and when Serena was twelve years of age settled in Indiana. Serena Helton … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Cecil Somers

John Cecil Somers is one of the youngest bankers of Champaign, and his career and experience have been worked out in one-institution. When he was seventeen years of age he entered the Commercial Bank of Champaign, and by doing the duties which lay nearest and making himself generally useful to his superiors and to the bank’s best interests he was promoted through clerkships until he now has entire administrative management of the bank and is one of its stockholders. Mr. Somers was born at St. Joseph, Illinois, January 26, 1887, and is barely thirty years of age. His father, John … Read more

Biography of Jesse R. Glascock

Prairie View Farm and the Glascock Family

Jesse R. Glascock. Champaign County as a whole attests the truth of the observation that “Our civilization rests at bottom on the wholesomeness, the attractiveness and the completeness, as well as the prosperity of life in the country.” It is surely the men of the open country who compose the stay and strength of the nation in time of war and its guiding and controlling spirit in time of peace. This county has a number of men who measure up to the standards set in these words, and one of them is Mr. J. R. Glascock of St. Joseph Township. … Read more

Biography of Louis Denhart

Louis Denhart. If true success consists in a steady betterment of one’s material circumstances, a growing enlargement of views and increasing influence as a member of the community, the life of Louis Denhart has been exceptionally successful by all the standards that might be applied to it. Mr. Denhart, who though looking after the cultivation of a large amount of farming land, resides in the town of St. Joseph, was born in Harrison County, Indiana. His parents were John and Elizabeth Zimmerman Denhart, both natives of Germany. They came to America when still single, and were married in this country … Read more

Biography of Columbus Clinton McElwee

Columbus Clinton McElwee is one of Champaign County’s successful farmers and cattle feeders, and has come up from the bottom round of the ladder to a most successful position. The best type of success is that which depends upon personal energy and initiative in acquiring those things which a worthy ambition craves, and in this respect Mr. McElwee is one of the truly successful men of Champaign County. He was born at Wallace, Indiana, June 4, 1873, a son of David and Melissa Jane (Harlow) McElwee. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Indiana. His father … Read more

Biography of Otis G. Hawk

Otis G. Hawk, a native son of Champaign County, long identified with the agricultural enterprise of this section, has directed his efforts with such good purpose that now, at the age of fifty, he is able to retire and enjoy the comforts of a good town home in the village of St. Joseph. Mr. Hawk was born southeast of Urbana, May 5, 1867, a son of Isaac and Mary F. (Hiett) Hawk. His parents were born and married in Ohio, and they came to Champaign County in the early days, where they endured many of the hardships incident to pioneer … Read more